Solo Players -- How Do You Feel?

Basically I accepted this game is not for me. They the developers feel everyone runs with a group of 10-20 people ready to call to do content with no matter how tedious and unfun this content is. Shadowlands chased off 2 guilds and 6 very good friends I still play with in other games. They have made horrible choices and it seems from the feedback I have read no changes are coming next expansion either.


As a solo player I don’t feel left out since my end game is doing what I want though would be nice if Blizzard gave us solo players more to do. I don’t PVP, raid or even lfd unless a quest tells me to do it.

Before anyone says I am playing the wrong game MMORPG just means there are a lot of players in game never says I have to group with them.


I mean why do you care how other people play the game ?


I’m looking for different perspectives from other solo players.


-As I never liked Raids this part is solved.

-M+ kind of make me yawn, that’s just going to slow to keep me grounded, it’s a matter of game engine more than personal taste. I do enjoy fast playing on faster game pace such as ARPG or FPS games on which “competition” comes like an energizing breeze to me, but really the only honest comment I can do about M+ is /yawn

-PVP, I do like it, the itemization tuning in SL is awful but I do like the gearing process, still I can spend many hours on BGs.

What I like the most about WoW is to chill out on the huge maps that the game provides, doing WQs, fishing, rep grinding. Sometimes I meet really nice players and to me this is what the WoW community have the best to offer.

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But why
/10 char

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Got too many chores to do to feel anything. World quests, daily quests, normal quests, gearing, grinding, farming, dying…

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I like to know how other people approach the game and what they find enjoyable. It helps widen my own perspective.


Its clear that what I think is not important to those who make the decisions.


No it isn’t actually

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Well its kinda like asking why dont you like mushroom pizza and not pineapple… i know most solo players dont like to to group with people thats why they do solo content

Right, but I wanted to understand if they struggled with similar feelings as I do (feeling left out or unable to see end game content). I don’t know; I feel like this is the acceptable place to ask this sort of question.


I keep feeling like I chose the wrong game. To me, WoW would be the perfect game if there were NPC teammates who could do things with you like arenas, M+, and raiding. I love the mythic+ mode except for the rotating affixes and seasons which reset a character’s progress. I love this game, it’s a fun challenge. I think the only part I don’t like about this game is honestly the players (no offense - most are good).


I feel this comment so much.


It’s not always a ‘choice’. A lot of us WANT to, and try to be involved in group content. But unfortunately due to RL constraints it’s not always possible.

You can wait an hour or more for some LFR situations. If you have a limited amount of time to play, by the time the queue pops, there’s no time to play any more. If you don’t play when the majority of other people do, again finding enough people to set up your own group, you don’t get to play. A lot of us can’t play at night, so we automatically find it a lot harder to find guilds or groups and there for get left out.


That’s very true, the minding is different, I’m mainly solo players but I really want people people around me, to chat or even just to don’t feel alone.

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Either you find a way to do what you want or you don’t. I work 60 hour weeks have a family and still make it work. So I’m not following how it’s not a choice.

Overall I am content, I do think they missed an opportunity to have torghast be a place us solo players could use as a challenge to ourselves and have gearing options.


i can make tier sets without doing any group content. i feel great

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The most mandatory part… best gears possible, then comes a good connection for the lowest possible latency and finally a good cpu to avoid fps lags, It’s not harder than anything else once you get use to the drill.
As your schedule isn’t steady, this could be a problem to find arena partners.

Your whole post is, let’s it like you did: refreshing