I don’t think the losses should count for the non-leavers. If I get the toxic loser for the first two rounds and then he leaves, why should I get tagged with the two losses when I never had a chance to get any wins?
Maybe the developers should actually do the job they are getting paid to do and revise PvP to make it more fun and rewarding, not stretch the meaning of “exploiting game functionality”. There could be a multitude of reasons someone leaves solo shuffle, from dcing to needing to do something in real life.
The root cause of the issue is poor gameplay experiences after waiting in such a long queue. Focus on actually fixing the problem, but I am not surprised this development team doesn’t know what that actually means.
Damage has already been done. This change is too little too late. The players that benefitted from exploiting your system it seems will be getting away with it. I personally would like to see something happen to the players who took advantage of your system. If nothing happens with them you will have set a precedence that its ok to behave against the TOS and should not pursue repercussions on any other player who does anything like it again in the future.
I forgot to add, one of the things that makes this so hard to have fun playing is the point system. when you win you win like 5-15pts when you loose you really get hit like 60-75 pts that does not encourage anyone to want to play it.
Blizzard homies, why is it that when you’re 5 out of 6 games into a Solo Shuffle match and people leave you get 0 credit for any wins? I feel like there should be a way that you should at least get some conquest for what you did… 5 wins in and all you get is 400 honor and disappointment?
I feel like the people who leave shouldn’t just get a time penalty. If you abandon your matches you shouldn’t stay the same rank. Drop their rank by like 250 or something so the people that are trying to grind get some satisfaction out of putting in our time…
Fix the Solo Shuffle que times already. Blizzard is ruining the game.
Ways to fix Solo Shuffle que times:
Make a Solo Shuffle mode that works like Arena Skirmishes
Make another Solo Shuffle mode for only DPS
Bring back the tank ques
Remove healer ques like you did for tanks
Instead of fixing Solo Shuffle, Blizzard has made it worse with the 30 minutes to hours of que times for one match by removing the tank ques before launch which has ruined the weekly great vault for most of WoW’s playerbase. WoW is almost 2 months in and there is still no fix to the most popular rated PvP activity in the game.
I say reset their season if they have left and have a high mmr/rating due to the exploit. Make them start over and have to play by the TOS. Stop having little to no accountability for player actions.
If you have left even one time, hold them accountable. Reset their season.
After X amount of time in the queue with no healers available put players into a 3v3 all DPS match-ups. There is so much self healing it would be fine and lots of fun!
I think that the addition to punishing players who leave solo shuffle is great! It’s good to hear that blizzard is actually taking care of this in some light. But- I want to throw a few more things out there.
Firstly- Players who encounter a “leaver” never get any reward. Doesn’t matter how well they are preforming or how many rounds they’ve won. They get nothing out of wasting their time to someone who leaves. I feel that’s unfair. Kinda goofy that some people (like me) end up waiting upwards to 40 minutes for a que to pop only to have some people leave in the sixth round when I am 5 - 0 Or even when I am 1 - 4 I feel like players should actually be rewarded for when this happens. They just wasted time actually trying to get rating only to get nothing in return
Nextly, I feel like maybe there should be a better way to calculate MMR or adjust matchmaking to be more fun. My example of this is let’s say my MMR is 1708. I get queued with people who are of the same MMR but- I end up losing a bunch of ranked rounds. Even if as a DPS or healer I am outputting the most damage / healing. It’s not fair that someone who does really well and preforms solidly (numbers aside as well) gets punished by losing 60 - 75 Rating When then in the next game they only get 1 - 7 rating for winning. There is literally no fun to be had if you are slaving away to get low rating scores when if someone else messes up on your behalf the punishment is severe and can ruin the day from getting some higher rating titles.
Additionally, maybe to solve the problem of me and a hundred thousand other players having to wait anywhere from 1 Min - 60 Mins in que we can just add DPS full. (Meaning 3 DPS VS 3 DPS) I feel that will not only help ques but also encourage people to learn their class and to get better as they run the risk of doing a 1 v 3 in shuffle and are having to learn how to survive / deter opponents. AND implementing that system above where many others and blizzard are taking note of actual performance to calculate rating gain / loss.
(Edit: I forgot to make one more note on this. Most people here are going to remember when 1400 CR Was the Combatant 1. And when you got to 1400 CR you were then applicable to lose rating. That should have never changed. It’s ridiculous in my opinion that a new player who is excited to get into PVP gets harshly punished by losing 70 Rating over a tiny 1300 CR Match XD Players should not lose rating at any score below at least combatant II XD
I mean, if you’re sick that often you should go see a doctor. Regarding the more common issue of the frustration, I hear ya, but instead of just quitting you could literally sit there and be a punching bag for the other team and the games would end super quick, and everyone would get their chance to finish what all 5 other people queued up for (some of whom also have real life time constraints and may only get to play a couple games a day).
You also wouldn’t get that -150 rating penalty or leaver penalty or be automatically picked up by the server for intentionally quitting. I mean obviously you’d more than likely end up losing rating (maybe not! Sometimes you get sweaty DPS on your team), but it wouldn’t be as bad.
Or if you’re worried people would report you for afk’ing (and you’re not on the toilet), you could do the bare minimum and mentally check out so that any reports would wind up showing that yes, you were pressing buttons and throwing heals on others. That’s essentially what newbie healers do anyway or people new to arenas/pvp do as they learn.
All cool ideas! But waiting for 10.0.5 to get these changes is a bit late… I’ve got 3 quitters in a row today, this is disguting, it has to change faster please…
Poor matchups are a problem. A 200 or less rated person shouldn’t be paired with a group of 1000+. Many times they are the cause of every loss in the match. Even worse, they still gain rating after losing tremendously while the rest of the group drops in rating. This doesn’t create good competition. I’d much rather sit in a 20 minute q and go up against players of equivalent gear and skill, instead of playing 10 second rounds trying my best to keep a player alive who has no business being in that matchup.
It sucks for those who don’t have good internet connections but just because you pay the same price tag as someone else doesn’t grant you leeway to ruin their good time because you either can’t afford or get a decent internet connection/PC.
That’s a PEBCAK Problem for sure, but dragging down others because of your inability doesn’t exactly speak well for you as a person and is absolutely a one way ticket to getting yourself ostracized.
Worst idea ever!!! First of all tanks shouldn’t be able to queue to solo shuffle ever, they have no business in arena pvp, and second of all, why should healers be punished so DPS can have faster queues? It’s already tough enough just to heal 2 partners that tunnel vision the whole game without even considering if they are in your range/LoS, why would I wanna do that with 2 extra people?
It also doesn’t immediately end the game, as with any D/C your character stands there for a couple minutes before it is removed. You have plenty of time to log back in during this example before it ends the match and you get deserter.
They exist, get over it, they already got rid of tank matches (despite the wonders it did for queue times).
While I’m not sold on that specific idea, the current issue is healers are “too” important, no healers queuing, no matches happening, how well a match goes entirely depends on your healer as well. EVERYONE wants faster queues. Having it be an hour+ for anyone is ridiculous.
So you completely break down in dungeons and raids?