Just need to make the rating system like hearthstone where you get hard stuck at a rating if you cant get wins to advance and stop losing rating for losses. That would prevent people from leaving to save rating and make it less frustrating when you get put in a bad lobby.
The only good solution is to increase the size of the teams to 5 or 6. Insisting on this 3v3 format is really silly. There will never be a ratio of 1 healer for every 2 dps. Whatever incentive they may give to healers will just motivate people for a short time but in the long run the same issue will come back.
Instead of trying to force people to play a healer, they can just increase the size of teams and make it 1 healer for every 4-5 dps which is much closer to the current rate of healers.
I Still think the best possible solution to RSS is to make it 5v5 or 6v6, 1 tank 1 healer rest dps, MOBA type map with a WoW flavor. This is the only viable long term solution.
“A” solution.
It would be a whole different queue mode, similar to Arena now, having it be random the amount in a match every time would not go over well with players, even with healers Solo right now flows rather nicely with 3v3.
(Not opposed to 6v6, just that it’s a different setup, not a solution to the current setup).
Which is why they need to introduce triple DPS matches or bring back Tank matches.
Evidently you have never played another MMR type game before? League bans players for leaver buster all the time.
When someone leaves a match with the new update, how will saddle progress be determined?
I think what they’ve missed is to incentivize people to actually stay instead of leaving, and I don’t think it needs to be anything complex just something as simple as giving the season reward track and especially the honor level track more rewards throughout the progress of it, so even if someone has the chance of going 1/5 at least they are still gaining some progress to some next reward. It may not be the ultimate fix but something is better than nothing.
I also think a change worth exploring is to, in the event that someone leaves a SS, grant a buff to the other players that allows them to “jump” to the front of the SS queue for the next match.
I feel the biggest pain point for someone leaving mid-match is not the lack of rating gain, but rather the absurdity of having to wait another 20+ min for another SS match. This is especially impactful when someone leaves before the SS even starts (I’ve had people leave before gates open for round 1).
If there’s a punishment for the first leave you do, then this system does not respect real-life emergencies. The first leave within a 24-48hr period should be graced. Any subsequent leaves should be penalized as normal. This graced leave would also allow someone to have the choice to step out once every day or two because there may be some matches that are just a waste of our ever-limited time.
P.S. Didn’t even consider disconnects out of the player’s control such as power outages, ISP issues, or WoW’s own server stability. The “warning” leave should make them hesitant to just jump right back in before things have settled down.
1 healer for 4 dps??? Lol ya no I’m good, bad enough I get 2 dps that can’t kill anything let alone 4… I’d just quit playing SS altogether at that point. They want to incentivize healers make it so we don’t lose rating on losses cause it’s out of our control on scoring kills, that’s the dps job, you can’t kill you can’t climb the ladder.
I have had countless games where I’m doubling the other healers heals and lose 60+ rating cause dps I’m paired with cannot for the life of them land a kill… If I even try to help dps during a burst phase they just fall over without using cd’s and then turn blame the healer cause they died lol.
Healers are the most abused role in RSS they want more healers in que stop abusing us to no end.
Idk why they just dont make it where someone quits, the match end, everyone gets an auto win vs that person and the their cr/mmr as if they played against them and won. At the same time give that person their escalating punishment.
Shouldn’t “no show” be way more than 15 minutes since ques can take as long as they do? An extra 15 minute wait you wouldn’t even feel a difference. Ban them from que’ing for an hour.
Love this change! I would only modify one rule change in terms of impacted players from healers (biggest offenders) who leave solo queue matches.
"If a solo queue healer/tank leaves at any point during a match, the remaining 5 players receive the following rating bonuses based on which round didn’t play…
- Round 1: No rating change
- Rounds 2-3: 10 rating bonus
- Rounds 4-5: 15 rating bonus
- Round 6: 20 rating bonus to those who didn’t quit.
