Solo Players -- How Do You Feel?

So you are just trolling got it.


Same as it’s ever felt since. My last, all out raid was when MC was new.

G/f got MS and I have watched out for her. Can’t commit the time. No raid leader like someone going AFK for 2 min to 2 hours.

I just play when I can, hit the wall and then start leveling the other three characters until they all hit the wall.


no im winning this argument

Not really troll unless you can prove to me and the rest of us that a MMORPG means we have to group up even the box from the first WOW said we can go alone or group if we choose.


you can go solo some world quests if ur a smooth brain

I play old content. Currently playing Pandaria and it is great! Shadowlands is the worst expansion ever!

I loved BFA, it is underrated!


That’s just uncalled for. Be polite, please.

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As long as I can talk to people and use raid finder, I don’t feel left out at all, I just sort of recognized that mythic+ and PvP isn’t my thing in this game.


My daughter has epilepsy and we struggle to keep her from having seizures. I can relate a little.


I don’t feel left out of something I’ve chosen to not take part in.


Not been interested in endgame since my irl friends stopped playing at the end of wolk, early cata for various reasons. Hoped Classic, and TBC classic would get a few to start playing again, but nope. Sort of the been there done that deal. Of course, still get you still play that game question :slightly_smiling_face: . In retail now just do old content, and grab some achievements etc. Only problem I’m having now is trying to figure out which toon I want to try, and get loremaster on in classic lol. This toon, or my human mage, or Tauren Shaman. Will take forever, because I keep switching back, and forth. Quest awhile on one, then switch over to the other, and do the same. Anyhow no hurry.


Same here except I made it till the end of Cata :slight_smile:

I dont feel left out because if I to to the current endgame I would.

I have more fun with alts and collecting mogs, mounts andother things.

Current project get my TBCC and REtail accounts matched up on my main server. 4 characters on each with same races, classes, names, professions guild etc…


No one is telling you that you have to group.

We’re telling you that the best gear comes from group content, and it always has.

This clinging to the box art thing is kinda odd tbh. The manual that came with that box mentioned things such as relic gear being in the game (being more powerful than legendaries) and Tauren using the Plainsrunning ability instead of having mounts.


Did you just say challenging solo content should not give gear or good rewards?

What is the point of challenging content unless there are rewards people WANT?


When I finish what I want to do of WoW the game, there is still WoW the WORLD. And that is practically infinite.


The two best ilvl items in the game come from solo content.

I’m not real sure what more you think should come from it tbh.

How are they neglected when Slands is the most solo player friendly expansion to date?

Using Torghast as an example, why not gear better then WQ for world content, weaker then mythic raiding, yet in Torghast approaching mythic power.


Couldn’t be more wrong.


Why not just do arena/m+/raiding for the gear rewards you want to be used in the content you want to do like players have been doing for 18 years?