Not only am I fan of a Solo Queue system for ranked PvP but I’m also digging the fact that this system alone can help force positive change in the game and the community.
Jokes on you, I can’t read.
I’d take that.
of late its been my lag, oh the lag.
Since I don’t want yet another afk report kick I keep quiet.
Now in my head I am going lag has nothing to do with this loss about to happen. Don’t know how many times on arathi I have seen no one on farm/stable. start up flag, leaves, no one covers. Why I hate arathi so much. I see no one there then call it home as I cover it. Match after match. I forget what LM looks like. Or mines…lol
this is the stuff even noobs like me when on rogues live for. endless fun for days denying points flipping the point. Don’t have to keep it whole time. Just flipping it like a burger helps.
Defence does suck at times. But is needs to be done.
Who gives a rats behind about PvP? Surely a minority, that i would take to the bank!
Me standing on the flag pressing consecrate mindlessly while I watch Netflix until a hunter kills me.
¿Solo Qué?
yeah but you can at least say its 1 or 5 on the take.
saves 5 people coming to kill 1 rogue lol.
Also why I like DK more. the circle is bigger. and its red. Red a better color to my eyes lol.
Did you know that you have more nerve endings in your gut, then you have in your head?