This is what the OP asked for in this thread, literally:
How did you conclude this from that:
How are you translating, " a person puts in the hours, gets gear, then uses that gear to increase the difficulty of the content they engage in and gradually acquire better gear… just either alone or with one or two friends in stead of in groups of 5 or 20" into “a way for a player to earn the highest rewards in the game without a group?” There’s a vast difference between, “Let me continue to improve my gear through solo play,” and, “Give me the best gear through solo play.”
Because it is what many other people are asking for, and even if this person doesn’t realize it, it is what they are asking for too, they just don’t know it yet.
This type of content used to give essentially nothing at all for power, and now its giving gear equal to normal raid.
There is no where else to go but up from there, because we have already gone way too far.
I tried to somewhat cover that in my post, using difficulty tiers as an example:
You’re rewarded based on difficulty mode. Completing your selected game mode rewards you with gear to make that game mode trivial, without breaking the game.
You don’t have to do what you don’t want to, to feel strong. So long as you complete your desired level of difficulty.
Yeah, like always it’s a progression based game you do realize that right? Look at my gear, I am like you, beyond casual. I am not demanding anything, because let’s be real here for once, what you guys are calling a strawman is reality.
You are looking for something that has never existed. They gave us normal raid gear for merely completing quests chains, but the problem is you plateaued sooner. This happens all the time in this game, you probably just never had it hit you quite so fast. That’s generally where people decide to push or not, they don’t expect to get it for just logging in.
You will get catch up gear at patch, like always. I am a casual and I don’t want the game to change because stuff is happening on my end, I am a realist.
Can’t raid due to parental responsibilities. Sure, there are people out that can manage that time. But it doesn’t make any less legitimate.
Job duties require extended hours. I myself had to quit raiding because I just couldn’t handle doing 55 hours a week and farm for supplies, and then invest the hours for raiding.
There’s no arguing that PVP requires skill. There are some that, no matter how hard they try, they just can’t “get gud” so to speak.
Mythic +:
A timed run can be very stressful, especially if there is no communication. Some people cannot handle that stress.
I should add that one can place the reasons in just about any category. The only one I didn’t add was an actual disability. That’s just about as straight up a reason as they come.
With all due respect, I see that as incredibly short-sighted and I don’t believe it’s true.
The game has played with several solo progression features: proving grounds, mage tower, visions, and now torghast. They’ve been playing with character assisted AI in islands and war fronts.
Blizzard clearly recognizes that there’s a subset of gamers who prefer to play “alone together.” And if they don’t, it’s a huge miss on their part. In fact, I’m not sure why they would have implemented half the systems they have if that’s the case.
You don’t believe what’s true?
Those are all examples for my point, not yours.
They add this stuff as content that is not progression difficulty, and even though half that stuff you listed could be done in a group, people still refuse to do it and then complain about how imbalanced it is.
I really would leave Torghast out of any discussion on this sub-topic.
There are STILL threads people claiming that their class physically is incapable of completing torghast.
Can you only imagine what the threads would say if they were talking about content that was supposed to be approaching the difficulty and time investment of other progression content the game features!?
Okay, so they can’t raid. Means they don’t need raid gear because they’re not going to be raiding. They’re rewarded with the gear, for the content they do.
I too, had to quit raiding because of my work schedule. But you don’t see me asking for raid gear…because I’m not raiding. Covenant/PvP gear is enough of a progression for the content that’s being done.
That’s the issue.
I fall under this category too. I’m not bad. Maybe 1600-1800 rating at best. So why do I need 2400 rating gear if I’m not playing at that level?
So they don’t need m+ gear if they’re not going to be going into m+ content.
You still haven’t given me a good reason as to why someone needs better gear when the gear they get already trivializes their content.
Yes, but at the same time, that obstacle is your next level of difficulty.
Imagine if they actually made open world scale with ilvl. There’d be an outrage. Sure your ilvl keeps going up, but there’s be no power progression. You’d get your never ending scaling difficulty in your content though.
But as I said, no one would be happy because youd always feel like a fresh lvl 60
Edit: and this is why caps are in place for all content forms at all different difficulty tiers
I wonder if what the solo/casual player base wants, is more of a skill based game. Where gear does apply, but most of a characters power comes from ranking up their skills/abilities.
This way, those who play more can push harder content faster and outpace everyone. But everyone is on the same playing field and there’s only a singular progression path?
I can’t believe people are still using ‘BUT PEOPLE MIGHT COMPLAIN’ as if it’s a valid point to use to counter implementing content.
Metro, seriously, literally no matter what Blizzard does people will complain. If ‘people will complain’ were a valid argument, then Blizzard could literally never implement anything. Because SOMEONE will complain about LITERALLY anything. This is the internet. That’s what people do.
PLEASE get that argument out of your vocabulary, because it’s the worst argument anyone could ever make about anything.
The things I listed were instances content, that could be done solo, that allowed you to progress your character in some way, not a full-on progression path. I can’t speak for the mage tower, because I took a break at the time, but I certainly recall proving grounds being required to progress to heroics and visions awarding gear/currency.
You seem to be saying that Blizzards philosophy toward wow is rigidly focused on group content and that is what I disagree with. The examples I provided illustrate that they’re at least dipping their toes into the tech involved in scaling content to down to a single player. And I feel they are right in doing so as it will capture a healthy subset of gamers.
Frankly, saying it couldn’t happen because they could never balance it is a fallacy. When has any content ever been successfully balanced before it’s implementation? They implement and then iterate. If perfect balance were required, there would be nothing for anyone.
It is, they’re being compensated for their efforts. Their efforts just fall shorter than that of others.
Everyone starts off with open world content. Everyone. Then the next step is dungeons/PvP, then ending up at raids (and end rated PvP).
You choosing to stop before you’ve made it to the end of the line of progression is on you. You’re only limited by your willingness and effort.
If you’re not going to put in the effort to do more difficult content, then you won’t be rewarded for it. It’s plain and simple. You are rewarded for your efforts.
Edit: imagine the kid in school who only did math homework getting the same grades as the kid who did all his homework.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing that blizzard rewards those who do more, with more
In the Land Down Under we would say “’ on his soap box again spouting the same old bulldust without knowing what the bloody hell he is talking about '”
A few weeks ago you went the same way, lazy people, enough stuff and you also made the point of WoW being a mmorpg and invited people to contact you and you will help… what crap, I am a casual/solo player for reasons which have nothing to do with you. I am not affraid to get my hands dirty to get the rewards deserving the deed. Multiplayer does not mean that I have or must join groups to get gear if that would be so why have the RPG on the end.
Anyway, I contacted you so you could show me your way to salvation but like it is with so many of your type, full of it, I am still waiting not that I am holding my breath because I didn’t expect anything.
You are confusing what I mean by balance.
Have a look at some of the torghast threads that have been posted for a better understanding.
Its not an issue with the content and its tuning.
Its an issue with the classes having a wide variety of tools that make certain challenges much easier or harder depending on what you play.
People use that as an excuse a LOT.
“Not everyone has a bubble Mr Paladin!”
And then what do you do with tanks and healers?
The whole concept of tank and healer were basically exclusively designed for group synergy right?