Solo Progression Makes Sense

hey atleast I dont whine like a baby about it every other thread :man_shrugging:

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I don’t see people whining - that’s not how I would characterize it - typically I see people are trying to highlight a problem - the only reason they’d bother with that is in the hopes of some improvement. Be happy there are still people complaining - when all goes silent then you have a bigger problem.


Yep, I don’t remember who it was… but someone on the WoW team a long time ago - maybe Ghostcrawler? - said something along the lines of “We’re okay if people are posting complaints on the forums. Because it means they care. A playerbase that refuses to complain when things aren’t great is one that doesn’t care at all… and that’s when you have to worry.”

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Just being realistic.
Solo instanced content is just taking people out of groups elsewhere, and that is a very important thing to maintain activity in.
It likely would not be good for the game, and should not be embraced by anyone, certainly not myself, even if I would like to see it.

I know how antisocial I get when I get into leveling or torghast challenge moods.
I completely disconnect from those in my guild and others around me.

That’s just me though.

The way I see it, there is no point.
There does not need to be any more sources of gear. There are already so many that its hurting people only interested in a single one.
There does not need to be solo progression content, because it would likely be impossible to balance and just alienate even more people based on class, like we see with the Torghast complaints about imbalance.
And most importantly, it does not need to happen just to please players who quit the game 2 months into the expansion, because there is a high probability those players would just not enjoy this concept anyway, and still end up in the same place.

In the end, the game needs players who will play actively with passion and who will contribute to group content.

Take more of those people away by making solo content too lucrative, and instead you’d HARM the game, instead of improve it.

The player base it would serve would likely not be in those groups to begin with. It’s not going to kill the game or anything. I realize you’re just entrenching your position at this point. But listen, if other big companies are able to do it, this one can too.


Not necessarily. It’s taking people who aren’t doing groups, and keeping them PAYING.

Nobody’s saying to make it the IDEAL method of progression. Just to make it an option.

What’s funny about this argument… is I remember back in the day people would complain that there was no way for people who liked dungeons to gear up using them fully… and people made this same damned argument back then except talking about raids. “We don’t need people doing dungeons, we need raiders.”

It was wrong then. And it’s wrong now.

What we need… is people interested in playing the game. Full stop.

I have a MYthic group I play with a few times a week. But the rest of the time… I log off. Because there’s nothing fun for me to do. If I had solo progression, I wouldn’t log off. I’d play. And when I get tired of the mythics currently out, which may happen, I will just quit. And go somewhere else. But if I had something I could get my wife interested in - like say solo content or small group content - then we could play together. But I can’t.


I’m sure they can do it. That was never in doubt.
Its whether they should, and I do not believe they should.
As a raid leader of 12 years, I do not wish there to be any less reason people should be interested in raiding than there already is, selfishly.

Amen Sister!


It already is an option that is not the ideal method though. We are now full circle back to where we started.
Especially with how many BOEs there are in the game now, an entirely solo player could actually be quite geared if they really wanted to.

But they don’t want to.
They don’t even try, and you can act like that is because Blizzard doesn’t push them into trying, but I do not believe it.

Its purely a mentality thing, first and foremost.

I appreciate your candor. There are many unknown players out there, likely never in a guild or active when in one with group ventures, that would benefit from a better option - it keeps people happy, keeps them playing - keeps them paying and engaged.

If I were a decision maker I would be looking to expand what we offer - not limit it, especially if the competition is offering it. The game needs to adapt and evolve and it has proven it can and will do that - so, I think a step for the great unwashed, largely silent masses, that mostly do their own thing, it makes good business sense.


Torghast to level alts doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all actually.


If you were a decision maker you would likely have a more realistic understanding that they have already overcommitted to too many various things being developed so much so that it has put them in a state of perpetual delay.

Adding another one is likely not on the table right now.
Not unless you want to cut something else entirely.

These people are trolls who are posting this because they know it will trigger players like you, or ringers that are alts of raiders who have to create these posts so they can trash “casuals who are demanding mythic raid gear be mailed to them”.

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There’s a difference between ‘mindlessly farming herbs to buy gear’ and ‘having a challenge to overcome to acquire new items’. One only appeals to the lazy people you deride so much. That’s the one that’s currently in the game. Which is why the people I am talking about don’t engage in it. There’s no CHALLENGE to ‘let’s AOE low level mobs for leather and sell the leather until I have the gold to buy a BoE’ - so there’s no POINT to doing it.

There’s no feeling of accomplishment to gearing that way. And since there’s no solo content, they also have no motivation to do so anyways.

But if you implemented content that encouraged people to push themselves, people would push themselves. Not everyone. But a lot of people.

Edit: And as a side point… if people had reason to push themselves… they MIGHT just also get interested in larger scale content. If my wife had something to do at top level, she might join my guild. And after joining my guild, she might make friends with guildmates, whihc might push her to be like ‘ya sure I’ll come dps your mythic group.’ which might get her interested in THAT too.

So like… it wouldn’t be taking people away from groups… it would be keeping people IN the game who might LATER decide to try group content too.


Tinfoil hat much?

There are a few things that can be implemented now to mitigate matters.

They can fix the scaling or give a legacy buff for legion raids. That keeps those folks happy and busy. They can offer something from TC that can be worked towards - that would keep me busy and happy. They can lower the anima cost - so it’s not so daunting for folks, at least they’d feel they could achieve a few things - I feel like right now, it’s just a big turn off for a lot of people. I mean these are just quick Band-Aids and doesn’t require overhauling of the core design. The main pitch here though is certainly something to ponder for the next expansion.

(Edited - so it was readable, somewhat)

I do not think it would be a lot of people that aren’t already pushing themselves. Not at all.
Like I said, look at Torghast.
Its not even remotely difficult and people still act like its legitimately impossible for them.

The game is just very very hard to be balanced when only 1 spec is involved.

That’s because there’s NO REASON FOR THEM TO PUSH THEMSELVES. There’s no content to do, there’s no reward structure. There’s no sense of accomplishment in it, really.

Torghast is a good idea badly implemented. And thus it’s a bad representation.

There’s no motivation to push yourself when you get no real reward for it, there’s nothing to do AFTER you’ve done it, and it’s heavily RNG. It just… was badly implemented.

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I’m not understanding your point. The purpose in killing mobs to skin and sell the skins is to earn gold. That’s a valid reason why many people play the game, because they like having gold and the cosmetics it can buy them.

If you implemented content that would force skinners to fight all mobs at mythic raid level, you would end up with no skins to buy. All crafting would end if every node was being camped by a raid boss.

At least there’s people out there who are willing to provide you with skins now, even though you’re too lazy to do your own skinning. The economy would grind to a halt if nothing could be harvested because you don’t go out in the world to do things and the people who used to have quit because they don’t think you’re worth the pittance you are willing to pay.

Solo players have progression, more then they’ve had before.