We’re both alike you know. We both failed to hit our mark by a lot.
Remi got a mount though and isn’t considered a joke by everyone who plays the game, little different
highest rated legend/strategist club?
hope it works out better for you
i was the highest legend in crimson/obsidian too
I’m sure Remi appreciates your support since you got a R1 title and he didn’t. Maybe you can give him a few pointers.
he also got half his glad wins off my turbo too
amatox might be my #1 opp
Are you insisting that he got his title because you helped him win trade?
i sat up in my chair and lost anyways
Turbo just actually the only comp rsham arms unh can beat
what he do
That sounds incredibly sus. Amatox how you going to handle the fact Remi just claimd he helped you win trade?
exposé i lost every game to kennie’s tsg as well
All the assa aff players that managed to help me get to 50, I appreciate y’all too
How do you feel about him getting his glad before you?
I think he got his before me
how do you feel about him getting 10 before you get 1
I mean I figured you might be worried that maybe it was him carrying you.