SoloQ idea that doesn't destroy GroupQ

I know the SoloQ idea is a very controversial topic right now and for good reason, that I will not be getting into right away, so here is the idea.

What if we put in the SoloQ as a separate “3v3 rating bracket” as normal “3v3 rating bracket” but still under the same ladder. This would make it so you can SoloQ or GroupQ (My fancy term for q’n normally like now" under separate ratings but the same ladder. I think there would have to be separate “MMR” for the SoloQ and GroupQ so that people can use them to either have one to practice and just play and one to take seriously or frankly, do whatever they want with them.

I think this would kind of be the best of both worlds, the SoloQ is put in place and GroupQ’s times isn’t destroyed. The Q’s would be flowing and with the ratings being separate people can use both “brackets” however they deem fit.

What are opinions on this?


I agree we need arena skirmishes :face_with_monocle:

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This would work without stepping on anyone’s toes.

  • Wouldn’t kill premade bracket for people that want to group and q with friends.

  • Would allow people a QoL change by allowing instant qs and killing LFG.


I think we can all agree that we ALL WANT THIS.


SoloQ should be on its own ladder, the comps that are premade would have an advantage over a random made group.


oh no


But more seriously i 100% agree SoloQ and Group Q should be two separate ladder, would be entirely stupid otherwise.


I believe the iteration of soloQ would only allow, at most, 2 people to queue into an RBG, and queuing as a duo in arenas would put you in group queue.

That’s not what he’s saying, he’s saying they should have a separate rating not a separate bracket.

Way to read without knowing the context of my post

Read again, I was saying that killing LFG was a good thing.

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There are downsides to any system and I reckon most people advocating for SoloQ haven’t bothered to think about them.

A few issues that I can see people complaining about if this were implemented (ppl will complain about anything):

  1. Longer times to form groups in GroupQ - People already complain about this, taking players out of this pool who choose SoloQ would make the player base even smaller…finding healers might be even harder.
  2. Long SoloQ queue times - Assuming a healer is mandatory, there likely will be a long wait for DPS for a healer to join. If no healer is mandatory, it’s a bit of a cluster with triple DPS groups
  3. More tanks in arena - Good for tanks, annoying for most others. Most tanks (except Prot Paladins) don’t play arena because people don’t want to play with one…but now they can just jump into SoloQ
  4. Lower social aspect - Again some people might enjoy this, but the lack of that social aspect and ‘community’ feeling in WoW has been a complaint of retail. The forming of groups for arena and Mythic+ at least opens up some conversation most of the time…SoloQ is like normal/heroic dungeons where people are randomly grouped and just play without really talking.
  5. Impact on ladder - If the same ladder, the groups that formed themselves will have an advantage over SoloQ ppl who have weird comps thrown together, impacting the ladder.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language.


Which indicates the only reason people put themselves through the system in the first place is the lack of alternatives.

Just heal then? There’s reasons for the lack of healers in arena, i don’t see how this make it any worse.

Who cares lmao.

There’s nothing social about the current LFG tool. Yes, you might meet a decent human being once every 500 games and possibly make a friend, the other 499 times are just misery. That can still happen in SoloQ either way.

They absolutely should be separate ladders.

Imagine if arena skirmishes gave 220 gear, and rated arena gave 226+ and elite weapons. Oops that would be too fair lol my bad.


Why do they need to be separated ladders?

Having them on the same ladder but tied to a separate “rating” keeps the Q times shorter and effectively separates the only thing that matters, the current rating in the bracket.

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Skill Capped is hurting the game more than soloq would help. Their videos are just turning all the twitch chat types into meta slaves. That’s why ques take forever. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Skill capped was never about helping the game tbh. $$$


and their video about needing soloq isn’t because we need it it’s just a hot topic lmao. full agree


Because a main team rmp that has been queing together for months would have a bit of an advantage over a randomly set up no voice dh/mage/mw team, wouldn’t it?
I’m not really a fan of SoloQ, but if it was implemented, it wouldn’t be fair for the people queing to have to play into premades that are in voice, with experience together and coordinating everything, as well as playing meta comps when ppl qing soloq will most likely get a random comp that doesn’t work.

It also wouldn’t be fair cuz they would be so low in ladder due to their disadvantage that they wouldn’t be in a competitive place for titles or achieves compared to the people queing normally.

They need to have 2 separate ladders if it is implemented sometime.

Btw: Blizzard isn’t about to implement a whole new queing system out of the blue in the middle of an expansion that was launched 3 months ago. If they made SoloQ a thing, it’d be for next expansion, be ready to wait at least 2 years for it.

This is factual. It the mean time play the social aspect of the game and learn how to be likeable.

Would it be fair to completely destroy the q system we have now purely so people can have a QoL change, not even a proven fun change at this point. This game isn’t fair, right now people want accessibility and having the SoloQ and GroupQ on the same ladder is the most accessible.

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^^ This, it should be about people FINDING qs not completely reworking the ladder.

You want to q solo? That’s fine, soloQ could also work as a means to finding partners to q group with if you end up finding people you mesh with.

Let’s not make the same mistake we made with the old title system, look at how bad the new system is.

LFG/Finding people to q with/Solo qing should be a QoL change that’s implemented, but not at the cost of other modes.

I won’t even lie and say I wouldn’t use soloQ on my alts every time I logged in, but on the flipside, I wouldn’t want group arenas to die in the process which due to QoL ease, it 100% would.

Honestly them overhauling the LFG tools would help so much