Solo Progression Makes Sense

It’s counterintuitive, but if you think about it some more “hardcore” players may actually be not so great when it comes to cultivating that bustling open world feel, because a lot of them stick to instanced content like glue. To see it in full force, sign into Classic where there’s absolutely nothing standing in the way of entire guilds raidlogging, which causes this crazy boom bust cycle in the cities where it’s a ghost town in the day and overflowing on raid night.

To me, it doesn’t sound like they are ambitious at all.
People who are ambitious try to better their situation at all cost, I feel.
I believe, at times, I am ambitious, and I consider this sort of thing to be the death of ambition.
When ever I find myself saying things like “I wish things were this way instead” I try to identify it as excuse making and rectify it mentally.

That’s just where I am coming from with this.

So what you’re saying is EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF FEEDBACK on these forums… is laziness?

Because they’re not happy with how things are, and they wish things were different. Which is just an excuse.


Not all feedback is asking the game to change its goals.

But yes, the heart of this issue is people are not willing to do the tasks Blizzard has wanted them to do to progress through the content they have made.

Whatever you want to call that is fine.
For me, it seems like laziness.
Excuse making, etc.

Selfish mentality harms this game, so I typically react this way when some one is saying that the game is not accommodating them.

“selfish mentality harms the game” says the person who is a raid leader and is selfishly fighting to retain raiding as the center of the game, even admitting it to themselves.

These forums exist for feedback. I’m not just sitting around staring at a wall because solo content doesn’t exist. I just spend less time on WoW because it doesn’t exist. And… there are times when I feel disillusioned and question whether the game is right for me because the only thing I really have to do is mythic+ right now. Which is good, but… not quite sufficient long-term for me.

So I offer feedback to Blizzard, the people with the ability to change things, telling them that this is a missed opportunity to keep me engaged with their game long-term. It’s not laziness.

And my wife isn’t lazy… she stopped playing WoW and took ambition to find hobbies that appeal to her. But Blizzard COULD win her back if they were to implement a path that appealed to her. But they haven’t yet… so she stays away. shrugs


It’s called “forum MVP” status. Not entirely sure what the exact process is for getting it, aside from somehow making Blizzard like someone a whole lot.

You are confusing some things here.
It is not “selfish” to expect that Blizzard’s currently supported content continue to be supported.
At least not in my eyes.

Raiding is why I got into the game.

This would make sense from your position if they had serious solo progression at one point and it was removed.
It sounds like an arguement like that actually, which I do see a lot around here and understand.

This is not that though.
There is no indication that Blizzard even WANTS to support this style of player.

Trying to change the game just to accommodate your interests is not healthy for the game.
Its not even really feedback honestly.

Its just a suggestion.
The real purpose of this forum is discussion, so your suggesting something, and we are all discussing it.

That’s the long and short of it.

Ah so it’s okay to be selfish when it’s what YOU like but not when it’s about what OTHERS like. Got it. Very good.

The problem is that your discussion is full of bad faith arguments, insults, and assumptions you have no cause to make.


Maybe it is.
Let’s stop talking about how I am arguing things if we can.

I would prefer to continue to discuss the actual topic instead of taking this so personally.
We have basically derailed this thread all because you couldn’t stick to your guns when you said you were going to stop discussing it with me haha

Okay. Let’s get back on topic. So your entire contribution to the topic is simple:

You think it’s a bad idea because… you like raiding and don’t want them disincentivizing raiding because it would be bad for you personally.

But you also would love to have solo content.

And now we’re back on topic? (excluding all the insults, that is)

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Sure, quick enough!
To be clear though, I think its a bad idea because all group content has been centric to this game’s purpose for years, so devaluing it to accommodate low-commitment players seems foolish to me, with no reason to believe that it would actually change those player’s minds.

Like, to be as clear as possible, nothing has changed on this front over the years, right?
If Blizzard thought it would, they would have done that instead of M+.
If Blizzard CARED AT ALL, they would be more interested in complaints like the ones surrounding the Legion soloing situation.

To me, I see no indication that Blizzard does care about players who refuse to group for content, so why should that change now?

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…to please more of the player base so they retain subs and player engagement metrics?

…because keeping ALL of your customers happy is good business?

…because it wouldn’t hurt the game despite your opinion to the contrary?

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And if you talk to them some more you quickly realize that most of them refuse to do any of the obvious progression paths (M+, pvp, tiered raiding) that have been laid out for them on a golden platter for gradual progression and reject nearly any suggestion that doesn’t involve getting max level mythic gear for WQ level effort while acting like victims of some mystical gear wall that doesn’t exist.

It’s hard to get through to wannabe influencers that seem to think the game is their raison d’etre and forget it’s purchased entertainment.

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Well it absolutely would impact the game. It might not be objective to say it would “hurt” it, but it would be taking players out of instances, and most importantly it would be taking resources away from other stuff.

Regardless, again you would need to answer the question directly.
If Blizzard did care about

why would they not have been doing this for years?

Alright, so to address the points WITHOUT going personal.

There’s no proof they’re low commitment though. That is another not entirely fair assumption. You’re judging their ability to commit based solely off their desire to commit to something that doesn’t have content they enjoy. Which is not fair, in my eyes.

A more accurate sentiment would be: They’d probably be just as willing to commit as any other player if content were available that appealed to them. Just like how a lot more dungeon players committed when mythic+ was introduced. And more raiders committed when raid size flexibility were implemented. So it is more likely that the problem with these players is not their unwillingness to commit but the lack of content that is motivating them TO commit.

I wouldn’t say NOTHING has changed. As some people said, different things have been tried over the years for this, but always on a small scale. And, to some extent or another, those small scale things have been appreciated. While I haven’t played during EVERY expansion, satisfying solo content is definitely at the lowest its been in the expansions I’ve played. Partially due to just how easy most of the content is, and how unrewarding the content that isn’t extremely easy is… and how little feeling of growth there is within the content. Even the Warlords Garrison gave a sense of growth.

I mean, there’s no question that dungeons were a much larger audience to snag. Mythic+ was ABSOLUTELY the right call at the time. No shade there. But M+ has been around for a while, so it’s time to evaluate whether things are fine as is or could be better. And I, firmly, think they could be better.

I don’t know how much Blizzard cares about those complaints. We have seen little traction on changes, but we don’t know the reason for that. So I will not make assumptions.

The implementation of transmog, pet battles, achievements for solo based content like explorer and loremaster, torghast as a solo-available zone, among other things gives me indication that they care about non-group players to an extent… the question is to WHAT extent. And that is why it is important we let them know that players are interested in this.

There’s just as likely a case that it would help by keeping players who are interested in 5-man but not interested ENOUGH in 5-man content alone to stay subbed within the game. And by making it easier to introduce people who aren’t hugely keen on group content to the game, which could lead to them being interested in group content.

So it’s impossible to predict whether it would have a positive or negative influence on group content. But it is fairly easy to predict it would have a positive impact on people interested in sol ocontent.


Perhaps they should stop being stingy and acquire sufficient resources to handle it all.

They have been, to some extent, which is why the game’s still here. Lately it seems to some folks that they’ve been slipping a bit in certain areas, and would like to see the focus shift back a touch.


Well, I have a feeling they are more in control of their own finances then either of us are, so I try to not imagine a world where anything I say can influence them to change their priorities with resources.

Omg if you could lvl in torghast!!!

I and some others may imagine differently, and hope that what we say might have some influence. It certainly won’t if we say nothing.

If enough people speak up, the chance increases. That may still be a very small chance, but anything is better than zero.