Solution for the PvP situation

The difference between premade vs pug and pug vs pug PvP gameplay is staggering. Premades want to stomp pugs for their rank grind, not actually participate in actual PvP combat. It’s all about maximizing HpH. To that extent joining in on the premade meta isn’t going to get anyone the PvP fix they were looking for when they signed up for classic.

Now whether or not Blizzard should fix that is a different conversation, but pretending that joining premades fixes it is just ignorance. Sorry that’s a hard concept for you to grasp.

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Retail has made everyone soft…classic is not a game for casuals. All the casuals just need to realize they can’t do everything the game has to offer.

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You can get your PVP fix, you just should attempt to LFG beforehand. Raids are no different.

Communication and coordination will always have more success than putting your progression in the hand of pugs.

Raids don’t have a built in match making system and you always face a static difficulty opponent.

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Neither do BGs. Your logic doesn’t refute the need for organised play in PVP.

Play casually, just don’t expect to win against anyone putting in more effort than you. If you are putting in no effort before queuing, you’re not going to have a good time regularly.

You make your own choices.

What are you talking about, BG’s have a built in match making mechanic.

You seem terrified of facing actual premades, and your response to pugs is git gud, why don’t you git gud and actually fight other premades?

Right so you are lazy and just want easy honor from rolling pugs.

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I do, we all do. You should too. I’m not the one begging for exemption, bro.

All we can ever do is attempt to git gud. That’s Classic.

Well no it’s not, we can also point out horrible systems that haven’t aged well over time. Like the matching system, a system that has already been changed multiple times because of changes in player behavior.

You are just terrified of having to face other premades and actually have to git gud.

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Who would have thought that a 16 year old game wouldn’t live up to modern standards.

We knew what we were getting, why would you think otherwise?

I’m fine vsing superior premades, it is what it is. I don’t think it’s fair for you to make no effort to group and be exempt from facing competitive teams. Especially when we all rank in the same competitive system.

It may take me forever to improve my own game and team play to contend with the best, but I would never cut myself out of the competition to avoid them completely.

Except pugs do face competive teams.

You continuously fail to understand this.

But you want to cap the skill level of those you face. It’s not the same thing, we’re all in this together.

I don’t want to stomp pugs, I want those who solo queue to take the initiative and create more viable opponents for us all to face.

You shouldn’t be allowed to take the easy way out. None of us should.

Right and so do you.

You want to guarantee your easy matches.

But you do want to stomp pugs, that is why you are so terrified you might have to face only other premades.

Asking for even matches is not taking the easy way out.

Asking for premades to stomp pugs as you do is taking the eas0y way out.

Keep putting words in my mouth despite me telling you otherwise.

I know it doesn’t fit your agenda.

We actually beat one of the best premades of our region today. Granted it’s 1 out of 10 battles but it’s progress.

When you remove yourself from the competition, you’ll never grow as a competitor.

I do not see this. No one is capping skill level. A high warlord could join solo and compete in the random que

No one is removing competition.

Explaining the situation you want to exist is not putting words in your mouth.

You want premades to be able to roll pugs.

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lol, so remove a major game feature in a game light on end game content to begin with.

Get out of here troll.

I want pugs to raise their own game without advocating for changes.

WSG and AB revolve around perfecting team play. You are capping your own skill level by queuing solo.

We just played a tight game against the same beast premade. We lost but it was really close.

We’re definitely improving. This is progression.

Eventually I’ll be able to out perform the more average premades while being able to contend regularly with the best.

That is progression.

If you want to be able to perform without relying on a team that can contend, you should stick to AV or even dueling outside of your capital city.

Maybe you should raise your own game play instead of asking others to do so?

Oh wait you are terrified of better premades than you can muster…
