the thing is, i managed to max my cq gains to 3k. the people that are at 2k+ mmr have their free 1600 set + have gotten insanely lucky with 3(?) weekly chest drops. I barely have my 2-set and weapon, so yeah. don’t really care for my W/L with solo shuffle, I stopped taking this game seriously after my big boy job came in lol.
queues take 30+ minutes, only to end up going negative due to gear diff + having to re-adjust to the game.
i’ll keep at it tho, thanks man
Why does this get repeated? Gear does matter and skill > gear is just not a real thing.
I forget you zoomers didn’t play back when gear made a massive difference
It does but it’s a pretty small gap compared to other expansions. Makes way less of a difference than just getting horrbad lobbies.
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Sure it’s better than Shadowlands, still doesn’t mean that gear doesn’t matter.
I see you doubled down, try reading it a 3rd time.
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Really not much else to say. Gear does matter. How much it mattered before is pretty irrelevant in this discussion.
i can shameless say i have played this game over 10 years and can definitely tell you that gear still makes a difference in arenas. though, not as bad as previous expac, it still has a deciding factor.
Yeah of course it matters, but not nearly as much as it used to. If I’m horribad and I can do 1.8 in greens then it’s whatever.
Shuffle sucks for many reasons and is enraging, but being in full honor gear isn’t the reason you’re losing.
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Oh how wrong this is. You will definitely lose more with less gear.
bad take again. you are in 1.8 mmr, i am playing at 2.2+ mmr, lol, there’s a gradual difference on that mmr lol
Who said I’m playing at 1.8 mmr lol. I said I can easily hit 1.8 cr in full honor gear.
I don’t even know what I’m doing on demo lock and I’m at 2.2k mmr with 1.8k cr in like 4 or 5 lobbies or something?
Lose a few lobbies and you won’t be at 2.2 anymore, but you’re still going to fight people who have been active this season. You aren’t even that far behind in gear.
not to offend you, but i’d rather get a better take from a player who’s actually been above higher cr to tell me wrong.
gear doesnt matter guys! thats why the guys playing AWC on the tournament realm arent using a ring thats a few item levels higher than the conquest ring
Bet you those same players would be winning these games at 2.2 in greens though
you can assume, but since you’ve never reached that mmr before, you would never know :^)
They wouldn’t queue without gear. For several reasons I don’t feel like getting into, but they out of anyone would understand that gear matters.