Solo shuffle should NOT give titles and elite cosmetics

So, adjust whatever mmr issue there is and voilà

Who gives af?


youre right we should just give keystone master to everybody and give everybody r1 titles

who cares?

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Getting to 2400 in Shuffle isn’t even close to R1 and most people who run Keys will eventually get Kestone Master as that’s not even equivalent to “Glad” for us PvPers so idk what you’re even talking about.

Let people have their elite mogs and wep skins bro, it’s really not a big deal if Timmy the Rival hits Elite for the first time.

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its not elite if everybody has it, is it? thats kinda the point right?


A title is just a title, it means nothing in the context of this game as everything can and will be bought at some point for money/gold.

If people are happy PvPing and earning prizes and being involved in the game, then that’s a W for Blizzard and our scene.

if everything means nothing why have barriers to entry at all? this your own logic im presenting btw

KSM was a joke this season anyways.

I´m over 2100 rated just straight pugging on a subpar ranged class.

These were never real “achievements” to begin with for people who consistently put game time in. You dont drop in score.

PVP and PVE are completely different. I will say that the MMR system is borked for RSS though.

Because just like IRL you have to set your own goals and feel good about accomplishing them.

2400 to you might mean everything but to someone else that’s just their default rating every season, they don’t even think twice about it.

If someone gets cool mogs and skins and titles for playing well in Shuffle then more power to them lol

im not actually comparing pve achievs with pvp that was semantics to prove a point that gated titles/achievs are gated for a reason

It’s because the game was so bad that they needed a solo queue, not rss. Rss is absolute garbage.
Yes, give everyone what they want, ACTUAL solo queue. Not this 6 round garbage with mmr bugs/cr bugs/leavers and whatever else that has/will be the problem.

But it actually is.

theyre called elite cosmetics, not average cosmetics, not common cosmetics, not for everybody cosmetics.

should everybody just be given BiS gear and not have to mythic raid? Should everybody be given r1 titles to feel good about themselves?

youre making an arguement against gatekeeping specific rewards and titles and im not sure why

I´ve said this multiple times. Only solo aspect of RSS is the fact you queue solo.

You actually depend on your team to get rating and have to play around them etc.

Not very solo to me. They should take inspiration from mage tower and make something pvp wise.

Maybe their mistake was calling it elite in the first place. I dont pvp much, but, from what I´ve been hearing 1800 isn´t very elite. But what would I know.

Yeah I mean tbf they did rush tf out of Shuffle as a game mode, the fact that they went 2 months of allowing people to leave queues with no MMR changes kinda says it all.

I still think RSS is good for the game though, I think Solo Queue is a great addition too if it ever happens but shuffle allowed a ton of people to achieve personal records and that’s what ultimately makes PvP fun and interesting to people.

I think you forgot how this all started:

You think because they got these titles and rewards from Shuffle that it doesn’t “count” or should not be awarded to them when in reality it should, they reached that rating threshold to get it.

Glad + Mount I agree should remain in 3s, but there’s no harm in letting people climb Shuffle for Elite + Mogs.

this hunter has the worst takes ive ever seen

theyre not earning it. the mmr system is FIXED, RIGGED in FAVOR of dps

this isnt an opinion its FACT

this is why they dont achiev rating in arenas or rbgs

Maybe a fair compromise would be coming up with solo-specific awards that are %-based on spec ranking, then keeping the traditional bracket ranks in 2s/3s?

PvP is just dead enough already that it feels bad taking away reasons for people to queue.


Or maybe people don’t have all day to sit in LFG?

I got glad before and think its fine. No glad players are looking for elite titles. They look for glads.

The rest should probably be adjusted in later seasons to better reflect ladder inflation, but all in all its fine.

It should be a 1 round… Win/Lose and go next. Times would be shorter since the turnover/quickness of games. 6 rnds is just a mess.

The only good thing about rss is its super fast to cap the 3 vault slots. I legit semi afk and watch streams while q’ing. Don’t care about the w/l as long as i go 3-3 because thats around 1k honor. Since i raid the vault on this toon even means less.

Did some earlier and ran into both dps and heals griefing. Tunneled a feral and by 4th/5th/6th round he ran in and afkd.
Heals, ran into 3 different Pevokers that never pressed anything other than echo then afkd.
I think 1 round would fix a lot of the frustration. 6 rounds, forcing 3 with the same person, that might have gotten tilted 1st round almost always leads to a form of griefing.