Solo shuffle Improvement Thread - Healers Perspective

So I am going to put my 2 cents in as someone who likes healing and gotten to almost 2k in solo shuffle as Disc;

  • I heal most of the time but I found that around 2k is when the games get too stressful for me to heal in solo shuffle. Lack of coordination and fast pace of games eventually leads to frustration.

  • I don’t want to always heal as I also like playing alts that are DPS but having a way to send honor/conquest to my alts would definitely make me queue more to gear them up.

  • There needs to be a priority queue system account wide for players who queue solo shuffle as healers. This system should give the account priority queue when the player switch from playing a healer to dps class at a rate of 6 rounds won as a healer = 1 Priority Que for DPS spec/alt. There should also be a minimum Healer rating requirement of 1200-1500 to prevent people from trying to abuse priority queue.

  • Obvious one but offer more incentives like gold, material, randomly drawn transmog items from old raids, etc.

  • There should be a better balance amongst healers to make sure mana efficiency, throughput and utility are balanced as much as possible across all specs.

  • Having a positive win record for any given game (4-2, 5-1, 6-0) should give some rating and never result in 0 rating gain. The gain can be small like 5 pts but should never be 0

  • Incentives as short term solution would work but eventually what the game needs are new healers. People who play mainly as dps but would like to try healing as well.

  • Mid to long term healing in pvp needs a more drastic solution. I am talking about the realm of smart heals. It needs to be easier in general to attract players who haven’t tried out healing before.

  • There needs to be a UI overhaul with healing as well. Maybe smart heals would solve this to an extend but far too much time is spent staring at unit frames then actually playing the game

I would like to hear from other players who healed solo shuffle at least to 1500 or play arena regularly. I will add your suggestions to the list.


Agree with this 100% - "There needs to be a priority queue system account wide for players who queue solo shuffle as healers. This system should give the account priority queue when the player switch from playing a healer to dps class. For example, If I heal 10 solo shuffle games, when I switch to my dps, or queue as dps spec, I should get 10 games of priority queue that puts me in the front of the line. "

Devs put this in Asap.


Brb afking 10 games on a healer so my queues pop faster


you can’t afk 10 games of rated. You can’t really do a reporting system in this mode because it will be abused by boosting communities. The bad healers mmr will tank low enough you wont see them.

Allow us to ban a map, so I never have to play on blade’s edge again. F that map


Of course there may be some people who try to take advantage of it. However, you can’t afk in solo shuffle as you’ll get kicked out. For people who actually want to heal more but also want to be able to play dps, this gives them the incentive to queue more.

This. People will just sandbag low cr games on healers they don’t care about to get priority and in return the playerbase will just get a horrible experience. Eventually it will be a thing everyone does and the will make no net improvement on queue times while adding in an extra hurdle for everyone to do.


Blockquote [Exalter]
This. People will just sandbag low cr games on healers they don’t care about to get priority and in return the playerbase will just get a horrible experience. Eventually it will be a thing everyone does and the will make no net improvement on queue times while adding in an extra hurdle for everyone to do.

There may be some people who do this. No one solution is perfect. However, I do thing that this will be a net positive for queue times and people healing more in general. It may not give the best experience to everyone in the solo shuffle game but will cut down wait times drastically.

Okay, I’ll hit the space bar once after round 3 then :roll_eyes:


While I don’t agree with giving alts high priority, I just wanna come here to say you could solve this by requiring a minimum 1000 CR, just like for the pvp mount.

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You will just get reported after a few games. At most you will be stuck in low cr, wasting your time afking games just like you would be wasting your time sitting in queue. I don’t see how that benefits anyone that will queue as healer and afk.

K so Blizz will get around to issuing me a 2 day ban after a 26 day waiting time on that persons ticket and a 6 month long investigation…

Just admit you swung and missed with this idea

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Nope I didn’t. Unlike you, I actually heal solo shuffle and telling you exactly what would make me and people like me heal more. Although you brought up a valid counter point, as someone suggested, we can prevent people like you who would just want to abuse priority queue by requiring a minimum rating of 1200-1500.

This is kinda sad actually and shows the toxic nature of the community. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Healers are part of the solution and DPS players are part of the problem by nature because there are simply too many of the latter and not enough of the first.

If you are complaining as a DPS player refusing to make an healer alt AND shutting down ideas that the current healers are bringing forward, frankly, you have no right to complain.


1k cr is still free and people will just view it as a requirement to queue and it will have no net positive effect. I’m not trying to be contradictory either. I just don’t see it helping like people think it would due to the reasons I stated.

I think a better solution would be to:

  1. Balance healer throughput and mana efficiency so none feel gimped going vs. rdruid/prevoker.
  2. Give healers a reason to keep playing their healers beyond weekly cap. For example a BoA honor+conquest token for wins that they can use on alts. Keep them in the queue if they want to be.
  3. Make it so if they go 4+ wins they get rating from it every time. Idgaf if Blizzard matched a 2100 healer up with a pleb. That’s on Blizzard. If the healer goes positive on wins they need to get cr from it.

And I’m telling you the negative impact your suggestion will have. Not my fault you live in an ivory tower

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As well as the net positive effect it will have. So, in summary, you contributed nothing to the thread. What is your idea to have more healers playing?

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This doesn’t exist. Are you really under the impression the Arena community isn’t toxic and wouldn’t abuse healer afking?

Like I said, ivory tower.

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RSS was a mistake

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I enjoy it tbh. Being able to que up for games without having to form a team is nice.

It feels kinda shiddy trying to heal into longer games as disc esp when no drinks in solo. It’s super good playing extremely aggro as disc still tho. Expiate with death talent over dome (because NOBODY every stands in dome) and cathars and u pumppppp dam