Solo Shuffle Update - January 6

These changes are great and well done for the quick response to our feedback Blizz!!

The one suggestion I have for solo shuffle, is to remember its origins - as a brawl. I love solo shuffle, it is the type of gameplay I enjoy in wow.

However, I feel there is this erroneous perception of shuffle that it is like normal rated arena, and due to this, it needs to follow the same meta.

Healers in suffle should not be a thing. Why not 3 dps? Is it not the chaotic pace of uncoordinated frenzy that makes shuffle special? That classic stun on stun momment or that perfect synergy with strangers for 1 round.

Sure, if there are healers, there should be 2 healers - 1 for each team, as it is today. However, having 3 dps, such as 2 melee 1 caster or 2 casters 1 melee, would make Qs quicker and still be aligned with what makes this fun.

I fear the natural urge of “balancing” will turn soloshuffle into a “turn on mic or get out” type of ordeal. “Have x talent or leave”. Soloshuffle should not try to mimic a coordinated arena 3v3. It should stick with what makes it fun.

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Solo Shuffle Feedback

  1. Time Management
  2. Playing solo vs IRL friends
  3. Healer Problem 1 - Control & Design
  4. Healer Problem 2 - Contribution & Impact

I only play WoW for PvP so solo shuffle is great for me.

  1. I play WoW and Overwatch and a lot of times I play overwatch simply because I just get to play the game that I want to play. I love that I can log onto overwatch and try to climb rating in competitive play on whatever hero I want. Since I work long hours I don’t always have time to level, gear, practice and play multiple classes that might not even be meta by the time I have enough gear to compete. At least with solo shuffle I’m competing against my own spec regardless of meta.

  2. I have IRL friends that I queue arenas with but there’s a skill gap so I’m not usually able to climb rating with them as much as I’d like. Having solo shuffle allows me to play rated arena when my friends aren’t online and that keeps me playing WoW.

  3. I flex to different roles in both Overwatch and WoW. In overwatch I primarily play tank and DPS but sometimes I’ll play healer. In WoW I primarily play DPS but I actually prefer to heal, but here’s why I usually don’t: A) Frustration of CC. Winning in arenas usually includes a long CC chain on a healer. As a player, especially in a role where others are depending on you, being unable to do anything because of a chain of CC is very frustrating. This is a game design issue. There must be something to allow for a win condition, so preventing a healer to play is one of the primary ways by design. A solution to this could be to make it more DPS dependent. If it was more beneficial for DPS to cc enemy DPS to interrupt/prevent high damage windows than to CC healers, then it would be less frustrating to heal because the game’s design wouldn’t promote healer cc chains. Note: it is already beneficial for DPS to interrupt/prevent high damage windows, however DPS players expect healers to trade CDs to keep them alive and save CC to get kills oftentimes.

  4. The reality is that healers tend to have the most impact in a win or a loss, but players connect the “big play that sealed the win” as the one who got the kill or the one who topped the damage charts. Good players know that top damage doesn’t always mean good play, but players want to see their name at the top especially when defending their contribution to the win or loss. In Overwatch the first league mvp was JJonak on Zenyatta, a highly offensive support hero. In WoW everything in the game is about doing damage. Healers don’t even level as their preferred spec, they level as the DPS or even tank spec. Good healers in arena find windows to do damage while keeping heals up on their teammates. If the healers were more involved in doing damage and securing kills I think players would be more interested in playing healers. Players want to feel like they contributed to the win and feel like they made an impact on the teams success. They don’t want to feel like they supported someone else getting the win for them

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I totally agree with you.

In middle of arena (and RBG) i got a sudden disconnection, falling back to login menu.
I relogged right away (2s) and stay stuck on the Arena login map.

I had to CTRL+F4 two times in order to finally log successfuly but this time outside of Arena.

User should not lose rating like 150 but instead, for example not being able to matchup for 24h00 or something.

Playing from Japan and Blizzard have not created Japan server so we obviously all have a laggy connection. It’s not our fault.

Whenever a player leaves arena, all 5 remaining users should absolutely not have any MMR change at all. It is not fair. It happened for me two times the same day to fall with the wrong person in my team and 2 times i got penalized losing like 25MMR.

In Arena whenever someone get zerged the first round, you can be sure it will be focus for the remaining matchs. Those person are often the ones who rage quite before the end of all matches.

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Blizz guys…the rating system needs help. I shouldn’t win 4/6 matches against equally ranked players rewarded with 0 gained rating, then lose 50+ rating when I lose against the same quality of players. Fix it. That makes zero sense.


