Solo Qs are rough my dudes

A better quote to use would’ve been:

The way I see it, I’m not out here trying to alter the classic experience at all – rather to preserve it as I remember it.

The skill/knowledge gap between then and now, in addition to significantly larger PvP brackets (as a result of larger server sizes, wholesale), has created a situation that feels extremely inauthentic.

I only propose changes are necessary to restore a sense of authenticity to that experience.

AV is in a similar spot.

I remember losing a vast majority of the AV matches I participated in during Vanilla WoW as a Horde player – and yet in this day and age, the Horde must have a 95%+ win rate in that battleground; which is obviously broken as hell.

Perhaps the ease with which honor is farmed through the use of coordinated premades in the other two battlegrounds has drawn a vast majority of the skilled/geared Alliance players away from participating in AV, or maybe the hostility of the terrain/environment in AV has indirectly caused that behavior.

As a Horde player queueing solo? AV is your only option if you intend to reap any benefit at all from your time spent. That’s definitely contributed to the problem.

People didn’t used to min/max the game into oblivion.

Either way, as a matter of course, it seems like Blizzard should rightly be taking some semblance of action in order to re-balance that battleground, as well as the other two – simply based on the results we’ve perceived.

Battlegrounds feel one-sided on all fronts, and the quality of the gameplay feels less than optimal as a result.


I completely agree man. I honestly don’t want game breaking changes. I want some tweaks to clean it up, and balance it. That’s all, but I find we’re always met with #nochanges.

The current system is not sustainable.

Sounds like a lie, Heartseeeker is a semi dead server, 1.5m cap is slavery. I got r14 on faerlina and the caps were not even close to that.

Do you enjoy farming PUG gys? How has the grind been for you?

Honest question here.

No, I don’t enjoy farming PUG gys. I had a long stressfull grind specially being a warrior trying to get into premades where the meta was 1 warrior only at the wsg days. But when you’re grinding 15-18 hours a day you forget your pride for the sake of hph and an early cap.

Then help us figure this out. Because as pugs we’re struggling too. Most of us don’t want to queue anymore, as we get absolutely nothing for it. There has to be some incentive for the solo queue option; otherise, a change needs to be made.

The current model is NOT sustainable.

That is a horde problem not alliance. I pugged alot too, sometimes i get premade and sometimes pugs but it doesnt affect me to much because we have instant Qs.

Would you be willing to consider supporting a faction change from only horde to alliance? That could help even out the population. For me, I don’t want to reroll. I have too much money, and time invested in my 60. The grind is painful.

If I had known the Pserver kids were going to infest my faction that I’ve been using since 2006, I would of rolled Alliance form the start in Classic.

I’d be willing to come over to you guys if I had a way to do it. I don’t see why we can’t do this, as it could help fix some of the extreme imbalance.

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I can support this idea even believing they would never actually do faction changes for classic. PVP would be way less toxic if everyone had fast queues.

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Yeah. It could really help this game. That’s my major concern first. The health of our favourite game. We all love this place, and it’s struggling right now. I can see that.

They aren’t addressing the population issue at all. I remember this being a problem in Warhammer Online. Everyone was Destruction. Really broke the mechanics, and kinda drove the game down over time.

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I would prefer longer queues and fairer games.

But my opinion doesn’t seem to matter.

we do not enjoy farming pug gys either bro unfortunately on the more popular servers we have very high honor caps right now because of this covid mess and there being way more rankers than normal at one time with brackets being full, having idiot bracket breakers who normally wouldn’t even be able to get 200k honor a week that are breaking brackets since they are sitting at home doing nothing and deciding to be clowns and break brackets, etc. So now the high ranked players who are close to finishing their grind to rank 14 are having to do whats necessary to get max HPH to ensure we hit our brackets so we dont decay and derank

that being said… people like the person in the screenshot spamming /yell macros in bgs to be a**holes are disgusting and deserve temp bans or in game mutes for a week or something.

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In the interim, I won’t be queuing for the gas chamber(s).

Enjoy your grind.

Thinking that pvp wouldn’t be insanely competitive until the gear is outdated was pretty silly of you.

The only competitive part is seeing who can farm pugs more efficiently though.

Ask the rankers. This isn’t a real competition at all lol.

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I did experience one game when I was part of a premade from my server. That was the most boring snooze fest I ever participated in and it was against another premade. I couldn’t imagine fighting pugs for multiple hours a day everyday.

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People will do what you let them do for the purples.

Blizzards mentality towards classic might shift as it continues to be a success, but I think they never really wanted to do it to begin with and the lack of communication shows that.

Naw. The top guys are the ones that can actually farm the other premades. If you can only farm pugs you won’t compete with the honor in the top brackets. The only way you could is if the top groups set their caps low.

So only at the top?

So you are saying the ENTIRE rest of the brackets are occupied by people farming premades my dude. You are kind of proving the point. No one cares about the top guys. This is classic.

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What Darth is trying to say is that, to him, premades aren’t the problem.

Premades are the solution to the problem, and so nobody should queue for WSG or AB solo.

That way premades will face premades, and the only people who lose out are those who want to pug and face pugs.

Sound about right? We’re just not allowed to play, because we can’t or don’t want to breach the social barrier to entry, and that’s completely fine by him.

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