Soloing Hellfire Citadel

In BFA I was able to solo this no problem. There’s a few bosses where I’m actually almost dying.

Should I not be more stronger in SL?


I hope we get super buff in the new Normal raid gear.

Remember we had borrowed power, so I think, like the legacy effects of the Heart should still work outside of Shadowlands, I mean I may be wrong someone correct me if I am

Do people forget azerite traits were a thing? And that stat weights exist?

Bs, I ran it on alts with hardly no azerite and no corruptions with no issues

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Please see this thread and show your support because we deserve an answer and a fix from blizzard, currently old content should NOT be like this.


And now your running toons with no Azerite.

I am not having issues, but to say azerite made a difference when some of my alts had heirloom wpns and was clearing mythic.

Clearly you are.

No I am not, I was only replying to your stupid statement regard azerite and corruptions as to why we were clearing Hellfire in WoD so easy when that was not the case. I did not make this post but I do notice a huge difference between now and then and that with toons that are not geared in azerite and wearing heirlooms. If you can’t see that the scaling is an issue then maybe you are new to WoW. Either way it will get better.

Well I went in earlier and absolutely booty blasted things, so yeah no, cant relate.

Your also at a higher ilvl and dps. Like I said there is no issues I just noticed and as we get stronger so does the fact we will shred through old content.

There’s only one boss fight in there that should give you trouble, it’s the trio. They one caster orc turns into a shade or whatever. If you don’t kill them fast enough and be careful with that one, they’ll kill you. It takes a little effort but it’s doable. Probably harder as a warrior due to no self healing, but again it’s doable.

The rest of the raid is a cake walk. Except for 1 enemy in there I haven’t figured out what happens, but I just randomly seem to die with that mob pull attacking me. It’s right before one of the boss with the female draenei.

Do it on your level 50 alts instead if you can. Its easier. Which is totally and utterly ridiculous. Tried to do mythic Tomb of Sargares today 2 man. Way overtuned for how far past it we are. And it was even easier prior to the squish. It shouldn’t have broken things this badly. My main wow passion is mount farming and this sets me back badly


so im currently doing a wod dungeon/raid run. does this mean hellfire citadel is out of the question? doing it for the mount.

For real? I can solo Mythic HFC without much trouble on this lowly Level 50 character. If one can’t on a decently geared Level 60, the game’s scaling is definitely broken.

You’d think Blizz would know how to do an ilvl squish by now since this has been the third one (albeit the first actual level squish).

We were promised by Blizz that legacy content would be no more difficult than it was during BfA. The fact that raids from WoD are even remotely challenging right now is ridiculous. At this point we able to easily solo mythic Antorus.

“borrowed power” literally had nothing to do with it…

I mean, I was soloing HFC at 120 in quest greens… So I don’t think it was the borrowed power that’s changed.

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you should be going in there with your underwear only and a toothpick and just slaughtering them.

Borrowed power should have absolutely nothing to do with this.

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