ok maybe my comment was a bit harsh.
for whatever reason people against this seem to assume that everyone plays this game solo has never heard of rpg games and just plays this game because they dont know of any alternatives. when in actuallity i imagine most of us play rpg games all the time. i play this game because its just a good reliable game that gets new content all the time. the perfect fallback game for when i wanna play a game but dont know what i wanna play in particular.
This thread again.
Solo progression is a bad idea because:
It interferes with actual formulaic progression in WoW as set forth 16 years ago.
You can easily get gear that is competitive with gear that comes from actual end game content
destroy actual end game content.
You also run the risk of forcing people into doing chores they don’t care to do (Shadowlands has done a great job about not doing this thus far) to round out gear slots they haven’t yet picked up for actual progression while actually progressing.
So you have your covenant gear.
You have access to AH BoE’s.
That’s your progression if you want to float around on an umbrella twice a week for a couple minutes in a world quest.
I was responding too this guy, who thinks no one has an opinion but top end…but since I also don’t believe a game someone else makes should be tailored to a small subset of complainers, I am simply a dismissable troll that doesn’t follow your lead. Sorry pal, real life, wake up. People won’t always agree with you. When you grow up, you will realize many opinions exist, and everyone has one…like another feature I’ll leave unnamed. Good call deleting that post, obviously was a very mature one @ taladare.
look at the 2 mmos that do have good solo content. ff14 and guild wars 2. they arent comporable to endgame in the slightest. but they are fun enough in their own right to justify their existence. just rip off gw2 quest structure and most of us would have a great time.
And hey, I’m pretty new to forums, but have you really read any of these solo ppl’s posts? Please. Call a cow a dog, we don’t care…we all know its a freaking cow. We have all seen enough to know the motive. I can’t go progress my character. Covenant campaign. World bosses. Weeklies. What is progression? Investing time to get stronger? So farming herbs against similar hp mobs for herbs/mats/etc and buying gear is not a form of progression? No others needed. Problem solved. Unless of course…you fall into the “NOOOO, I’m NOT gonna work for it!!” category. So which actually is it? You want solo? You got it. Want 2 or 3 man? You got it. Progression? Available to all. Anything you desire handed over on a silver platter? Welp sorry folks.
I really enjoyed twisting corridors. My wife and I had fun climbing. Without reward or progression it just had no meaning EVEN if it was fun.
I have multiple accounts, mostly made from RAF with wife, and used them to farm rare patterns afterwards, I Had 8 active accounts when shadowlands started, and I think 5 of those purchased the SL expansion. weeks in i started turning them off
So anyways here we are today. I Have turned off all my accounts.
This is my last account I turned it off today wife turned hers off today.
Blizzcon was my deciding factor.
I am no longer subbed anymore after 16 years.
I’m not envious of the group content players or their gear at all. Its just not what interests me. And shadowlands more then any other expansion is the least interesting and least rewarding for me personally. In any other expansion before this I could ALWAYS find things to do but for some reason in shadowlands its just BLAH… ya know.
For me personally shadowlands is like this. You need to do the dishes or maybe some laundry or maybe straighten up the house or whatever there always something to do. So you get all those things done then snuggle up to the pc log in and…now im doing virtual chores, kind of like raiders say raiding is their second job.
I really did want to look forward to logging into shadowlands and just looking forward to ( any form of progression or satisfaction) for my style of gameplay
( which worked for me for 16 years previously) Getting a bunch of anima unlocking something in my covenant, collecting some mounts, getting some achievements done, old school things whatever, but I just can’t find it in shadowlands, there is just no desire.
I hope you guys get something to make solo play fun for you and i hope the group content players get what they want as well.
The thing is you don’t need to agree. It’s blizzard does. I could very well just play another game. But I will submit feedback for things I would like to see ingame because I like wow. I just don’t like the group content for progression. The last patch was good for solo players. This patch not so much. And with blizzard not fixing scaling to solo old raids there isn’t much reason to stay until the last patch actually.
World first ended anyway. The more ilvl people get… the more people you can use to group with in high end content? You understand? Or the more people stick around to play solo, people you will never group with anyway.
well at the very least i dont want gear. honestly im one of the few people of the opinion that mythic raids should have the top gear
Right here. This guy. Nothing wrong with that. He is an adult, spends his money on what he enjoys. Doesn’t enjoy it now. Doesn’t waste money. I can respect that. Not the rest.
Nah, I’m with ya on that one.
That is false.
thats besides the point of this thread and id rather not derail it with this argument.
Lol, no. Having gear doesn’t mean you belong in specific groups. It just means you have gear. The competitive levels of play aren’t having an issue of a diminished player pool. In fact, I contend that especially in the dps role; the competition for invites is already ridiculously stiff.
Blizzard can’t force me into anything period.
And the thing is, I don’t need to agree with you either. Because the very minute this game ceases to be entertaining, I won’t be whining in a forum, I’ll simply unsub and find something else to do when I’m bored. Blizzard’s opinions is what matters. They’ve pretty much spoken tho, haven’t they?
I always hate it when people try and compare real life to a video game. I’m like…really dude? You’re going to compare video game life to THAT?

Not ordering. Suggesting that it would be an improvement.
I didn’t read all the posts but the prevailing attitude in these kinds of threads is demanding changes because you are paying for the game. Also, in your restaurant analogy, can you see how long time patrons of that French restaurant might be upset if they saw some of their favorite menu items removed or modified to make way for the Italian entries? What if they had to change the chef because the old one didn’t know how to make Italian dishes. Would you trust the new chef to make those French dishes that you loved?
the more ilvl a person has the least difficult a content is. That is basically a nerf to content. Competancy can still be measured but it would allow leeway in lower keys for example. Also I haven’t touched pvp much since I do not intend to grind rated and mythics/raids for the gear that you can not possibly get just casually doing bgs. I haven’t touched pvp because of that much since Legion, which is something I used to enjoy. So if people could gear up with valor in all aspects of the game you might actually see people pvping more especially for all the cosmetics and stuff locked behind that stuff.

And the thing is, I don’t need to agree with you either. Because the very minute this game ceases to be entertaining, I won’t be whining in a forum, I’ll simply unsub and find something else to do when I’m bored. Blizzard’s opinions is what matters. They’ve pretty much spoken tho, haven’t they?
Since you are new to the forums you may not understand many people are like you. I have stayed playing since wotlk. I submit my opinions. I even used to do more group content. I just find it more stressful then it needs to be sometimes and I actually find I am least likely to burn out if I play solo! Who knew dealing with people can burn you out more? As I have taken breaks from this game at times. This is the longest streak I’ve stayed in the game but I recently unsubbed due to many factors, this solo thing being one of them. I don’t see the point in subbing tbh until at least 9.1 but the end patch seems the best since that’s when devs want to make old stuff soloable. Right now solo players have no reason to sub.
You may think your way is better but blizzard literally tells players to submit feedback on the forums when they choose to leave. People are looking for reasons to stay.

. Because the very minute this game ceases to be entertaining
wow its almost as if people who have suggestions for the game are making suggestions because fundamentally they like the game but have issues with some of the nitty gritty details and its kind of silly to treat any suggestion to improve the game as a grand declaration of hatred for the game as a whole.