Word the wise (not me). Don’t play RSS before server shut down. When the server shut down. The game ended before booting me off the game. From what I could tell from the score board. I lost a solid 174 rating. While I’m not the greatest arena player in the world. I was pushing for 1800 for xmog purposes. 1755 (at the time). On a spriest pre-nerf. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day ahah.
If you get disconnected your character is still in the Arena. You can reconnect back and finish out your solo shuffle.
Solo Shuffle got me back into PvP, as a way to queue for PvP without the need to make a group, to have different teammates and opponents instead of hoping your partner is competent in a premade. So I am very happy to see you guys continue to develop it, keep it up.
Chat command /afk needs to be completely removed from Arena. There is no logical point that this command should exist and function inside of Arenas.
The update went live late yesterday.
This change also went to the live game late yesterday.
Can I ask why Solo Shuffle (or PVP in general) doesn’t have ilevel scaling? I did want to try solo shuffle, and would gladly heal it, but it’s first asking me to grind the ilevel to even queue into it.
Personally, I thought the Legion system was great and not sure why you moved away from it. It makes more sense to me in a PVP environment for power to be equalized so that skill matters more.
I think you would get a lot more participation in a queueable PVP system like Solo Shuffle if you at lowered that barrier to entry. And maybe if you want to encourage healers but keep the ilevel requirement in place, give them a scaling bonus. I’d love to try it.
Edit: It’s like a double whammy hopping into PVP without that scaling in place. Not only are you outskilled because you don’t have the experience, you’re also being overpowered by raw numerical power. Kinda sucks honestly.
DF system is great, it caters to people who don’t like to grind gear and people who like gear progression. You can be solo shuffle ready very fast and don’t think blizzard asks too much from you. Only problem right now are tier sets.
Enjoy your ban then.
Banning people because your system is not good… what a good solution lol.
Don’t hate the messenger.
Why they dont try to fix the reason why people are mad and leave instead of punishing them more.
If they are mad there’s a reason and you should try to avoid this instead.
Fixing classes is a solution. When you are a healer and you fight against another healer that is 10 times better than you, it’s annoying. When the other healer is a priest who seem to have 3 lives it’s a good reason to be mad.
When you are always the target because everyone knows you are the weakest classe, this is another good reason to be mad.
Fix the problem, don’t patch it.
In my average 2100 experience on Hpal and the nightmare of playing disc… the common issues seem to be:
Issue 1: No effective HoTs
- There’s so much CC in the game now that you need healing over time buttons.
- Druid = Lifebloom
- Rsham = Riptide + Totems
- Evoker = Dream Breath and Dream Projection (PvP Talent)
- Hpal = ???
- Monk = Enveloping Mists? (lol)
- Disc = ???
- Holy = Mending ???
Issue 2: No Tranquility or Communion
- Not only do I have HoTs, I can press buttons to go basically immune or at least give good CC immunity, and heal my team to full
Issue 3: No multiple forms of CC
- Every healer has either a ranged kick or multiple forms of CC
- Druid = Bash + Cyclone
- Rsham = Hex + Kick + Totems
- Evoker = Emerald Sleep + Kick
- Hpal = HoJ + Blind/Repent
- Monk = Paraysis + Leg Sweep + Song of Chiji
- Disc = Fear + MC? (lol)
- Holy = Fear , Chastise + MC? (lol)
HoTs feel very behind on Hpal, Disc, and Holy.
CC feels extremely behind on Disc.
Damage feels behind on all.
Undo the DH nerfs, it’s way too far and I’m tired of getting burst down the first 10 seconds of a match.
Legion PvP did suck no it’s was not great everyone did have the same stats and we can’t even modify what we wanted
The PvP was dead in legion. This is really not hard to get fully geared in honor and conquest to that they able you to catch up if you did miss a week
No one is forcing anyone to play. If you sign up for a solo shuffle it’;s a reasonable expectation that you will stay for 6 rounds. It’s not a half hour time investment once you’re in, but it is a 30 minute+ investment to get in. “I’m losing, time to leave”. Cool, now 5 people who have been waiting to play all have to go back to waiting for another 30+ minutes because you were losing and decided to get everyone ejected from the game.
I don’t think account bans should be on the table, but I think seasonal bans should be, and revoking season rewards.
seems you like to leave games a lot? thats the only reason why you would get a ban. if you dont like it dont queue. the other 5 people that get screwed because you rage quit a lot wont qq much if leavers get banned
with blur darkness and netherwalk you are just fine.
People are still just afking and healers doing win trades but it doesnt let us report them. It lets us report for text or anme and thats it. Need to make a it a lot more easy to report cheaters
I just healed and won a game 4-2. The average MMR was higher than mine yet I still gained 0 points.
My rating stayed at 1293
Someone who won 3 of the games went from 1366 and gained 29 points
There’s a reason why the queues are so long. Healing is NOT satisfying doing solo. DPS basically don’t peel or even look at where they are going or LoSing. It’s basically the same as doing skirmishes but you get a rating. I saw someone on Reddit saying they were 1800 on their UnH DK but couldn’t get past 1500 on a healer. There’s a reason for that bud!
Spending 10-15 minutes to just go 3-3 and gain nothing is wasting everyone’s time. May as well afk in Valdrakken.
It is sad i won 4 out of 5 and my rating went unchanged because everyone i was fighting was below my rating on my ww monk