And you have proven my point.
That’s the issue.
There are enough progressions paths already in the game.
Too many.
They do not need to make any more, simply because the other half dozen do not interest some one.
The entire world is an MMO, LMAO…that doesnt mean I have to have 100 of these clowns out there in my face every waking minute.
MMO just means there are other players around me. Doesnt mean every stinking thing in the game has to revolve around building relationships (god I hate that word) with them.
Harder content should pay out better rewards. MMO doesnt actually have to have anything to do with it. Just make harder solo content that offers better gear drops.
I did. I was addressing your concern that in my original post I said there was no timegate. Would you prefer to move the goalpost and now complain about my description of the timegate?
There are three progression paths, not six. There’s rated PVP, Mythic+, and raiding. That’s it. And every one of those requires a group of at least five players, except for arena which is only catered to a very specific type of competitive player.
There really aren’t enough progression paths. Three seems pretty low to me.
Exactly! That’s what is important about the MMO experience to a lot of people. Having players around.
Green means ‘Most valuable poster’ - they’re not employed by BLizzxard, but typically they’re someone the Blizzard community team has recognized as having a positive impact on the community so gives them a bit of extra weight to their words with a green colour.
Although I’m having a hard time believing this guy was ever a positive contributor to any discussion.
and thats another thing.
MMO? phhhh…have you all tried talking to these people in group content? Youre lucky if they dare to glance in your direction. lol.
This game calls itself an MMO…but I dont think ive seen 100 words shared in this ‘MMO’ in group content in the last 2 years.
Just standing in the same room with other players so I can get a decent gear drop? Please. Not necessary.
Im all for harder content for better gear…but HAVING to do it in a group setting ONLY isnt actually necessary.
The point of an MMO is to have a large world with a lot of other people in it all engaging in activities at the same time TOGETHER. Sometimes in cooperation, sometimes in competition, but TOGETHER.
Nothing in your post gives a good, strong reason why the game should sacrifice multi-player content development time, money and effort to create single/solo player content in a MULTI-PLAYER game, especially when there are plenty of single player games on the market that are specifically designed for single players.
Uh… but this thread is SPECIFICALLY about gear and content progression. This is about giving players who are interested in the game, want gear and content progression(the same progression cycle group players have), but aren’t interested in the THREE group-based progression systems a solo path to that. I don’t see how this is such a hard concept.
Is your job in this world to intentionally misinterpret what people say to be antagonistic or something? Seriously man.
This was why I was having a very big concern moment. If they were a blizzard employee I was debating my subscription. MVP tho is still kinda confusing tho.
And thats fine for those who like that environment. But it doesnt need to be the ONLY path to gearing. they can just as easily add in solo content thats equally ‘hard’ as mythic raiding for solo players to gear up.
And actually it opens up the game even for raiders who can get some extra gear drops in between raid nights.
Like i said…MMO just means other players are out there. doesnt need to mean theyre standing face to face, mouth breathing in my direction every minute Im playing.
I said half-dozen without concern for what your thread’s goals were, is all I am saying.
You are welcome to discuss it all you like, but its an entirely unrealistic ask of Blizzard, and to me it is obvious why it would not be worth their time to consider it.
There are not enough players who would play the game any more serious, regardless of group size, if this were introduced, and it would be an absolute NIGHTMARE to balance.
Ya sorry if I wasn’t clear. I( was agreeing with you. The important part is the other people being AROUND - not necessarily working DIRECTLY with them.
It is obvious to me why it would be worth it. People are quitting the game because of a lack of it. Other companies are doing a better job of offering it, and people are leaving for it.
Well, you don’t speak for me. I concur with what Salisashra has thoughtfully written. I, for one, like testing myself, for example in TC. I’m not into the META go go go with groups or a raid - I’d rather test out the waters solo and challenge myself that way. TC could offer something for that playstyle, since there’s plenty of us out here paying subs - but it doesn’t.
If your posting history is anything to go by then you’ll retort with something along the lines of “it’s never offered that” - but it sort of has. My legion weapon I could constantly upgrade - in BFA yeah we had visions. In classic I could craft blues that were my BiS for quite sometime. I mean the stuff is out there.
Your blanket dismissal of this idea - or the people that support it (more accurately) certainly doesn’t help the health of the game. I mean, surely this game can evolve and appeal to a broad base. If it has before, it can again.