Solo Shuffle Ruined PvP

I hope you’re right. I like to make comparisons to overwatch (what I would regard as my favorite pvp game currently), in that I would absolutely love it if wow pvp incorporated the same queueing system.

For example:

– solo queue into rbgs (same bracket as premade groups, but solo/duo/etc. queue is an option)

– solo queue into however many brackets of arenas (2s, 3s, etc.)

– solo queue into solo shuffle (as we have it now)

– Casual/unranked ‘arcade’ modes for practicing (we sort of have this now with random bgs and skirmishes)

– Priority requeue when a game ends super early due to disconnect/leaver, and similarly, game not auto ending because someone disconnects/leaves mid game/lobby

Adding unique rewards to 3s below glad would kill 3s even more? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Do what pikaboo and venruki did. Someone was toxic to them so they turn around and dominated them and made them go 0-6.

Yes Because

If it was restricted only to 3s. Different rewards or perhaps 3v3 own elite set diff skin or something then sure maybe.

So you know of all the systematic Blizzard issues that have damaged pvp and still hold the stance that pvpers ruined pvp?

Got it.

Everyone whistling past the graveyard that was RBG’s and why they died. Makes me want to dig up some fly hacking vod’s.

PvP is ruined because it’s a toxic cesspool of degenerates making the game hard for new players to enter.

Only thing that soloq did for the game is to enable players who didn’t care to wait in lfg a chance to play whichever spec/class they wanted.

PvP was already dying due to players gatekeeping experience and inviting meta classes.

Soloq has issues, but this is the first xpac iteration. It’ll be fixed over time, participation numbers compared to traditional arena shows that it’s a success.

You are forgetting how obnoxious the first iteration of arena was with having to create a team/balance issues. I would argue that it’s worse than it is for soloq now.


Gkdi spittin facts :slight_smile:

I remember shadowlands s1, I couldn’t even play arena on my mage. Virtually every group I signed up for did not want a frost mage, or asked if I could go fire. I couldn’t even get into m+ keys because of my spec.

I ended up just rerolling despite how far that put me behind in shadowlands, and just did rated rbg pugs instead on the mage.

Solo let al of us who don’t just play the meta be able to actually play some rated areas. Arena players gate keep the hell out of it by only playing the meta and looking for a group for it pointless when they all require you to basically already have glad in order to even think about letting you join them.


Solo shuffle just proves the devs don’t play their own game.

How on earth has the queue time problem not been fixed yet. 15-20 minute queues are unacceptable and I’d be playing retail if they were shorter but they are not.

The solution is already there with how skirmishes work. If there are not two healers or two tanks within a minute, it should run as 2v2 dps with slightly altered rules. (More rematches, playing till entire team is dead for 2v2).

There’s no other way to get queues go where they should be. So I wonder whose boneheaded decision it was to screw us.

that didn’t kill PVP at all.
PVP was dying long before.

the online player base’s toxic behavior and apathy ruined it.
–this speaks for itself. Growing problem to this day on all games.

The lack of proper class design and balance ruined it.
– priests are a great example right now. this classes has gotten tons of reworks already in DF alone.
gameplay experience feels like poop. Nothing is fun about playing a game with 1000 CCs – stun, silence, slow, knock-ups. The melee zug zug bs feels like poop to face. if you are the target, your experience throughout the whole match will just feel horrible. Have fun trying to play the match.

The gear discrepancy ruined it.
– Its not fun fighting people who train you down easily solely cuze of gear. its not fun being unable to get gear due to always losing cuze of the above.
– Arenas shouldn’t be the only way to get the gear.

the lack of game development on PVP itself ruined it.
–PVP is the most ignored aspect of the game. It’s taken them this long to initiate the Rated Solo que, which imo should of been the first one out.

ADDON ABUSE ruined pvp.
– People using bots in pvp
– people using addons to passively Silence / CC others
– Addons / macro combination pretty much does most of the work for you. Against others that don’t use it, they are widely spread apart.

Twinks still ruining low lvl PVP / BG brackets.

Personally I never did RBGs because the setup time took too long to get into a game.

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Solo que is a bandaid to things game companies cannot control.

They will never be able to fix the community attitude nor is it their job to be our parents.

Solo que gives opportunities to others who were unable to experience certain part of the pvp gameplay due to simple community issues.

Like i can’t ever do rated bgs. Even after hours of waiting. And I don’t feel like wasting 6 hours to just keep getting rejected.

solo que Arena just needs to be done better.

short term fix:
some examples – switch ques to 2v2 only dps when healer ques are low.

Longer term fix:
Revamp all the classes already. Redesign. you don’t need 1000 abilities to make a class fun. A few, butt impactful abilities feel much better in the long run.
Reduce all the CC in this game.
reduce dmg and healing to a much more fluid level.
Too much mobility in this game, reduce.

Counter viewpoint

Shuffle saved rated pvp which had been dying to negligible numbers


I actually think having a way to q 2s/3s solo would be a great addition to the game.

I would be qing it nonstop tbqh.

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Its what you are actually trying to do with LFG until you are at the point where you’re actually pushing glad wins and stuff. People are way too hung up on leaving the antiquated LFG model the same bc they are scared of the bracket dying. There is actually no reason that it needs to go away. Leave the current function completely as-is. Let everyone else have an automated button. The same sub 1600 players have the same reason to use it. The same 2k+ players have the same reason to use it.

Just let people queue up with a checklist of specs they’re wililng to play with and matchmake them like shuffle and give them the option to keep playing together after the match is over. If you’re a diehard multiglad that insists on always using comms, this should only be an advantage to you, because more disorganized groups are inflating the ladder. Let the people who just want to queue with 0 social interaction press the button and play.

When you do this, it actually seriously devalues solo shuffle and gives players a realistic option to play the game in the way it’s intended to be played (with comps that make sense) while at the same time incorporating the accessibility aspects into the rest of the game. Wanna learn your frost mage alt? Bet. Check destro warlock and rdruid/hpal. Queue up for 3s and shuffle at the same time. Hey look! You got a winstreak with these two randos that you queued up with and pressed the queue again button. Now you have some btag bros. See how that works?

LFG kills the game for everyone in the brackets between gearing new toons and pushing for the highest possible achievement that season. Realistically, getting 2.4 five seasons ago does not make you a better player in this meta than most of the 1700cr bracket, but you’re going to have a hard time getting games in general without the achievement. We want new people to play the game because that is more people to play against. When they don’t actually have any way to earn their first $20/hr job because all of them require 10 years job experience, why tf do you expect them to keep trying?

Idk it’s just weird because the bracket is actually so narrow now. The inflation that they have to inject puts new players at like 1750mmr when they start. The current 3s 2k mmr feels like its mostly multiglads. 2k shuffle mmr is actually a giant joke because of healer mmr but also the same dps scenario where like many specs still have really tight rating groupings between 2k and 2400. So like you might get two fresh healers third games and also two dps on page 5 of their leaderboards in the same match. Its just hard to take seriously.




:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :unamused:

I wish they gave healers more abilities like holy ward or nullifying shroud. Healers want to play the game and dampening needs to go

So you’re saying teams and solo fight in 3v3? LOL good luck on that. You’re giving an option for solo queue but people just wont use it when they are still going to fight the same meta crap over and over in general. There’s a reason solo shuffle works so well is its RANDOM. /shrug

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