Solo Shuffle Is So Damn Toxic As Heals


What more can I do when I’m chain CC and silenced and no one is doing much of the same?
Then, to make it worse, having anywhere from 2-4 other people (the other healer is always chill) scream at you for not being healed/dispelled.

On top of that, the person who was on your team previous round, now purposely is throwing the match out of spite and you lose a bunch of rating.

I thought I hated waiting around for so long to form RBG groups and working around 9 other people’s schedules but solo shuffle really takes the cake, I’m sorry.
No wonder when I constantly heard in the past how cancerous it is as heals I stayed away from it.

Unfortunately, my fault, I had to wait last min to play this season and no way I’m going to 1800, if that’s even possible this week.
Keep getting so close to 1600 and losing massive chunks of rating. I rather stop at 1600 and just have 2x priests do the heroic raid for the token to buy head/shoulder to complete the set.

Pray for me.
K thx.


Position better. Anticipate the chain and play like you know no one is gonna help.

Unfortunately thats how you gotta approach pvp. Always something you can do better.

Healing is like 90% positioning so you can just throughput heal

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Ya I try to, but as soon as I go behind pillar or w/e object I can’t heal someone getting focused down hard.

And between matches after 1st one there’s 15 sec to try and communicate to make a plan.

Honestly it’s mostly the toxic rage that gets me.

Its practice is all. You may be at the wrong. Pillar if youre just easily cc’d when poking out on their go.

Just ignore the rage and focus on gameplay. Youll never see the ppl again so who cars what some in the same bracket thinks. Its not like they glad at 1600 rss lol

Easier said than done lol.
I always have melee on my team so I try to stay close and out in open with them.

Really don’t see how people enjoy SS.
The blame at the end and rage is always on heals.

I swear right after 1500 it got infinitely harder.

Just FYI the Mark of Mastery will only buy you the Conquest set version of the tier set that won the vote for Season 4. You won’t be able to rely on them to buy the Elite set mogs from Season 4. Stil a good purchase if you don’t have max level tier on your toon, but if you want the full set you need 1800.

You get both the S3 mark from doing reg heroic Amirdrasil or Awakened version gets your both S3 and S4 mark.

The vendor sells pvp elite set pieces (just not belt/boots/cape) but you can buy the tier.

I already bought the priest pvp elite helm last week.

I mean the higher ratings will get harder cause ppl know how to set up win conditions.

Even if you have melee you shouldnt be with them as priest. Stuns and interrupts and all other micro cc’s can be done to you without any trade off.

If youre in the open you can get cc’d. Try to be at range with easy los. If they swap to cc make em work for it

Healing rss is a nightmare. Its why bg blitz will kill the mode probably. I wont step foot in rss when blitz gets rating

But arena healing is not easy which is why its a practice thing


It is toxic but not in the way you imagine… The issue is healers and dps have two different MMRs.

This means that a group of experienced dps commonly queue into a game of low rated healers who then explode. When the system is working as it should (not as its designed) healer and dps mmr is even and usually dps will refuse to even attack a healer for how powerful their personal defensives are over dps.

Oh how I wish this was true haha.
I try to tell my dps teammates to not attack healer and just CC as well, since that what all the pro dps seem to be doing to me.

What I am getting at is the MMR difference is usually the cause of the issue and a lot of healers…well they have illusions on their own skill level. I’ve lost games as high as 2200 because the healer refused to move from a pillar and burst range specs simply waited us out to pop someone.

Killing a healer can be viable depending on what slot machine comp you get. I would never recommend it without a high sustain dps (feral, fury, havoc) comboed with a high burst/reduced healing (MM, arms).

Healing right now seems more forgiving then dps. Least from my perspective. I rolled a holy pally and managed to hit 2100 when the entire goal of the class was just to farm conquest boxes to ship off to a hunter and warrior last season. I would argue that healer defensives for most are to high currently. The exception being monks and evokers.

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That sleep walk for evoker is way too over powered…

I wouldn’t take solo shuffle PvP very seriously or even wow pvp as an extension of that.

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Speaking as a bully jerk DH. It really,really isnt enough. If a class can catch a restro evoker its in a world of hurt.

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I’m running double Pain Supp and yes, I do find I am using them on dps 95% of the time, rather than myself.

I’ve no clue how MMR works anymore and given up expecting a fair fight.

Not sure if this is the same for RBG’s, but at least with RBG you kinda sorta get to know who’s who in the community. When you come up against X or Y team you can gauge if the match up is fair or not.
With SS I have no idea what I’m getting into each round.

Back at 1560 now, which is close to where I was before taking a massive dive to 1400 almost.
Taking a break for now.

It’s just PuG PvP with rating attached. Which is what random rated BGs will be as well.

Of course it’s toxic, it’s PVP.

Literally the best possible way to attract the worst of humanity is to advertise “player versus player.”

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Solo shuffle has a lot of dps players who can’t get a healer to willingly play with them

PvP is pretty chill if it’s with the right people. There’s sort of this void at certain mmrs where everybody has this idea that they know more than they do and blame everybody else for losses.

Similar with raids, keys, etc.


Did they officially say that somewhere that I missed?
Someone above mentioned Blitz will be rated in future?

I don’t really but it’s the last week and trying to get to 1600 to complete the mog set (apart from head/shoulder).
I’ve been doing SS for the past 5 days on and off and I’m pretty much over it.

For solo shuffle. Dps and healers have seperate MMRs. This means that there can be as massive of a difference as 800 ratings between the healers and dps. Its a horrid system made to address queue times but it makes for extremely unfair and unbalanced games. usually if the healers are below the dps the high burst execute dps classes get free wins. If the healers are way above the dps the high sustain dps usually grind out wins.

They should really unify the mmr