Solo Progression Makes Sense

Typically I would agree, but I really do not think it is productive to be discussing them not delivering enough of what you want and suggesting the solution is to just expand their production.

Probably best to stick to why you believe it would be more beneficial to just stop making other content and use those resources to make this content.

The problem is, at the scope it appears to be discussed here, it would likely have to be something like M+ that would be cut.
Or perhaps Torghast?

My husband solo’d all layers of twisting corridors lol.

Hey I’m sure that some folks love that place but they could drop it completely and I wouldn’t bat an eye. But that’s just me.

You’re talking to the wrong person on that one too. I’m a solo player.

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There are lots of ideas… some larger, some smaller. I’d prefer not to get hung up on a specific idea, rather to focus on the concept. In the end, Blizzard rarely takes ‘whole cloth’ ideas from the forums - the forums are better used as an opportunity to let the devs know what is important to players, because for the most part they have tons of ideas.

But ya, the ideal would be something similar in scope to a torghast rework or something akin to an m+ system that could be tackled with fewer players.

I think a good place to start would be a torghast restructure which they are doing for sure.
Might be best to just wait and see what that looks like first.

Just going to reiterate that I agree with your suggestions, and going through the thread, you’ve raised several good points.

You’re quite correct, there has been many efforts to accommodate solo players - of which I have no doubt there are many - everything from archeology, visions, the mage tower, brawler’s guild, tuning legacy raids to be soloable. They can expand on this - it would be great for business. Speaking for myself, I’d be happy to see more on offer here.

This latest iteration of the game has been rather unfriendly in terms of that - and the entire flavor of this game has become a form of end-game efficiency which may suit some but is a turn off for others.


And I think the real key here is that variety is the best policy for this. Having some of these offerings be easily accessible but not awarding direct gear progression is essential - because there are people who don’t want a challenge. They just want something fun to do. But there are also people who do want a challenge and they should be able to use that as a means of progression if they wish.

Similar to how there are people who play single player games on the lowest difficulty just to experience the story and have a little fun… but there are also people who play single player games on the highest difficulty available because they really want to push themselves to perfection. Blizzard has the opportunity to keep both of those audiences engaged… but they have to seize it. And the game will be the better for it if they do.

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Solo progression would make sense if we didn’t have classes, most the items were BoE and we had challenging content designed around getting powerful enough to do hard content designed for 1 player

If you want 1 player progression play old school RuneScape

Or… give feedback to Blizzard indicating this is something I want, have other people with similar interests support it, get signal boosted by people who don’t want it replying to the thread amplifying its reach since they think them not wanting it actually matters at all… :wink:

This is another well put together post regarding solo players like myself. I’ve been keeping an eye on it since yesterday, and as I figured, it didn’t take long for the usual crowd to show up and completely misrepresent what we do, what we say, and how we play this game. Especially that green text guy who had me shaking my head with every one of his replies.

The usual rebuttals you typically see on a topic like this is what I believe compelled me this last week to simply eff off to another Blizzard title that I’ve enjoyed for a long time. It’s a completely different kind of game, but it’s still got a lot of the same activities that I like to do; slaughter undead, demons, and an array of other nasty woolly-boogers, get gear, push to the next torment level. All on my own time and my own terms, none of the anxiety that comes with playing WoW. A true Sanctuary, if you will, away from the toxic slobber-hards that are prevalent in this game that Blizzard insists I have to run certain content with. And while visiting that game’s forums, I personally have yet to see anyone complaining and crying about who gets what and how like I do here.

Something that’s got me a little concerned though is there is an upcoming sequel to that traditionally solo player friendly game in which Blizzard appears to be inserting a lot of the same things you find in MMO’s like this one; open world concept (sounds cool), shared world bosses (eh…). shared hubs with other players (errr).

Which brings me to the point of why I wanted to respond here; If Blizzard insists on dedicating a lot of resources to group content into a traditionally solo player friendly ARPG such as the one I’ve been referring to, then I personally believe it’s only fair for them to throw a bone or two to the players of this game that prefer to keep their own company without these super-duper-ultra-mythic slobber hards crying about it. That probably won’t happen, but it’s just my personal opinion. I speak for no one else but me.


As a mostly solo player myself, my impression of this xpac is very much geared for the elite high end m+/raiding/rated pvp. That’s fine, it’s always been like that, the high end group content should get the best equipment.

