Solo shuffle Improvement Thread - Healers Perspective



Highly disagree. I’ve afk’d probably a dozen or more RSS and I’m currently duelist rank in RSS. About my ceiling. Anytime I see two DHs at the same time I immediately leave.

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so every other game?

never balance the game around solo shuffle

Let’s change it then. How about for every 6 rounds won as a healer you get 1 queue priority. This incentivizes the healers to actually play and play more as you don’t get a participation trophy you actually have to play and win rounds and eliminates all the cons of the system he proposed.

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I think the only thing I mentioned with regards to balance was throughput and mana which I feel like needs adjusted even outside of shuffle. It shouldn’t be even for all healers as some are more damage oriented or have other perks, but it should be looked at hard by the devs imo.

Yeah that’s definitely a better implementation, but still seems like an odd solution to me as the issue is long queues for DPS and to solve that you are going to give some priority queue which pushes others down. I get that it should incentivize people to play healers which would help with queue times, but I still feel like it would just make players feel “forced” to play a healer much like players have felt forced to raid or do other things they don’t actually want to do in PvP. Maybe that’s a good thing and everyone should have to heal idk.

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I really like this idea. Thanks for suggesting it. Added to the list.

Pretty much yeah.

Why should some one get special treatment like this ? Any dps that que as a dps should have what ever the que system is. Something like this would be unfair to all involved

How would this be any different then giving gold, material, etc. as an incentive to players that queue as a healer? The goal is to incentivize both the existing healers as well as DPS to play as Healers. By doing so, you get rewarded with faster queues when you play DPS spec or DPS alt. It would be a win-win.

nah should never do this

they should really forego faster qs for better matchmaking tho

this idea just reeks of that dude that got glad in mop without ever playing a game over 2k mmr bc he farmed 5 points a win beating up noobs

Honestly, I’m surprised by how little this gets brought up. When you play DPS, you hardly look at your spells or frames. When you play healer, that’s basically all you look at. It really reduces immersion and adds to the stress of the game in both PvP AND PvE.

I put my unit frames basically in the center of the screen almost on top of my character so I can at least kind of look at my character while playing, but so much of the game is spent looking at a colored bar emptying and refilling in response to my spells rather than actually looking at the open world in front of me.

Ive been saying forever to give both teams atleast two maps they veto and the game is randomly picked from the remaining pool

It’s also an issue in PvE with Dungeon or Raid healing. There is too much emphasis on “playing the Unit Frame” because there is literally no other viable way of healing a grp let alone a raid. I really hope they try some form of Smart Heal implementation with a few spells first and then build from there.

Yeah idk how often it happens or what, but i see these complaints fro mhealers all the time where they go 4+ and gain nothing or lose 1 and lose cr. Seems like its turning a lot of ppl away. Hope they figure something out.

Awesome, added it to the list.

Yes, when your rank gets higher, you’re generally playing better players, so games are harder.

This is not a fundamental problem. It’s simply the point at which you don’t want to put in additional effort.

No solution needed.

The playerbase has asked for this forever. Blizzard typically implement it later in the season.

No, there shouldn’t.

That isn’t a good player experience. Your idea is for me to slog through multiple games as a spec I don’t want to play so the queue time on the spec I want to play is shorter?

Alternatively I could simply skip the queue as a healer and queue as dps. Even a 40 minute queue would be preferable to 35 minutes queueing multiple games to win as a spec I don’t want to play.

This is an entirely separate topic and is not strictly related to solo shuffle.

For healers, this is probably okay, since the lack of healers can sometimes cause them to get thrown into lobbies with MMR’s much lower than their CR.

If people want to try healing, they want to try healing. They shouldn’t be motivated by shorter queue times as a dps. This would also exacerbate the issue for other dps.

I’m not a healer main, but this seems like a terrible mechanic.

While Blizz is implementing Vetos
 we shodul also get to Veto ONE class.

How about this?
If the other healer leaves, the healer who doesn’t leave gets 6 wins.

Unlike DPS, the healer is in a 1v1 with the other healer. If the opposing healer is leaving, that means that you won and you should get credit for all the rounds the opposing healer forfeit.


I really don’t think you understand the benefits of this suggestions.

  • For people who are healer mains or play healer mostly and stopped queuing rss because either they got burnt out, or don’t want to only heal, this would give them an incentive to still queue. It is really no different then offering them gold, materials, etc. It’s an incentive to make them queue as healer

  • For people who play mainly as DPS and are ok with trying out healer, this would give them incentive with faster queues on their DPS char

  • For people like you, who don’t want to contribute to the solution, that only want to play DPS spec, and simply don’t understand that the only way to make queues shorter for DPS is to have more healers queue, there isn’t really any viable option. You will just sit in the queue for 40 mins because A) you don’t care to contribute to the solution, B) offer no ideas.