Solo queue Rated PVP NOW

Ok, I am sick and tired of this game not having a solo queue option. I just want to log in and play competitively with the push of a button like ANY other game out there. Every FPS game has it, every MOBA game has it, hell even some MMO’s have it. Blizzard, it is time. Not everyone has friends that still play the game. Not everyone is interested in making friends in this, or for that matter, in any other game. Some people are only interested in Playing the game. I love that you guys enforce a sense of community but sometimes we just want to play the game. I don’t want to be rejected for a million RBGS/arenas because I haven’t played this season yet (they ask for CR and all that stuff). Even though I am a 2.3k rated arena player I find it rather annoying that I have to look for groups and HOPE I can get into one. Not only that, the level of elitism in this game is way too high. Please, add the option to do Rated Solo queue, this game would be so much better and so many more people would play it if there wasn’t this barrier between them and actually playing the best aspect of the game which is PVP (I know, most people won’t agree but hell, this is the PVP section so yeah, I assume everyone here loves the PVP more than anything else in this game). I believe that me and so many people out there would be so much happier if instead of having to go through LFG (and get your soul crushed because you still haven’t had time to play anything rated yet, so your CR is 0) We could just hop in the game, click a Solo Queue button and be matched with similarly skilled players. Now here’s some arguments that I am sure will appear in this post and I can refute them right away:

1- It will not be balanced;
Yes, this game isn’t balanced towards PVP, unfortunately, though it could be one of the best eSports games of all time simply because the gameplay mechanics are unmatched (comparing to other MMO’s, obviously). If enough people wanted this, I am Sure that the devs would figure something out and make it work.

2- Queues may take too long;
Perhaps, but if they do it well, many players would come back, more players = faster queues. I know a lot of high rated LoL and Dota players (Grandmaster, Challenger level) that would love to come back to WoW if they could simply log in and play competitively, like it matters, not arena skirmishes obviously.

3- Lack of synergy;
Some may argue that it would be hard to play with a random but it’s not true at all. Not only most games allow you to do that (and some reward you for doing so, like LoL, Dota, CS GO) but you can also test it in some private servers and it works. It can be done. Also, In game Voice would help a lot.

4- Classes;
Obviously some comps are stronger than others, as is true in any other game. But the chances of forming said strong comps is random since it’s a solo queue, you’d bring the player, not the class. Would that bring some RNG to the table? Yes. Would that affect the balance? Not really since everyone would get the chance to shine every once in a while. The key here is bring the player, not the class.

I say, Blizzard should at least give it a try. Beta test it, see if people like it. Some of us don’t have the time to scroll through LFG for hours only to find an arena partner that quits after a few games or a RBG group that falls apart after a loss.
I don’t mind losing, I am not a great player I admit, my highest rating in 3s is 2320 and 2.1k in 2s. I really didn’t get into RBGS yet, for this exact reason, it is such a hassle finding players in LFG. But at least let me lose a rated BG or a rated Arena where the only time I spent setting up to play was gearing up, not going through a million LFG groups. Not all of us have friends (or even entire families) that play the game together at exactly the same time. Be flexible, let us at least have the option.

I apologize for my grammar, english isn’t my main language.
Let me know what you guys think.



No thank you sir


I dont get it, If we can solo queue for Rated BGs, then what is the purpose of the randoms? Just get rid of them and make everything Rated? Then what do the people who want to play competitively do? Make a new Super-Rated BG? And then make a solo queue for those… and round and round we go… Ad Infinitum.



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did anyone actually read this? I need someone else to summarize this word vomit that I’ll likely disagree with.



make some friends bro it isnt that hard

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I think it would be very interesting to have a solo queue system that is it’s own rated bracket of 3v3. You would be able to gain rating and be queued with people of similar skill level without initially finding partners. This could help new players step into arena without the fear of being kicked after 1 loss, it also helps judge people on their individual skill level rather than someone getting carried in a group. You would have to have reduced rewards so this would then funnel back into regular ranked arena.

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go play a moba or fps if you want solo Q

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I thought we were past this weird phase

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Main argument about bringing vanilla back was the sense of community. People wanted classic because retail is a solo player game. if you want a even more solo player game why dont you go play 2077 or valorant idk.

It blew my mind that there no open q. Now we just forma pug of Randoms(same thing) just to to match against a actual group and then get destroyed. Yeah really compitive. Blizzard confuses me sometimes.


Massively multiplayer doesn’t mean everyone in the game has to be your friend you cave-dwelling troglodyte, if you queue up solo you’re going to get into a game with other people on your team, it’s literally in the game right now if you do skirmish or random bgs, what in the world do you think multiplayer means?


To test builds, practicing a new class, trying out a new role etc etc.

Just because there are local basketball tournaments and leagues doesn’t mean that they should get rid of random pickup games at the park.


They do, it’s called skirmishes. There is no game as team comp based as WoW. People who played weaker classes would get reported every game.

All I can think of is “Report Shaco for being Shaco”.

“Report Hunter for playing BM.”


OP is talking about rated solo queue. I am willing to bet that he knows there is a skirmish queue.

Eh, HotS and Overwatch are pretty team comp based.


/10characters - this explains it all

Please bring solo queue rated pvp


I agree 100%. Blizz should have done this years ago


Blizzard should put this into the game as it would increase player base and open end game content to all. I agree it would randomly generate strong comps or weak comps but it would be the same in league of legends for example, some champions just counter others and thats part of the game and if someone plays well, can outplay bad match ups.

Dependable in game voice chat would also help in solo queue for strategy and communication. For “toxicity” an easily accessed mute button would allow for players the option to tune out such behavior just like on COD as well as ignore in current game text chat.

I have played since burning crusade and have enjoyed playing pvp more than anything else in the game but starting in shadowlands ive only been able to max out my honor gear on my main since I cannot find an arena team or partner to play with since CR is 0. And farming Random BGS for conquest is NOT the move.