Solo Shuffle Enhance: 29 of Top 40 Held by Same Player?

Does no one find it odd that 29 of the top 40 ranks for Enhance Solo Shuffle are all some variation of the same name? The sheer number of matches played in total is wild.

I guess it’s possible someone just has a lot of free time on their hands and decided to see how many different characters they could get to a certain rating, but I think Blizz probably needs to be looking at what’s going on here.

At the very least you have 20-something Enhance players being pushed out of reaching a goal because a single player has flooded the top end with an army of characters.


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No, because it’s all clearly the same guy.

Yes, especially the time spent in queue. Man is dedicated and loves the game!

??? Wdym? Nothing is going on there. He’s just a good player with a LOT of dedication to the game.

Alts don’t take up slots. So if there are 4 spots based on participation, and one person has 20 alts (21 total characters) all in that cutoff range, there will be 24 total spots then.
Playing alts doesn’t remove anyone else’s ability to get a title.

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While I obviously don’t know, I think an extreme outlier like this is worth investigating to rule out the possibility of win-trading or RMT boosting. Again, it’s highly unusual for someone to play so many matches, let alone across so many alts.

You’re like the only person who doesn’t know who Bigdam is


That’s a pretty insane comment. First of all, wintrading is almost entirely non-existant, ESPECIALLY in shuffle, and really only occurs in “high” tank lobbies at the end of season.

Second, do you think for even a second that someone would RMT (also very rare, but not as rare as wintrading) someone to play for hours across 2 dozen characters and thousands of games??? Or is it just more likely that someone put in an obscene amount of time to dedicate to the grind and the alts are a byproduct of that to break the monotony?

Yeah, dude is definitely one of a kind, but pushing on alts is hardly rare, and he’s been present ever since solo shuffle came out and has had repeat performances over the past 5 seasons.

What is more “highly unusual” is throwing shade in an accusatory fashion towards someone who just put in a lot of time and effort into improving and has been successful as a result.

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But mom told me its my turn to say theres wintrading???


With 29 characters???

Do you think he’s a Saudi oil prince?

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I’m just glad he lost his #1 spot for what he did to me.

Pushing on alts isn’t rare, but exceeding 5 alts is. So when someone is sitting at 29 that should raise some red flags in my opinion. But again, I’m not saying he IS doing anything wrong, but I do think it’s certainly worth looking into.

I struggle to imagine any other scenario as to why someone would rank up 29 alts to that level except for the purpose of carrying people to higher rating for RMT.

I do understand that such a thing would be much more difficult in Solo Shuffle, but I imagine pushing during off-hours with a greatly diminished pool of people in queue could alleviate much of that struggle.

But aside from the question of whether or not he is doing anything against ToS, I’m curious as to how people feel about someone with the ability to reach that rating having that many alts in the mix. Obviously once they reach a certain point there’s no difference from the player being on his main, but how many times are players at lower ratings having to run into this player and lose rating because this player decided to push on yet another alt?

Dang, he needs to get a life.

The higher rating you get, the longer the ques. I think the main reason he has so many ults is to try to get reasonable ques. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has 2 active accounts both in que just to maximize doing what he wants. “playing arena”


Yeah, that does make sense.

I think you’re pretty out of touch with this one.

First of all, there is no RMT in shuffle outside of pilots and even then they’re exceedingly rare and often banned. There is no feasible way to control who you Q with/into and also far too much variance on team play because of the shuffling aspect.

Also, different people play the game for different reasons. Biebz frequently frequents these forums to troll and he literally has character cap and regularly deletes characters to make and level new ones for different race/transmog combinations.

I have at least 2 of each class for ally and horde because I’m a completionist and I like the mogs and playing the different classes.

People regularly use multiple alts to farm mounts and rare event items as well and some people just enjoy leveling.

I know I personally levelled like 30 characters during mop timewalking while binge-watching Suits because it was so fast and easy and gave you a ton of cosmetic items.

It’s fine to raise a concern, but you didn’t ask a question. You intentionally phrased things in an accusatory fashion with the leading presumption that he was doing something wrong, which he’s not

You’re also just uninformed about how the shuffle title spots work.

If you wanted to ask a question or were curious, that’s totally fine, but that’s not what it seems like you came here to do. Further, when presented evidence to the contrary, you’ve attempted to justify the notion that he’s in some RMT scheme, which is a lazy and baseless accusation.

I think Abrams probably has the right idea with the guy likely just repeatedly starting a fresh alt for the sake of queue times.

With such an extreme outlier, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to be suspicious. I do agree that I might have been more tactful in my surmising, but again, I think any reasonable person, the player in question included, can browse the Solo Shuffle leaderboards and compare the Enhance tab to any other spec and see how one might come to such a conclusion.

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I think that’s a big part of it! Also, I know he’s a big min/maxer and enjoys the math behind things, and during the season it’s honestly faster and easier to make a new alt to try different embelishments/gear/racial combinations because of the conquest cap.

It’s DEFINITELY way more than most people do for sure, which is where a reasonable amount of skepticism or curiousity is definitely warranted.

Sure! I’d say I agree with that.

This part I disagree with. In looking at the current and previous ladders, you can see that this has been a normal trend that began with shuffle. He’s also been vocal on the forums about his journey, especially earlier on in dragonflight. I think that when you look at all the data, it’s pretty clear he’s just a very successful eccentric.

Also, there is so so so so little RMT in the game and it’s nonexistant in shuffle, much-less from someone playing on a main account with a very clear brand with every char at the same name.

I think it’s normal to be curious, I think it’s tinfoil-hat to assume boosting.

I thought u didnt care


you probably play just as much as he does just have nothing to show for the effort.


how are 20 people pushed out though?

his alts don’t interact with rewards


In your case you just didn’t make it.


i started playing from your cr with maybe a day left in the season and i worked until season had 1 hr left in it

the 2 lobbies i got at 2890 were dev/boomkin/fmage

last spot qd and lost all his mmr so he wouldn’t have been able to pass me if i just 3-3d the initial aids lobby

happens though thanks for watching