Solo Progression Makes Sense

So I need someone to riddle me this, as I’m genuinely curious as well as confused.

Solo players are wanting better rewards for harder content right? Have we looked at the tiers to “harder content” though?

Easy mode: solo play. 1 character only. WQs, questing, Torghast

Normal Mode: Requires 5 players, due to harder content. Dungeon runs. With its own 3 tier set inside (normal, heroic, m+)

Hard Mode: Requires 10-25 people, due to difficulty. Raids. With their own tier rankings inside as well (LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic)

As the game gets more difficult, the more players that are needed to overcome it. Solo and “harder content” do not go hand in hand.

And with “social anxiety” aside since that’s a minority amongst the minority (honestly, those with social anxiety are not going to willingly open up on GD where you can be faced with up to thousands of responses and attitudes and behaviors)…so with that aside…what’s the difference between spending 40 hours and failing in Torghast because they actually made it challenging for “solo” play, and spending 40 hours trying to get along with other people and failing?

Why can’t you look at the difficulty tiers, and try tackling “grouping with others” as a challenge in itself. It is difficult, but guess what, with that renewed difficulty, comes that extra gear you wanted

Having content “scale” with ilvl doesn’t make it “harder”. It remains the same. You get stronger, the mobs get stronger, it still takes the same 3 abilities to complete the WQ as it did 40 ilvls ago.

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