Even just tying soloQ into the ladders itself could act as a means to a way to meet people to q with, which is the problem most people are having. It’s basically a “try outs” version of LFG where you can keep qing with the same people after a match or if you dont play well q again in hopes of getting a better team.
Then you have the people that don’t want to talk to anyone and spam q without having to group up ever, which would work for them too. Ofc, coordinated comms is going to have a slight advantage, but then again people no voice to high ratings anyways. If you’re aware enough, and have enough game knowledge, you’d be fine.
As long as more people are qing it would be worth it. I just played some games of 2s at 2kmmr and there were seriously only like 3 teams qing. No one is playing lol.
I honestly think that’s an SL problem rather than an arena problem at this point, subs are down the tube.
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Unfortunately one is reliant on the other
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I’m not entirely convinced of this. What I see happening is contingent on the reward structure, it is quite possible the already small arena community is now going to be seperated into different sections-- those that play soloque vs. those that play groupQ vs. those that overlap. At least, if both brackets offer the same rewards, at identical ratings, and neither bracket is specially incentivized over the other.
Also, if there were a separate Solo bracket, it’s hard for me to justify giving that bracket the same rewards as the Group bracket. Group brackets, theoretically, would see substanially higher levels of play. Moreover, more effort goes into finding a designated group, as opposed to just solo queueing.
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I like this idea because it would keep soloq que times shorter than if the two groups were completely separate.
I do not like this idea because it would make it make harder to get high rating in soloq because you’d hit the groupq wall.
No, thats why i don’t want SoloQ, but if it was to be implemented, i think making it be in the same ladder would be even worse. Look at league for example, it has SoloQ where u can q alone or with someone else, and it has flex, where u can q with teams of 5. Imagine if u could q with a premade of 5 in the same bracket where everyone is solo qing, the premade team would always have the advantage and would dominate the ladder. It would be even worse in wow considering there’s no way to know what comp you’re gonna be playing in soloq.
That’s the main reason i dont want SoloQ. Arena has seen representation be lower and lower every season. This season the representation skyrocketed due to the new expansion hype but its already going down, and it’s gonna keep going down. If on top of that we add a system that gives u an alternative, normal arena queues would completely die.
Yea you don’t understand what would happen. Naturally the GroupQ would get pushed above the SoloQ as the SoloQ is meant to be an entry into arena where you can play and learn and hopefully find like minded people to play the more serious version with. Another reason why i propose that SoloQ and GroupQ have different ratings attached to them.
If that’s the reason then skirmishes already fulfills that need as an entry level to arena