Solo Players -- How Do You Feel?

I’m slowly shifting back in to doing raids and mythics, but very slowly. For the most part, I am a solo player (unless my fiancé needs me to tank or heal rando world elites, or TW or something).

What do I do with my time?

I make lots and lots of gold. I run old raids, dungeons, craft things, farm mats.

So much better than anything Slands has to offer. I am quite content doing this.


It wasn’t a good thread. It was a ridiculous thread based on an emotional argument with no actual basis in reality.

The idea that WoW should be made more accessible and even more rewarding for the easiest (which is already insanely easy) content due to some players absolute intolerance to any amount of difficulty in the game is absurd.

WoW isn’t at war with people who choose to only play catch up mechanics and avoid actual end game content. Those players are making a concerted effort on avoiding group content of their own accord when WoW has always been a game about vertical progression being most readily obtainable via group content.

If players refuse to accept this, that’s fine-but they’re playing the wrong game.

Some of us are older now with families and do not have the insane amount of time to do some of the content. But, we still love this game and have played for many years. Time and people change.

Also, and I speak for myself, would love challenging solo content that is rewarding to do.


Right. And some of us are older now and do not have the insane amount of time to do forced world/solo grinds for optimization of our characters.


What is so wrong for ppl to have some kind of challenging solo content that scales in difficulty? Truly.


Torghast exists.

It does not give gear or gud rewards = no desire for me personally.


As it shouldn’t.

Ah okay.

I see this being a merry go round. Have a gud one.


its an mmo so they should quit if they are solo players. i swear people are so stupid

Of course I feel left out! This game is fun.
When I’m ready to commit to raiding and endgame again it’s good to know that it’s still there.
My Taters stream for me from time to time. I love them so much.
Even as casual as I play these days this is still the best game out there.
When I play I usually do dailies and heroics/time walking.

“MMORPG means massively multiplayer online role-playing games , and it’s a type of video game that combines elements of role-playing games (RPGs) with the gameplay of multiplayer online gaming worlds.”

I wish there was more content for just a couple peeps to do together (more than say 2s). I do not like to play with a few to a bunch of peeps anymore. I like a more intimate setting.


As an on and off solo player I can say that most of the features in Shadowlands make me feel like I have to cross a massive desert multiple times just to get a leg up into LFR.

It’s way too boring and mentally exhausting even to contemplate doing. Does feel like there’s no welcoming carpet into the game, more a rotting wood board full of splinters.


are u hitting on me?

They haven’t gone to war, but they have neglected them.


Where does it say an MMORPG you need to group up it just means many players are in the game I swear people are so stupid.



No ma’am.

Js, I think it’s more fun to play with one other person vs a bunch. Just me.

I’m out of hearts or I woulda given you one xD


I said so.

You can’t know that.

Bg’s and Rbg’s… But it’s getting boring. I tried to do some raids with guild but just not feeling it.