Personally, I wouldn’t queue soloq without any gear, but I had assumed that my mmr would be reset and I’d be placed in similarly geared people and I can then work my mmr from the ground up.
Lets say it’s cold outside. Do you say, I don’t need a jacket because shivering warms me up enough? Depending on the temperature you’d prob be fine, but why put yourself through the discomfort?
It is odd that the new mmr elasticity every rated team bracket has had forever is missing from rss, yeah
take a day or 2 and get your full honor gear.
Lol, I posted a thread with this exact same issue without having realized there already was one.
yeah, it’s a very rough welcome back to the game haha
Personally, I wish mmr wouldn’t transfer over if the number of seasons elapsed is > 1.
Makes perfect sense that 2.4k+ players from season 3 shouldn’t face 1.5k players in season 4.
But in my case, I was definitely not prepared for a 2.2k mmr lobby. Hell, hadn’t even downloaded omnibar at this point
Just afk out a couple times and drop your mmr.
Well, if it’s all the same, might as well get some of the experience at the higher mmr. At 2.1k i was actually higher up on the damage meters and doing a better job rotating defensives. Actually won one game lmfao
I thought this didnt affect mmr, only cr?
You have to leave right away for it to not affect mmr. If you rage quit after the fifth round for example, then your mmr will drop a bit I think.
Idk, the only shuffle I’ve ever left was a few months ago when I alt f4’d after getting tilted as a healer and didn’t login for 3 months.
If that’s how it works then just eat a few 0-6 losses til you find the people you want to play with. I can’t tell if these people are sincerely clueless, attempting to humble brag about their starting mmr, or just seeking attention.
Correct. You will, however, tank your MMR heavily by going 0-6.