It’s the lack of content for solo players is what I find disturbing.


If this is bliz wants, then this player is one that will be playing something else once my toons go as far as they can. Love the game so I won’t quit, just wait for the next content release and hope it gets better.


I’m introverted and get social anxiety when grouping with people. But I love MMOs despite that and have stuck with this game since TBC.

For me, solo progression would be a massive QOL improvement. If there was a solo dungeon feature, for instance (pardon the pun), where I could make guilt-free mistakes while learning the ropes and improving my character, I would be MORE likely to feel comfortable joining groups.

I hate burdening others with my own learning curve (strangers, friends…it doesn’t matter).

So that’s my 2cents…there are those of us out there who may participate in group content more if we were able to build confidence first. Raiders, mythic+, and solo progression don’t have to be at odds. They just offer choices for different types of people.


bUt ThIs Is An MmO! :crazy_face::hammer:

sToP aSkInG fOr EnTiTlEmEnTs!

SWTOR tried that and it doesn’t work. Having bots to replace players might help you through the content, but they in no way replicate a true player group environment because there is no interaction, no leader guiding you through, no one there to tell you that what you are doing is wrong etc. But since you have super bots there that do most of the work for you, there’s no way of knowing if you are playing your class the right way. And even in that system you weren’t getting gear. You still had to run those with real people if you wanted better gear. That was for story purposes only.

If you dungeon que while leveling you get all the experience you need in learning to play your class. That’s part of the point of leveling. Even if you used a boosted 50 character you have plenty of normal and heroic dungeons in Shadowlands to run before you get to a M+. Yes, you will run into douchebags. That’s an unfortunate side effect of playing a game with other people. But there is no way on earth that the game is going to give a solo gear progression to a similar level of groups. It defeats the entire concept of MMO design.

Maybe I wasn’t very clear. I was talking about learning the dungeon mechanics, not how to play my class. My thoughts are two parts:

  1. Solo progression to improve and challenge your character

  2. Practice instances to learn specific mechanics

And honestly, I would love for Wow to be the first MMO without the “must play with the odd douchebag” side effect.


FFXIV does it and it DOES work there. Very well.

There are two pillars of MMO design:

A connected world full of people
The progression cycle (which means: Do content to get gear to enable harder content)

A solo progression path does not negate either of those at all. Sorry.


In a pug, the jerk component is likely. Some players just can’t resist harping on other players for very minor things. Saying “just ignore them” is like asking me to ignore someone banging on their horn when we are all stuck in traffic. It’s a high ratio of jerks, on both factions, but it feels close to 50%. I’ve just given up on that at this point.

Not many (any) of us want solo gear progression on level with groups. The covenant campaign gets me what… 197 gear? I’m fine with that. If in 9.1 finishing the covenant gets me better gear, I’m fine with that.

The only thing I’m not a fan of is gating story progression behind a group-instance. I shouldn’t have to kill RaidBossA to progress a story. In that case, give me a story-option type dungeon.

The Diablo 4 announcements worry me a lot. D2 and D3 are two games my wife and I played together a LOT. Hell, when we were dating, D2 was one of the big things we did together(she lived in the UK and I in Canada at that time).

And D4 really seems to be a game we won’t be playing, with the way things are going. Which is truly unfortunate.

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As long as they come up with a fair ratio of difficulty vs. time, I’m OK with solo progression.

A great example of them doing it well is rated PvP. Let’s face facts - you hit 2400 in 2s, it’s basically solo progression. Yet you have a weapon on par with what M Denathrius Drops. Given how few people can get to 2400, I feel we’ve achieved a good balance there.

Another good example was Benthic - a solo progression path that required a lot of work, but was quite rewarding for a 100% solo effort over time.

An example of them doing it horribly was in expansions past, where you were just thrown some of the best loot in the game for looking at your mission table. Or where you could just PvP 25 people in the open world - or doing LFR content with an RNG element letting it Titanforge up to a level where it could bypass gear you got doing the hardest content. That was pure stupidity and should not be repeated.

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Ya, that’s essentially one big part of what is being asked for here. A set of content implemented that requires skill and time investment, yet awards gear. Just without the mandatory grouping.

(there are also people who are simply lamenting the complete lack of ways to enjoy the game solo at all - which is another issue and an important one)