Soloable Blackrock Foundry?

So can a Mage solo it? I’m at ilvl397 Arcane

Been soloable for awhile now.


You shouldn’t have any issues, I solo the raid with a balance druid I level 320.

You can solo Mythic at that ilevel. There are mechanics to be aware and of, and it can be a little glitchy in places (like Hans and Franz sometimes resetting if you don’t keep hitting both), but it’s more than doable.

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My level 120 Fire Mage has solo’d it on Mythic with little problems.

Everything in WoD is soloable except the first boss in Hellfire. It can be done, by certain classes, but the mechanics make it really annoying to do so.


Sorry but this seems like a good chance to ask. Can mele classes lacking mobility solo mythic Hellfire Citadel?

Just about no class other than maybe a speed twink or a DH can solo mythic assault, and that’s really pushing it.


Ha! I was just posting about that. The answer is honestly No. Paladins can’t. DH and a really good Hunter, and even they have to do it flawlessly.

My paladin has engineer boots, plus bear tartare and ilvl 400 and I still haven’t been able to solo it. Always wipe around 30% ish.

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Op,sure you can,go get em .

thanks everyone, the mechanics is what I’m most worried about. I know some where changed like the furnace but didn’t know about others.

Hellfire Assault has been heavily nerfed on Mythic mode. Was a stealth hotfix. It’s been doable for a little over a month.

The futnace part is just time consuming. Just have to lure the bomb carying guys to the 2 hatches and destroy them.

Easy solo on mythic.

Only problems I ever had was Blackhand’s knock back resetting the fight

Blast furnace was a pain but I found that if I waited to drop the bomb guy under the hatches, I could get 3 uses out of each bomb.

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Heavy and quick damage will carry you through every fight easily. The only exception I’ve found is Oregorger. If you kill him in less than 5 seconds or so(before he can barf once), it’s likely he will glitch and the door to the room will not open again when he dies.
For the furnace, its simple. Stand next to the hatches and kill everything that approaches. Give the engineers the chance to put one bomb on you before you kill them. They will usually try to go for the repair after one. Burn everything after.

I’ve never had issue with Hanz/Franz. Just slaughter the first one to come down in 2 seconds flat and the fight is over.

This toon here easily cleared mythic sub-400 ilvl as frost.

At your ilvl should be able to no matter what spec you choose.

I’ve done it at 110 on mythic.

Yes, you should have no problem soloing it on Mythic at that level. Even easier if you want to solo the other two levels.

At 408, I’ve been able to solo The Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold on normal. I tried normal Antorus but due to the lack of healing abilities I couldn’t do it. I can solo the LFR version though.