The downside of not having this conversation contained to one thread is that you can continue to repeat your suggestions, while ignoring anyone who counters it with a response.
It’s redundant for me to keep repeating myself.
A suggestion that would be a huge change to classic, but one that would be ultimately acceptable.
I don’t see this happening without reworking the ranking system completely.
I could already see in my head Jimmy Fallon coming on stage and making fun of the spergs willing to wait in Q for 20 hours just to play a 15 year old game, it would turn WoW Classic itself into a worldwide meme overnight, I mean like already more then it is.
I get why they were implemented. It’s the aftermath of what it created is more damaging, IMO. Again, Pros and Cons.
They based it off of 1.12, but it’s not exactly like 1.12. And I agree. Everybody has their own opinion in what makes Vanilla, Vanilla.
A lot of folks like to use the excuse of “longevity and health of the game”, when the point of Classic is because you like this version of the game. Its popularity should be absolutely irrelevant. And who’s banking on who to not be staying where?
And you’re claiming that if nobody is PvPing, even if there’s a lively Raiding Community, along with Levelers, it’s a “dead” game? I just want to be clear, that’s what you’re saying.
I only play on PvE Servers. I do play both Factions. What about them? They’ll share the same “issues” as every other Server…Not sure why you’re bringing them up?
My idea of enticing Guild/Server Communities is not restricted to a Faction. Long ques don’t bother me. I’ve waited in them, in LFD, as a DPS, before (even with CRZ). You can’t force people to BG, if they don’t want to.
Aha! But see, Classic is not supposed to be a “Modern Era” game. We all agree it’s an outdated game, and that’s the point!
I didn’t even mention, I don’t want BGs timed, either.
It is indeed more work vsing the very best teams than vsing a casual group, or a complete pug that can sometimes put up a good fight.
Removing yourself from any real competitors is asking for an advantage, that grouping casually wouldn’t provide.
If you advocate for such privileges, you should be prepared to forsake any reward by doing so.
With a solo bracket in play, I and others would stop grouping casually, as queuing solo would be far more ideal. You’d kill grouping other than those who have the experience to beat everyone else other than the very small amount of teams equal to their skill.
You continue to label those who queue as a group as those with the same amount of experience and dedication as the few teams who are in fact, absolute beasts.
That is not reality and it couldn’t be balanced fairly without a true match making ranking system.
Queuing solo in it’s own bracket, would provide a much more friendly playing field, that would be much more ideal and rewarding than queuing as a group and facing those beasts at an even higher rate than we currently do.
That’s why such a system shouldn’t provide the same rewards. You are advocating for a system that would provide you increase benefit but would further restrict those who play with friends. You’d push all casual play into solo queues.
You seem to think you entitled somehow. You are not. Just because you “choose” to form a group does not give you leeway for more rewards than anyone else.
Look I get it sometimes your LFG premade is going up against a hardcore dedicated premade. Guess what that happens in pug vs pug as well, sometimes you get into a pug and half the team is afk or drooling on their keyboards or something and the other team is all 100% on top of their game.
That’s legitimate RNG that the matching system cannot account for. The matching system can however easily account for people joining as a group. And even your LFG premade has a huge automatic advantage over a pug group.
So yeah pug vs pug is generally the same as premade vs premade and as such should reward the same.
The people who deserve no honor are the premades rolling pugs.
Against the proper high ranking competitors, our success rate is mostly the same as if we were 10 random pugs.
Your success rate to contend with casual players, while still lower odds, isn’t nearly as large of a gap.
If you understand how bad a full pug can be, why do you not attempt to group and change your own level of success?
No, it is not. The difference is very big.
Does not compute. They win because they have put in a lot more effort than you and your pug have. You should lose in this situation.
If you wish to avoid contending with opponents who are competing in the same honor rank system that you are, you should not be provided with rewards for doing so.
Play for fun but if you wish to advance at a more pleasant rate, you should seek out a group. If you communicate with comms, you’ll see even greater success.
Sometimes a group I join, will want more relaxed play and don’t wish to use comms at that time. We accept that is the mindset we are going in for and don’t expect a high success rate.
Yes I acknowledged you will get rolled by better premades from time to time.
Guess what same things happen in pug vs pug matches, sometimes the other team is simply better and you lose.
The system cannot account for that, what it can account for is premades not being matched against pugs as that is an automatic red flag that one team has a huge advantage.
And you’re the one saying that people demanding an easier match should get no honor. That is the definition of what lazy premades who demand they roll pugs want, easy wins with no competition.
Make every casual either play the crappy unbalanced BG that people only barely tolerate to max rep or so even crappier unbalanced world PvP, setting aside the only fun PvP for sweaty premades? Bad idea. Significant portion of subs (casuals) cancel instantly.
Make all BGs max 5 premade groups fixes all problems, except the stupid AV map.
The margin between the top premade teams and the more casual group is infinitely greater than what a pug vs pug could ever represent.
You’re asking to remove yourself from competing against all levels of premades while still competing with them for honor gained per week. That is not a fair system that you are advocating for.
At least with the current game, you have the means and ability to contend with everyone on the same playing field that we all face.
You want to make solo queue more attractive than joining as a group. You’d kill casual grouping and may even see some high rank players adapting to solo queue as a result.