Solo queue Rated PVP NOW

As long as there is PR on gear and casual/time limited players know they won’t be able to upgrade/progress, nothing will fix the rated pvp system.

OP, don’t listen to the haters, most don’t even know what they are hating on and even admit to not even reading the post and hating it.

Solo Q if implemented correctly could bring another dynamic to what has become a very stale PvP game.

The issue is in that statement. “If implemented correctly”. I have zero faith in Bliz ability to implement any new thing with any kind of balance or rewarding gameplay, as proven in the last 3 expansions.

Would be awesome and would lower boosters, and meta comps. I think it would be dope to have a fury warrior or blood dk in my group randomly against say like a demo lock etc etc, would be awesome

And if it was rating based the higher you get the more likely you would be teamed up with off meta classes, but if you do, you know that player can play it well and adapt it to whatever group he gets.

One of the most blaring issue I foresee is using it as a means to get gear as certain classes/specs would have a much easier climb then others. (But how is that different then what we have now)

I would also like to see this limited to 2v2 Arena and a 5v5 up to 7v7 BGs. Teams would have to be small enough so that player skill plays a more important variable to success but big enough to cover a BG. Maybe limit it to he 2 CTF BGs and maybe the Orb one. OR, dare I say, make a new BG specifically for a 5v5 setup.

Well that much is obvious.

Either way, I logged on today… spent 45 minutes trying to find a RBG team and logged without ever playing a game. It’s never been this bad, the game is winding down, just add it… and hey, guess what? If it’s bad, it’s bad. If no one uses it, then it’ll be like 5v5 and go the way of the dinosaur. (we should bring back 5v5 btw).


I think arguments for solo que:

  1. No waiting and more queing if you want to get some quick practice in.

  2. New toons get placed against people their skill level (discouraging get smashed in bg’s/arena skirms or dealing with 2v3 in skirms/carries, etc.). If somebody is geared and an OP spec in solo que but around your rating then they have less skill, don’t have to worry about that aspect of occasional unfair games.

  3. Great way to practice alts/new specs if teamates don’t want to que alts.

Not to replace rated but why not sounds like a good option to have.


Sure, It will be awesome.
Wait a second… Don’t we have trolls those days already?
Yeah, I think we do… Like random guys playing instant trinket or double PvE trinket. Or even using the PvE legendary. Sure, sure, you might be totally right. Spend 30 min to find one of those guys is much better than 2~5 min in a queue waiting for one of those and then queue up again with a different person. Get back to Mithyc +5, bro. You don’t know our reality.

Lol mythic 5? What are you talking about. Already got ksm. Calm down and go lvl.
I should probably do the same on this account

I think you’re trying to resolve 2 things. SoloQ won’t fix both. SoloQ will fix the issue if you not being able to log in and simply Q to get into rated matches. If it’s was just to PVP without similar rewards as rated, you can already do that via BG/EBG/Skirmish.

The second issue is rated Arena/BG and the REWARDS. The most important being being the rewards since I’m sure you want to get into rated to get the loot, not to just PVP because if that’s the case, you can already do that with BG/EBG/Skirmish.

Think about when you queue to BG/EBG/Skirmish, how often do you type out a strat only for people to not really listen and just do what they do. Imagine that experience but in a rated environment where your rating matters to unlock the loot that you want/aim for. How toxic would that be if a chill BG/EBG/Skirmish can sometime turn into a toxic fest?

What you all need to focus on is how the rating system is being implemented. Why does it punish you when you play more games? Why does it punish you when you go on a win streak only to get paired up against a stronger opponent that will take away your progress? Why can you slide your rating all the way down to the previous bracket if you get into a horrible queue session?

All that soloq will do is get you to the brick wall that is rating faster…

“All that soloq will do is get you to the brick wall that is rating faster…”

At the moment, that is the main problem here, so yeah, that would help.
I agree with you that soloq might not be the best solution, but I think that blizz wont just implement it as we are asking. They will get some other solution that might be better or even just improve queue time in 50%, for example. That would be a great advance already.

Yah, hoping for the best. Any changes towards more play time is always ideal, I agree with that.

It takes more time to find someone than actually play the game.
I’m sitting in Oribos right now, been 1 hour, can’t find a partner. About to log now, my playtime this morning can be summarized to waiting for something that never happened.

Way to go…

Since you are in lfg and not a raid you could try making gold a bit? Most high rated players are selling carries for gold. Just buy them at the end of the season when it is discounted. Not that you need a carry but to have someone to play with.

Waiting SUCKS.

At this point I need to play so i can actually get better. But I can’t even actually play the game cause no one will really play with an under geared player and you know, gear is BIG.

Soloqueue will not be the solution you think it will.

I mean solo Q is already in the game. It’s called skirmishes. If you want a very similar experience to what solo Q would be like just Q skirmishes for an hour.

You’re likely to enjoy getting paired like double DH Mistweaver or randomly getting an outlaw rogue in your party. If you can Q skirmishes for an hour and say that you honestly wish you had exactly that but for the ladder than by all means but I highly doubt people would enjoy that.

They’d have to seriously tinker with the rulesets so people who are actually trying to win the BG get more of a reward than those who fart around looking to pad their damage meter stats… or those who AFK somewhere.

I’m all for solo rated queues, but don’t think it’s as simple as copy/pasting random BGs with a rating

Man, i feel you. This is happenning to me. At the beginning of shadowlands you could see a lot of people in LFG but now you have to spend literally hours to find partners with same mmr as you to play 4 games. You may win 3 in a row, but guess what… you lose 1 arena and people quit. Then you have the same sicle again…waitting hours for ques is really frustrating.
It´s time to have soloque in the game, but it has to be in another bracket, no with LFG , we are not asking to remove LFG… NO NO.
We are asking for a soloque system that allows you to play the game with people with your similar skill level at any time. Then if you find people as you in that bracket you can ask them to play Group_que and climb toguether.
Imagine how many casual player as me would que every day just to push up instead of being hours and hours waiting. Honestly i watch more twich streams from top pvp players lately than actually play the game, because LFG sucks for people like me. I just wanna get home after work , que some hours and play man

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Need solo Q


Solo Q is a big part of almost every game out today. Blizzard needs to implement a system where a group of less than 10 can Q up into a rated game. The resources to keep it competitive, such as Comm’s, are already in WoW’s UI.
Casual Players are currently forced to wait in never ending Group Finders waiting for players to fill for rated games. Yet Q times for groups entering into RBG’s is less than 1 min.