There are enough ways to get gear as it stands. People just refuse to do them.
That’s precisely the issue.
People would refuse to do these things too.
It’s not about group size. It’s about ambition and drive.
There are enough ways to get gear as it stands. People just refuse to do them.
That’s precisely the issue.
People would refuse to do these things too.
It’s not about group size. It’s about ambition and drive.
That’s extremely insulting to a lot of people I’ve talked to. Please stop equating ‘willingness to do large group content’ with ‘drive’. That’s just wrong. And it is an attitude that I really wish I could dispel.
There aren’t though. There is literally not one way for a solo or small group player to experience a progression cycle. Not one. Zero. It doesn’t exist.
They get ~190-195 dropped in their lap, then have nothing to do to get anything better. If the path existed, people would take it. Not everyone. And sure, there’d be a few people complaining that it’s too hard or they want everything free. But those people will always exist. You shouldn’t NOT do something good just because a few people will still complain even if you do it.
They don’t do it because there is no reason to.
It would just be adding content for people who already do all the content.
I do not for one second believe there are a significant portion of players starving for a way to compete and improve but who are somehow unable to because they refuse to join a group of any size.
I don’t know who these people are that you have talked to, but send them my way because I would love to have a chat with them.
99 percent of the people I have engaged with are not in that boat.
Blizz didn’t timegate something for once and people are mad that they got to the end of the solo progression path too fast.
I think a lot of people complaining about this would also tell the high end raiders who say they’re bored after clearing raids quickly that it was their fault for rushing through the content.
New to the forum, what makes your texts green? Is this denoting some sort of Blizzard affiliation?
Literally could not disagree with your posts anymore in this thread.
And really, that isn’t the end of non end game progression.
Everyone still gets a weekly shot at 207 gear from the world boss, 200 gear every few weeks from time walking, and a heroic raid item once a month from Mythic week…all without ever engaging in end game systems.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you’re going into this with an assumption of ‘these people are just lazy’ that makes it hard for them to open up to you and have a frank discussion?
I feel like that might have something to do with why you’re not getting the same response from people I am. Because all I’m doing is engaging with people who comment about wanting better gear from soloing. Nothing special. Well, unless ‘not assuming they’re lazy’ is special. If it is, then ya, I’m doin’ somethin’ special.
One such person, who has cancelled her subscription, is my wife. I know a number of people who switched to FFXIV because they liked the fact that they could run dungeons with AI assistants so they could still feel like they’re getting that MMO experience without needing strangers. I’ve also talked to a lot of people online who really wish Torghast could be something more than it is, but don’t run it much because it feels pointless right now.
You can also see some people in this thread who are asking for this. So perhaps start by engaging with them without calling them lazy or unambitious
The people arguing against solo content here seem really focused on misunderstanding and misrepresenting. Someone saying solo content wasn’t time gated and gets you to normal raid level tier. We clearly aren’t playing the same game here… 197 armor literally was timegated with renown. My toons I haven’t taken into raid are 5-10 ilvl lower than the ones who have completed normal raid tier. Way to misrepresent
I’m literally waiting for the trickle down economics speech to start coming out of this poster. The green text person, not you who is directing this at them
Timewalking is still 5 man group content. If people were interested in that, they’d be interested in mythics. You seem to have missed the point of the thread.
The point of the thread is to suggest that adding a solo or small group(2-3 people) progression path that allows people to have a similar gear-progression cycle to everyone else would be a good idea. That cycle being: “Get gear, do harder content, get better gear” - just without forcing them into larger groups to do it.
But the problem is that the solo progression path has no ‘progression’ in it. There’s no ‘get better gear, then do harder stuff to get better gear’. And that’s what’s really missing.
That’s true. It had a very short timegate.
It is because by default, they are lazy.
Blizzard has done nothing but nerf this game to the ground and add pathway after pathway for players to get their feet wet in, and people still act like they can’t progress past 190 whatever ilvl.
Its absurd to me, and even though I would LOVE there to be more solo content in the game, it will not solve their problem, and it would only take me away from group content, which is not good for the game.
Ah so moving the goalpost from “not timegated” to “very short”
Disagree here. Almost all of these discussions effectively include queueable content as solo, since you really don’t have to interact much with the teammates if you don’t want to.
Blame Asmongold and Bellular. Literally. They played the content and said that players wouldn’t like it, whipped the playerbase into a frenzy, and had Blizzard nerf the content.
The nerfed content was too easy, so Blizzard took away the rewards.
Torghast is not really salvageable as challenge progression content anymore. It simply isn’t. This idea of a laid-back/chill free-roam puzzle-based goofy/over-the-top content mode is not particularly compatible with a timed, progression-based solo content mode that Torghast needed to be to be the solo content that would fill that niche.
If you’re going to call my wife lazy without ever talking to her even once… I’m not going to reply to you. You’ve just proven my point. You seem incapable of fathoming a world where someone who has a different desired progression path from you isn’t ‘just lazy’, and that’s just kind of a sick attitude to hold.
Yes, I missed the part we’re you wanted a full single player mode in a MMO…
With that…I’m out. Good luck with whatever this is
I literally admitted that you were right. There was, in fact a short timegate. Salty much?
So you missed… the entire thread… lol
The title is even ‘solo progression makes sense’… Okay. Fair enough.
Salty? Nah. You knew what you were doing by including the modifier