Solo Players -- How Do You Feel?

Actually not wrong.

Please name an expansion that let solo players get tier without raiding.


Corruptions was tier gear.

IDK were you playing MMORPGs at the time? IT was a major shift in the prevailing thoughts on MMORPGs and many people decided to switch MMORPGs based on this alone.

The hardcore group people went to EQ2. It had things like heroic opportunities where the class combinations of groups would allow for “procs” were players would take certain actions in a sequence for extra damage and you also needed groups to level after the beginning few.

WoW was literally the opposite and said come here and play solo al the way to cap.

It was a bigger shift / rivalry than FFXIV vs WoW. In that battle, WoW was the solo kiddie game that WoW Raiders claim FFXIV is today. WoW won by being the casual alternative.


Corruptions were not tier gear. Corruptions were its own thing and had a vendor so doesnt count.

Also catch up gear is higher than its ever been so again wrong.

Different people’s definitions of “solo player” vs. “casual” are, of course, different.

I consider myself a solo player at this point in time, though I’ve done some group stuff in the past. These days I do not raid, won’t touch M+ with a 100 foot pole, and haven’t set foot in a BG in years.

I don’t miss any of that, because I don’t care to do it.

As to what I do otherwise… whatever I feel like.


And that has never, ever changed. To this day, this is 100% viable.

The term ‘casual’ in those days meant something entirely differently than the word being weaponized by people who are intolerant of any difficulty in game whatsoever these days.

You’re talking about reverse progression upon death, not being able to solo easy stuff to get the best stuff.

Uhh they don’t just because you say they don’t.

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Corruptions werent tier. I am sorry you cant anwser a question with an actual anwser.

Uh, maybe the ones I am talking about WANT to do Torghast but have no interest in arena/M+/raiding.

Raiders get gear from raids, they don’t need to do M+ to suppliment, they can if they want, but they don’t have to.

More or less, what you side for this, is those that want to only do Torghast have to do arena/M+/raids for gear when arena players don’t have to do M+ or raids, raiders don’t have to do raids or PvP, and M+ runners don’t have to do raids or PvP if they don’t want to do such.

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You can’t weasel your way out of a corner just because of a technicality.

It effectively was tier but more accessible.

I don’t feel left out at all. my guild died back in WoD and i have been alone ever since. Now that you can pug most farms you cant solo on your own (like bfa raid mounts) without any penalty I’m happy as a clam. not to mention open world gear has been pretty good as of late so I can do most of the things i need decent gear to do without having to hit the mythics. I used to do a lot of serious raiding and pvp but over time the stress and toxicity wore me out. not to mention i work six days a week most of the year now and dont have time for that stuff anymore. (and i only did that stuff to get better gear for soloing anyway. my only real issue is rbg mounts and the like now. )

other than that i’m always busy farming up new mounts. (and since mounts come from every aspect of the game, that means i end up farming reps, titles, gold, mog, pets and toys too) since my main focus is collecting, all content is current content to me so i have lots to do. :slight_smile:


Right. These are endgame activities that reward endgame gear.

Again-the best two ilvl items in the game come from Torghast.

We all had to do Torghast. It’s not optional to have a functional character at level cap.

Man, some ppl in here just make me sad. They seem to put so much of their self worth and merit into this game.

Like, come back to reality.

I’ve never been happier farting around doing ez content. It’s relaxing and fulfilling.

I would like challenging solo content if the reward is gud tho.


I feel like the world content kinda sucks and could be better (not talking difficulty, it’s just lackluster all around). At least when compared to ESO and GW2.


Lol, I have not set foot in Torghast, aside from making the legendary or turning in a quest, on any of my most geard toons since patch release. I will believe the top 2 ilvl items come form solo content, but here is the thing: you can get the currency for those items without setting foot in Torghast in the most recent patch.

So Torghast is completely optional as long as you are doing ZM for rep and currency.

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First, I was addressing why people bring up the box. It was a major marketing feature for the game and why many like me specifically came here. I played both EQ and WC1 & WC2 and there is no way I would have chosen WoW setting over EQs if the games were the same.

It wasnt about death penalties ( I dont mind them) it was about the ability to play in a group or solo when all the groups are filled. Ever been in a zone when everywhere you go to level is all camped and there are no alternate shards? Get on a waitlist and wait for someone to quit. 4 hours later log off for the night with nothing done.

People throw around difficult as well. Getting groups is annoying, not difficult. Dealing with other people and relying on them for your progress is annoying, not difficult. MOst people can do nor or even Heroic raiding - I had an ex that did heroic but she could even do the solo part of the Firelands staff quests. Many things in the group game is all about people skills and if you like other people enough to deal with them for the loot. I am not willing to do that. I also dont complain about what I have - though I frequently like to complain about people who think they are something because they did X or Y in game…

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I asked when was tier not when was corruptions.

It was not tier so it doesnt apply.

You can’t pretend an expansion didn’t happen for the sake of your argument.

You cant pretend something that isnt tier is tier.

Sadly these guys think like the devs. Its like they dont have the ability to like you said just be happy. They calso cannot comprehend anyone who cant think like they do - they just twist things into a caricature of how they think…

I love going to old content and just messing around. I still log in and just fish in Mulgore.