I would also Implement a weekly quitter debuff based on the following conditions:
- Quit once, and you get a 150 rating loss + 1hr prohibition from queueing solo queues.
- Quite twice, and you lose another 150 + 24 hr probation from queueing solo queues.
- Quite thrice, and you no longer can queue for solo for the entire season.
Shouldn’t be terribly hard to determine between those who DC’d versus those who forcefully quit. Basically code in something that determines player activity, and create rules based on the frequency of logins. Apply the 15 min debuff for PvP instances, and if they offend multiple times in x hrs or minutes then auto-ban them for 24 hrs.
They were pretty clear that this meant for people who create a habit of leaving. The system is pretty generous with 1-off DCs
And now it’s 3 matches in a row where a healer from Tichondrius decided to leave 'cause he wanted to save rating.
The punishments should be far harsher on healers/tanks versus dps where queue times can be super long.
Perfect example where I won 12/18 matches, yet only gained 50 rating due to the numerous healer quitters. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DEMicA5UxFk7GV_22FuT0qPoQIq-e79S/view?usp=sharing
I like the changes you made for ppl that leave matches, but I think ya should do something with the rating in the early phases. I’ve played over 335 round and I’m on a 74% win rate, and still haven’t hit Combatant 1, and I can count with my hands the loses that I simply lost, but most of them it’s because i get paired up with weak healer or someone that gets piled on and dies. This is solo shuffle but you’re not in total control of the outcome; the person on your team also has something to do with the outcome of the match. I don’t think you should start deducting level rating for losing matches in the lower level phases. On Rated BG’s in Shadowlands I would start getting deductions at RIVAL 1, Why can’t you have the same for Shuffle??? I think it’s tedious for it to be this difficult to reach combatant 1 in shuffle. I repeat this again. You have PVE players that can get a higher piece of gear than Combatant with minimal effort. I hope you read this and understand my frustration, and make an effort to even this up better. Thanks listening, and sorry for the paragraph.
No more of this nonsense. If a leaver leaves everyone with 1 win or more will gain points. I’m not going to lose points for the sake of a rage quitter. Who cares about the win and losses mmr balance etc. No one loses points with a rage quitter. They need to quit making things complicated. Less wins = less gain and more wins increases regardless of round loses. I don’t trust their way of thinking nor the system. There’s always a twist to it.
Oh stop it. They can’t enter rated pvp anymore once they do it excessive. Why can’t people in that company be so simple. Blizzard always want to go to the extreme as if they’re doing something in justice name and want them in jail for 30 years due to rage quitting. Ban them from rated pvp like the solution is really that simple. They can do war mode and any other normal pvp, but cannot compete in rated mode until next season.
Account review? Why? Just punish them from out of that rank mode like it’s not hard Blizzard. You guys always want to go to the extreme. Take a chill pill for once when it comes to punishing. If the player is nasty using slur words and all. Then the suspension and account review should be applied. Rage quitting a match ain’t worth a suspension to the game. Just a ban from that specific mode.
I appreciate the communication, but I expect more common sense decisions from you all in that company. Relay the message to them and bonk them on the head if they refuse.
They don’t like simple hotfix. They rather create complicated choices as always.
Great changes. Sad to hear nothing for healers yet, but glad it’s in your radar, and from all the updates we’ve seen so far (even over holiday break), I’m confident the team will be delivering actual results
The constant balancing changes and contact with players is a breath of fresh air.
One thing I’ve noticed is that people are jumping off onto other characters. They can leave the solo shuffle and just hop onto another character until the timer is down. The timer needs to be placed on all characters on the account.
Really sad Blizzard thinks waiting an hour is acceptable.
Im loosing Rating So easliy just in the mid 1300s. Like I lost 60 in a 2/4 and then a +3 Rating in a 4/2 the very next game. Thats not exactly 1step forward 2 steps back…thats like a HUGE setback and crawl forward. Its SoloShuffle Lets have some fun and let people get there PVE ilvl on par.