Solo Progression Makes Sense

This was horrible. Mass teams of Alliance just steamrolling Horde. It as essentially 5-man groups swarming the horde like a team of locusts. I played Alliance last expansion and this really made me wonder what the heck Blizzard was thinking.

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Like…how far are we thinking that solo progression should go?

Yeah. I already don’t bother logging in unless its raid night, or I wanna bang out a high level key for my vault… or I’m not doing anything IRL on RBG night.

What solo content there is sucks. I don’t care how much DPS I’m losing by not socketing my gear, the game isn’t gonna make me do awful Maw dailies, nor am I going to bother to do Torghast now that I have my BiS legendary for all 3 specs - for the content I use them on.

Holy - Raiding.
Shadow - Mythic+
Disc - PvP.

Sounds like we got a lot in common, at least as far as games we enjoy. I got my wife into WoW when Pandemic hit. She had about a million questions and needed a ton of help, lots of anxiety there grouping with other players.

I got her into D3 a little over a week ago. She had maybe two questions.

I probably will check out D4 when it finally drops, but I’ve got my concerns.
Definitely looking forward to D2 remaster, but I’m in a “see how that goes” mode before making any decisions. I’m sure you can guess why.

Oh I know. I would turn Warmode on, join groups of Alliance players doing this, rampage around for 20 minutes in a target rich environment in my Heroic Raiding gear, eradicating undergeared Horde players… then turn off War mode until next week.

It was the dumbest nonsolution I’ve ever seen Blizzard try to impliment for a very real problem (Alliance participation in War Mode).

I just want to do stuff on my own time, and my character gets better and has some rewards. Right now, working towards the covenant stuff is fine. In 9.1, that is likely to be fine too.

What I’d like is to get gear good enough to not get face rolled by the mobs in the next set of zones.

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Right but my question is again, how far do you think the solo progression should go? Like what, Normal raiding ilvl? Heroic?

That’s an interesting question. My personal thought is that ‘similar to m+’ would be reasonable, but anything would be an improvement over what we have now lol

Largely the same boat here honestly. I occasionally log in, but then alt tab out and tell my guild to poke me if they need me because I just have nothing to do.

D3 really is a great game to play with a close friend or spouse. It’s just fun to slaughter demons together. I really hope the D4 team recognizes how important THAT experience is. The “I just wanna kill demons in our own little personal world with my wife/best friend/etc.” experience.

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Exactly! I used to run rifts with a guy I served in Afghanistan with. Total blast. I’m waiting for the wife to finish her story campaign before introducing her to rifts, but when that time comes, I know it’ll be a good time. With random strangers though, thanks I’ll pass.

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Currently solo progression offers gear and items just a smidge below Heroic Progression. I personally think this is fine, for the content available for those who refuse to group.

I think the main issue is, they want more content now, instead of waiting for the Patch. Not going to happen, and when next raid tier comes, solo loot progression will rise as well in that patch that brings the next tier level.

I’m not sure I follow you, and it’s a hard question to answer.

So, the stuff from the Covenant is 197, which is on par with M+/CN LFR loot. However, it takes a lot longer so I am fine with that. I doesn’t sound like it’s a case of “OMG Solo player gets M+ loot” if it takes us a while to progress through the story and earn the anima. It’s a far cry from “run a quick WQ and get the loot” in BfA.

TBH, I kinda forgot that the Covenant stuff gets you 197 gear, and I am fine with this option.

Ya, I’ve personally just been lazy leveling my gear on this character, since been unlocking allied races since came back. But Solo players aren’t the only ones feeling in a stagnant state. Raiders as well, are capped for their content in progression, just farming the same thing.

Just the cycle of MMO life. Thankfully though, as little content as people feel their is, compared to other MMO’s there’s tons and tons. Some would claim ESO or FF14 have better solo content, but forget to mention that content lasts 2-3 hours for each NEW release. Instead they want to focus on the content from base game and through all expansions, leaving out the single player aspect is woefully lacking.

