Solution for the PvP situation

I think that a group of pugs can have just as big of a swing difficulty wise vs another pug as a LFG premade can against another premade.

No I’m advocating that groups fight roughly equivalent groups for equivalent rewards. Pug vs Pug is the equivalent of premade vs premade. Everyone would get equal rewards for equal difficulty.

The people advocating for fighting at a lower tier are the premades who want to roll pugs. People like you who just want to roll pugs and get rewards for it are the ones who want easy games.

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That’s assuming that all premades are of the same calibre, which they most certainly are not.

Like, I just mentioned a post prior. We have the same success rate versus the top teams, which is 0%.

You do know you contradict yourself immensely. You say that it would not be fair for a lower level premade to fight a higher level premade. Yet you want both the lower level premade and the higher level premade to stomp solo que pugs. The definition of Irony.

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You don’t read my posts very well. My point has always been that allowing a solo queue to have it’s own format, would decentivize casually grouping completely.

I don’t want to stomp pugs, I would prefer more to form groups so that they don’t provide themselves such a large disadvantage.

Would work until there is a premade discord and they start win trading rather than fighting.

They don’t actually want to pvp they just want the gear. The mentality has changed,
Once upon a time alot of players pvp’d because they enjoyed it, and the gear was a bonus and hardcore rankers were the minority, now its the opposite.

The majority of premades are only after honour not a fight and the fact that when they verse another premade one side bascially afk’s it shows what they are after.


but we have solo que. and you condone crushing them while saying its not good for lesser rated premades to face higher level premades. Man I cannot believe this crap lol.

well at this point I guess I would take that and let them have it, if we could have premade free battlegrounds. I think lots of people want to play for fun and not rank.

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Like me, ill just Av now, id rather a fun game rather than a win.

I got Rank 9 in vanilla just by pugging bg’s and i did all of them then, Today i wouldnt have a chance getting that in 3 different bgs.


It’s not fun, I can admit that. The alternative that you suggests offers more problems than it solves.

There’s no real solution other than implementing a true ranking system.

the only problems it would make is ego problems.

The other workable suggestion is to provide a solo queue format, but to severely limit the amount of honor gained.

If you want your fun, you can have it. The other poster is against this idea, they want to avoid competition but obtain the same rewards as them.

I’m happy to engage with you but please don’t disregard the points I’ve made. This thread isn’t very long, I’ve made clear the averse affects that it would provide.

People said that pre Av premade Fix. Now Av is the only pug friendly bg.
Alliance players were going to boycott Av and Horde queues would be hours long.

In Oceania Queue times haven’t changed for Av which to me shows that Pug players are enjoying Av just as much as pre-fix.

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you can have both cues, but seperate them. If you think there will be less honor per hour that would be spread across everyone. From top tier to lower tier. It would be an ego problem but everyone has the same chance to stay competitively ranking.

AV should have always been the pug friendly BG. For too long in classic, AV gave more honor per hour than was possible in WSG.

Breaking AV premades also broke that meta. I’d hate to see that meta return.

OK, so you don’t read my posts critically. That wasn’t my argument.

Then why do alot of premades lay down/afk when they get matched against another premade?

Alot of premades want to just stomp pug’s when they get a even fight with people using consumables discord, pvp specs, they run.

Edit: A fix.

Give premade’s more Honour for a WIN in a premade vs premade system. No honour for kills.


And pro tip, not all pugs are the same calibre either.

As I said there’s a huge swing in quality of pugs. Just like how you can end up against another premade with no chance of winning the same happens in pug groups.

You just seem to think all players who pug are exactly the same and have a huge bias against the playstyle.

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We don’t? We at least attempt to win the first cap before conceding but even then we try to net as much honor as we can. Against the very best teams though, we never succeed in winning. They are just too good.

In a non complete premade vs a full premade that may be the case.

Well no, you still seem to not understand(or you just willfully deny) the reality.

Pug vs pug is the same level of competition as premade vs premade.