Solution for the PvP situation

So why do you concede when you verse a premade?

Then give premades verse premade more honour for a win. And make then verse each other.

You can rank faster which is what you want.

I am not forsaking anything. I am wanting pug vs pug, premade vs premade. You are the one worried about the groups failing. If the rankers choose something better for the meta that is not on me. That is the game you are playing, the meta.

The more you provide benefits to solo play, the less casual players will decide to queue as a group. As time passes, this will skew the ratio even further, until only the most hardcore choose to queue as a group.

More hard core solo rankers will choose to solo WSG and you’ll be back here complaining that they are ruining the game for you.

There is no solution to make both style of play happy unless they implement a proper skill rating ranking system.

I’m happy with that but the other poster is not. Even though you are advocating for the same system, you disagree on the benefits that it should provide.

This shows that it is not as easy to solve as you all imply.

But the issue is not having good players queuing solo. The issue is the matching system grouping premade groups with pugs.

Noone would complain if more good players started solo queuing. I don’t think I’ve ever said damn, this player is too good let’s get rid of him.


Premades aren’t made up randomly. A pug is.

As I explained, if one format is more attractive than the other, you will see less casual players queuing as a group until there are none at all.

That doesn’t present the same odds that you suggest.

Umm… yes premades are matched up against another random premade…

The issue is that only the most hardcore and the ones with the best groups to contend with would choose group queue.

You’re happy to make your format better but have no regard for killing off another to casual players.

It’s easier for you to just queue as a group and take responsibility for your own play.

You are repeating yourself ad nausea. Your argument is not holding water. There are multiple ways to play the game but you want to force us into your version. NO! We are asking for change.

Well it would be.
Join as a group only verse other Join as a group. If you win you get extra honour.

But it wouldn’t work anyway because most premaders are not interested in Pvp they would rather win trade or whatever else in order to get HpH.

It really doesn’t matter what Blizzard does, Players have changed the current Meta, This generation is about doing as little as possible for maximum reward.

Unless there is a reward they are not interested.

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Of course, I am. Ziryus keeps spinning me round in circles. I’ll leave this to other posters, like you’ve said, I’ve made my point.

Well no… that’s not the case. Premades still get to avoid all the random junk pugs have to deal with in regards to toxic players, bads, afks etc…

As such premading will always be a thing for casuals.

You just don’t want to lose your easy wins against pugs.

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cool, mabye we will get to 1000 count doing this IDK. But blizzard starts watching high count threads, which helps the cause :slight_smile:

If your position can be spun in circles it’s not very good :stuck_out_tongue:

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Exactly, the more posts the more likely someone at blizzard will see it.

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Or they would mass report players in Av to get their team mates in like premades were doing in Av.


Happy to stomp pugs.

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They saw these posts already 16 years ago. That’s why changes were made into future instalments of the game.

When they announced Classic, they stated their intent. I don’t think you listened.

Maybe you haven’t been paying attention but the metas have dramatically changes over that time.

And blizzard has been willing to make changes to the queuing system(and other pvp tweaks) because of that. Addressing the premade vs pug issue which is far worse now than in vanilla certainly qualifies based on other changes made.

Then why was Av changed? flight path honour, Gadgetzan los camping.

Because player behaviour has changed.

Yes premades and other honour farming methods were in Vanilla.
Were they on this scale? No. That’s why Blizzard has made changes and will continue to make changes.

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We will see.