Yeah this is a disaster. I’m getting lobbies that are 150-200+ mmr higher than my own, 2 of which today had an enemy healer with literally 0 cr. First one was a 6-0 gained 7 rating, second I got absolutely rolled by the more skilled dps and went 1-5 and lost 150 rating. Which sent my next queue mmr down to 1600 where I went 5-1 and gained 0 rating.

There’s no incentive for healers to queue right now because if you lose you just rank cr and if you win you get next to nothing. Facing people getting duelist after a lobby when I’m 1700cr just feels like I never even stood a chance.


Since nothing is working on solo shuffle, could we at least earn a decent amount of conquest points? With the new equipment system, I enter with ilvl 411 30 min later so everyone has more ilvl than me, I can barely win two, to end the match receive 0 conquest points.

So I played my Alt DK in Solo Shuffle all day today. And my experience has been terrible hahah. The general player base could say skill issue etc. Yeah sure, not claiming to be Mesx or Flarky.

I’ve had games where I’ve gone 4/5 wins. And got 0 to 5 rating. Cause one player has a stupidly low rating. Which punishes me and wastes my time. I’ve gone from 1868. To like 1520. And I’m hard stuck. Winning 3 games out of 6. Seems to zero you out. Its like the system basically sets you up to fail at times. Often at times healers aren’t experienced enough to really have a structured arena match. And classes with all the upfront dmg get easy wins. This week I’ve played 130 games. Won half. But lost 260ish rating. Doesn’t make any sense. Basically your telling me I have to beat 2k rated players to earn any real chunk of rating.


what is up with solo shuffle? 6th round after 30 seconds in it ends? no one dies it just ends it is screwing people over with 2-3 wins

hey blizzard did you delete rss yet? admit that your systems are hot garbage? fire most of your staff?

no? k

This is interesting. I’ve had games end with people at like 70% health. I just figured they got oneshot but death log doesn’t suggest it.

Definitely doesn’t happen every game, but the ones it does are the ones you’re suffering through a lobby and fighting to get that 3-3.

i quit. solo is becoming a 1 shot zoo with massive CC controi and massive dps. GL

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The change to Healer matching is destroying the game for me.

  • I string together a few wins and climb past 1500.
  • I’m placed in a match with low rated healers.
  • My Fury Warrior doesn’t have high burst damage so I lose more rounds than I win.
  • My MMR is higher than the average so I get a larger rating penalty.
  • I fall back below 1500.
  • I now have to string together a few wins just to start climbing again.
  • Rince > Repeat!

My rounds won is positive for the season and the week, but I’m lower ranked than the start of the week despite the improvements to my class, which have helped me win more rounds. My wins are consistently rewarded less than my losses are punished because of this change. When I’m matched with healers of equal MMR and CR games last longer and I do noticeably better, because Fury is strong late game, but with weaker healers the rounds are over, sometimes in a few seconds.


I get qued with dps or healers with minimal cr or mmr at 1800, drops me 60cr a loss because of this bizare matchmaking. I just /afk out lose 150 points just to climb back up multiple times. Im tired of climbing just to have blizz throw some lower xp player into a high game, they die do to, no gear, no xp, no cr but joins 1800+ games.

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How about giving healers BOA honor/conquest tokens so we can send it to our alts? I’d be healing RSS all day

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Blizzard is giving people pats on the back for the amount of time played. The system is rigged against you. The bonus honor is okay, but it does not make it fun being a healer. Someone dyeing in 3 global is a joke.

I would love BoA conquest. Agreed

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RSS is turning into a hot mess. Everyone knows it. Extra long que times. People getting into lobbies where they don’t match the MMR. Poor CR gains and unbelievable loss calculations. No incentives for healers which create longer que times. No reason for fully geared players to continue after they have max gear. Not to mention bots or RMT, whether you believe they exist or not. And with more and more people noticing the problems, more and more people are quitting RSS, or the game entirely, thereby increasing RSS que times even further… This really should have been tested prior to going live. It’s just been one of the worst launches I can remember.

Hmm. I can’t say that I’ve really seen this.

Except for all the rated rewards?

where is this happening

this is what happens when you lose more than you win and is the system working how it always has

elite set? tabard? mount? enchant?

funny enough, the more dps that quit the shorter queue times actually get

RSS will be a better feature mid expansion when all the come/go players have quit until the final patch because the qs will be shorter

thats because you have incredibly poor understanding of how the game works in general