Solo Progression Makes Sense

yeah sure would suck if that happened. good thing nobodies advocating for that.

Yes mythic raiders should have the best gear. Why? Because they are willing to put in levels of time and commitment to earn that gear. I absolutely don’t begrudge anyone anything that has earned it. Never will.

Yea…I don’t think you understand how mechanics work. If you fail mechanics, gear isn’t going to save you.

I don’t understand what you’re after though.

So you aren’t doing any of the content that makes WoW…WoW. What’s the point of playing? I’m not trolling you, the question is genuine.

This is what I cant understand. You are seeking to solo. You want to have it your way.

And that’s what I am doing. I am alone. But I can play a dungeon with 5 man or dungeon raid with 12 or more people. Join the dungeon for 45 min on dungeon or join a raid and stay there for 1 and a half hour. Then after the run, I leave the group and go back to whatever solo stuff I could do.

Why cant you do a temporary group for dungeons? There are normal dungeons. There are timewalking dungeons. Why cant you group?

Are you shy becoz you are a noob? Normal is so easy. Why not group? Why push for single player content?

also its kind of silly that a tougher version of the same dungeon you could do early on in the game can give gear equal to the final boss of the game. to be fair mythic+ is pretty hard. but not mythic raiding hard. lets just say you never see world first (insert dungeons here) +15 streams.

First. Lower keys are not solo content.
Second. Covenant gear–197, leggo, much higher by now, m0 and tw weekly? higher…you can start 0 at less than 197, rest of us did.
7-9 drop 200s in end of dung chest , forgot my audience fyi

i like the specific mechanics of this games questing. its really good as of late and im sad that much of it is locked behind grindy world quests and weekly timers for what is ultimately a tiny amount of content.

So? If many people are like me, perhaps it is you who is odd?

If the game makes people feel in a way that conflicts with the purpose of the systems created, devs have made a serious error that will cause them to lose customers.

People are under no obligation to try to fix the game. If the devs created the game without taking into consideration what the customers were willing to pay for, or even worse, knowing that a lot of players would hate something enough to quit over it, they have caused their own problems. This is not something players can or should deal with.

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That’s the part of the argument that so many people don’t understand. To continue with the French analogy, fans are going to that restaurant because they want French food and that is what the place specializes in. If they wanted Italian food or Chinese, they would go someplace else. The minute you start adding other cuisines to the menu it ceases being a French restaurant. There’s an old saying, “Jack of all trades is a master of none.”


Finally. Someone gets it.

but the restaurant has a specific chinese food recipe i really like and they only sell it sometimes. and nobody else sells that recipe i really like and theres no reason they cant sell it the rest of the time.

Recipe was discontinued and taken off the menu, owner’s decision.

Okay but this argument doesn’t work any longer.

There are literally millions of people playing WoW. There have been for 16 years. WoW has never been about ‘Solo Progression.’ Whatever the hell that means.

It has been always about-

Leveling up
Grouping up
Nutting up
and Gearing up.

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all but one of those arent neccesarily multiplayer.

Honestly I been collecting cosmetics. That has spotted since gettting more ilvl isn’t getting me anything. Can’t solo mythic legion raids past Tomb of Sargeras which was the same situation when Legion ended. I downloaded all the things. Been collecting stuff and making gold. Right now it’s just anima farming… and that gets old real quick. I plan to do it on 16 toons and I feel bored already and haven’t even fully upgraded this shaman’s stuff. I already got my TC mount. I was hoping we could at least craft epics with soul ash to make it worth doing because I love Torgast. I wish there was more reasons to play it besides soul ash. If I could farm anima with torgast runs that would also be nice… so far it’s just farming world quests and they didn’t even put fun ones like in BFA (kill rares wqs).

I would enjoy pvping I just don’t want to do arenas for gear. We used to be able to do battlegrounds and get conquest gear more slowly but eventually catch up. That’s impossible now with the best gear tied to arena, a whole other game mode. Casual bgs queues are a meat grind if you aren’t doing competitive gaming modes, not fun when you can’t catch up unless you grind this other game mode you have no interest in. A complaint many pvers had and blizzard listened to in WoD and casual pvping has been unrewarding since.

As of now ilvl isn’t going to help me solo old content I can’t already do, but if 9.0.5 had no cap on valor that would actually be a nice way to catch up alts for next patch. Right now I am mostly playing overwatch for my pvp fix. WoW isn’t doing anything for me besides the casual grinds for cosmetics which I am not finding really fun to log in to. The customization announcement was like my only thing I was looking forward to in this expansion besides the final patch and that was DOA.

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So no response to the m0 post you strayed into? well, lower keys…as if anyone keeps you out.

French restaurants don’t offer Chinese food and if you walked in there asking for it they would look at you like you’re nuts.

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I am sorry. The game centers around dungeons and raids. On the dungeon, you would need a tank, a healer and dps’ers. The game is like that. Why keep on soloing? The game is not about solo gaming. There is this call Diablo. You are a tank, healer and dps on one toon. Why not that game? Why this?

ilvl helps stuff with recruitment of guilds into raids. Or getting into groups if you aren’t a meta class. It also helps with your general power for soloing old content like Mythic Tomb of Sargeras or onward.