Solo Shuffle Is So Damn Toxic As Heals

Yeah, Blitz will be rated solo queue (or duo if you heal) bgs in War Within.


I don’t know about that.

From my understanding it’s coming in TWW. Unless they backed down on that.

I agree, healers are toxic in solo shuffle and should be banned from it. Give me DPS only teams so the games are over in less then a minute and I can move on to the next one.

I main a healer in SS, the amount of of toxicity I face from DPS players is crazy high. Most of them don’t realize they’re making mistakes and their first instinct is to blame the healer.

I can’t tell you how many times melee just zug zug across the arena in the first 30 secs and get LOS from me. A lot don’t use defensive CDs. A lot just kite into bad spots. Healing in SS is a nightmare. A lot of the players in SS are just not good at pvp.

It has gotten a bit better, but the long queues for dps makes it hard for people to get pratice.

Arena in general sucks, and should have never been a thing. It suffers the same issues that M+ does when you try to balance your 39 spec MMO around small encounter design.

I don’t blame the healers, I just want fast matches (which healers often prevent, through no personal fault of their own since they are doing their job) because I find arena boring and terrible (and agree with you it was stupid to add) and would rather get more done in the same time frame.

I stopped healing SS before I quit because i’m not a try-hard and refuse to use 20 pvp addons and 50 pvp macros.

The mmr system sucks for healers. I tried going as disc for fast ques at the start but fast ques means nothing when u get little rating for every win.

I was doing better with mt dps doing less games with the same win rates then a healer.

It felt like fast ques where a joke. It doesnt mean u can grind up faster cause the wins arent worth the same as a dps.

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This doesn’t work this season btw.

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I always disable chat when I play shuffle. Much better experience. Might be missing 1% of useful communication, but you avoid 99% of empty flaming.

I think it would have been more tolerable if you only played one round, not six. If someone is toxic, at least you don’t have to endure them for more than one round.

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Disagree. Balancing around RBGs would be even worse

Solo shuffle was a terrible addition. I’d rather just play with people from lfg. That way when they are terrible/toxic yiu cbs just ignore them.

It’s solo Shuffle. Unless someone’s calling out a target in chat, the rest can be ignored.

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Yeah, and even kill target is subject to change. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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So ignore it.

Can’t argue that, lol.

You can buy a PvP Elite piece…that piece does not have the PVP Elite tint. Right click and preview it if you don’t believe me.

You could have bought Elite PvP tint pieces for Season 2 and 3, but not season 4.

It does.
I did it last week for my elite shoulders shrug

I’m getting 5-8 rating for a win…ughhhh

I know, but it doesn’t help seeing BS from teammates every other match.
I can’t imagine ppl that do this all season long as a healer in SS.

What are you talking about? You know there are 2 vendors, right?
One for S4 (that has S1-S3 sets depending on your class) and the original S2 and S3 vendors are still there.

For priest, this season’s S4 set is from S3. Hence, doing Amirdrassil on heroic lets me buy pvp elite pieces from the S3 vendor.

I would show you but it doesn’t allow me to post Imgur links.

not just healers, the last time I died in a round a healer was yelling at me BRO PRESS ANYTHING WTF WHAT ARE U DOING. like I was silenced and couldn’t use swap, was it my fault? yes I could have prevented this, but man it happens sometimes… I don’t mind people pointing this out, but there’s no need to start flaming me, I’ll just ignore any advice if you do

any competitive pvp game ends up being like this the higher cr you’re in

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It’s part of Solo Shuffle, it’s only a problem if you allow it to be. If you don’t have the mental fortitude to handle it, healing Solo Shuffle isn’t for you.


The S2 and S3 vendors that accept Mark of Masteries only do so for their respective seasons…for the S4 vendor that accepts the Mark of Mastery from this season, you can purchase a Hero Track PvE piece with Heroic PvE tint, or a PvP Elite piece with the Conquest PvP Tint.

But looking into it, it seems the Emerald Mark of Mastery from last season is somehow still attainable due to a bug. Is this what you are referring to?

It’s part of people being emotionally immature, but yes, that does in any kind of pvp video game unfortunately.
It’s the worst aspect of any WoW pvp I’ve been in and I thought RBG’s can get bad.

I don’t think it’s a bug as people have been doing this for the whole expansion, so shrug

I personally don’t think pvp elite sets should be obtainable from PvE (but I love the S3 priest) and haven’t had any free time to play for ages now.