Actual difficult solo content like the mage tower before we all out geared it and kinda like visions etc would be fine and would be great for the game.

Being able to upgrade gear to a heroic level by doing wq would not.

To kind of address all of these posts. There are kind of three different points being made in this thread by three different kinds of players(who knew, there are a lot of different solo players with a lot of different needs! ;))

  1. “There just straight up isn’t enough soloable content”
    Some players just want something to do solo. Most players would like something to do solo, really. Some are just more reliant on it than others.
    Blizzard, this expac, has done an awful job of making content that is engaging to do on your own. Callings are bland and dry, alt leveling kinda sucks, past expansion content isn’t soloable, The Maw is garbage, and Torghast has no rewards really at all beyond the first time you do it so there’s not much motivation to do it, etc.
    For these players, they just really feel like Blizzard has left them stuck. They have nothing to do at all, and they’re finding it hard to want to log in.

  2. “I want my time to mean something” - Some solo players are lamenting that most of what you get is just kind of dropped in your lap. There’s no feeling of really building towards something, just a boring grind during which occasionally you get items.
    This group intertwines with both of the other two camps and is a pretty good bridge between 1 and 3. They feel like the content is dry, and they also feel like the rewards you get become meaningless too quickly. They’re having trouble motivating themselves to play because they just feel like there’s nothing to work towards.

  3. “I want challenging content with appropriate rewards.”
    This group is the primary group I’d originally made this thread to point to, but I’m glad so many others have resonated with my point here. This group wants an ACTUALLY challenging solo or small group experience that they can use to build towards real rewards. Something akin to a solo version of mythic+. Maybe not QUITE as high ilvl, but in the general range of both difficulty and rewards of what m+ offers.
    They want to have a set of truly challenging solo content that can push them to their limits AND reward them with gear to help them push themselves further. The same type of progression cycle that every other type of player in WoW gets.
    Do content to get gear to unlock more difficult content to get better gear.

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There’s not even enough content for group oriented players atm, is what I am saying. Shadowlands was released in Nov of last year, nothing new really has come since then.

So… A wee bit hard to clamor for solo content, when it’s just lack of content in all aspects of the game atm. For someone like me who was gone for years? Plenty to do. But my high end raiding friends are in the same boat as everyone else wanting solo content, not much to do as it stands currently until patches come.

No, the point is that even if the patch comes and introduces content… if it’s in the same mold as the current patch, it won’t address the issue for any of these players.

At all.

Because this expansion’s content as a whole is just REALLY bad for solo players. If they just add more callings and higher ilvl, that’s not going to help. If they just add more stuff to the maw, it’s not going to help.

Now if the new zone they add has a meaningful progression curve, unlocking new content that is interesting and fun to do and can be done solo… maybe. But we have no indication that is going to be t he case given that they haven’t expressed any real concerns with how they handled the solo experience in SL so far.

If it’s like swtor where its story only with no gear attachment sure. Very few will care if that is implemented. But a great many of posters on this forum who are asking for solo progression are wanting high group level gear for solo content. It’s the basis of the entire disagreement between the two sides

We sadly will not know until 9.1 is released. We knew nothing about Shadowlands before it’s launch, even during the beta since they hid so much and didn’t tell us anything.

We still know nothing about the next major content patch either I’m afraid. I mean I get it, people want to have a solo progression, and WoW thus far is the only MMO to really do it without leaving them too far behind the gear gap. in FF14, the difference between “Heroic” gear and solo-able is massive. GW2 there is no gear, but unless you’re into collecting, nothing to do in game. ESO… Same as FF14.

At least they are trying in WoW, without putting it behind a paywall like Star Wars does.

But… they don’t seem to be trying. That’s why threads like this exist.

They seem to be regressing. Removing things people like and not addressing the issue. Which is why there are so many threads providing feedback on the subject.

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