Just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Just look at the previous posts or other posts in the forum. Many people have seen it. I’ve seen people in 1800-2k+ lobbies with 0 CR.
It’s not enough. People can get other rewards from other modes liek 2v2, 3v3, RBGs, Raids or M+.
The issue is with the CR of the DPS and Healers in general. More healers are quitting RSS.
Nice strawman there, but if it had been tested properly, we wouldn’t be having these issues and they would have already had incentives and penalties for quitters prior to going live.
Still, if they are going to separate CR by spec they shouldn’t be putting someone who is 0 CR in one spec but may be whatever CR in another spec in the same lobby. They should have to climb on that spec as well. Most people aren’t playing different specs at the same CR.
Today I had a 0 CR Rogue in a 2K RSS that went 0/6. If it was just his alt spec, he didn’t belong in that MMR.
Still seems kind of messed up to toss in a 0 CR rogue into 2k games that everyone waited 30+ mins for just to have everyone who grouped with him lose 2-3 games because of him. Especially for the healers. Basically everyone on average gets 0 CR and we all waste our time.
I’m assuming most DPS are going 3/6 or 4/6. Even with one loss every 10 games people are going to be negative which is what everyone is reporting. Healers will be in a worse spot, which they are also reporting. In the example with the rogue, because of his Cr, the MMR would be lower and people would get less or nothing (which is what we all got).