Solution for the PvP situation

Of course not but the distinction is far wider between the top premades and the more casual ones. We’ve already debated on this point, in this very thread. Lets not repeat ourselves please.

So you do?


But the competition is far more than any one game. You compete for the amount of honor each week through the ranking system.

You’re asking to compete within the same ranking system, but be put in matches at a far lower skill tier.

It doesn’t add up.

You choose to compete. Its a choice.

Except it’s not, sometimes you’ll be matched up against a group you have no chance against. Pugs are in the same situation there as you are premading.

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And so are you by wanting to only verse pugs and conceding by your own admission when versing a premade.

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Except pug vs pug is the same skill tier as premade vs premade.


Yep, as do you.

It is not the same, you choose to do the ranking system.

No, it’s not, by any means.

In an ideal pug vs pug format, your win rate would be 50%, right?

High tier premades vs a premade of the same skill would also be 50%.

Casual premades vs casual premades would be close to 50% too.

High tier premades vs casual premades is near 0%.

As a pug, your success rate vsing high tier premades, is the same as a casual premade, which again, is 0%.

Your ability to join a group and compete with casual premades, is higher than my ability to compete with the high tier players.

You have my support if you want a casual mode that does not advance you in the ranking system.

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How can you say that then want to rank by versing pugs?


Leave the honor the same and the ranking will be more through premades still. Just not as fast, but that would be universal.

Because we’re all in this together. We all have the ability to join as a group and coordinate better as a team.

The best teams have hundreds of hours of experience, but they are afforded the same privileges as we are.

Not if high ranking players decide that it is more valuable to solo queue than face the best premades.

Honor gain in a solo queue from these players would have high value.

Without a proper skill rating ranking system, you can’t stop this from happening.

But you are splitting up your premades into multiple categories, I can do the same with pugs. On good teams pugs will have a 50/50% win rate vs other good pugs, on bad pug teams you’ll have a 0% win rate vs good pugs.

Once again you simply fail to understand that not all pug groups are the same. Just like how not all premade groups are the same.

No, because a pug system is by definition generated randomly. It would indeed be close to a 50% win rate.

So the meta changes, who cares? Only the rankers.

So you would forsake group play to boost solo play, in a social MMO.

That is the problem.

And? premades are also matched up randomly.

So you’ll have your games where sometimes you get the easy win, or you’ll have the games where it’s relatively even and you have to work, and yes you’ll have games where you get rolled by a better premade.

That is exactly the same odds facing pugs.

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