"Solo Players" Help me understand...what kind of content are you truly looking for?

So? We all responded, do you understand now?

I was happy with the initial concept of delves. I am a casual player and one that finds no interest in doing mythic plus raiding. Having a path that I could solo and be continually challenged as the year progresses was perfect. At the moment I am still struggling with tier four/five but that is because I haven’t spent time maxing my ilevel. Right now I prefer getting more of my alts to 80 than rushing to get some title at tier level 12.

I am hoping by the time I get there Blizzard will have straightened out the balancing and I can enjoy advancing up the tiers either completing them solo or in a small group.

I’m mostly solo these days too. WotLK was my heyday and I just haven’t gotten over the grind. I think I still remember every dungeon in that expansion I did the heroics so much. Lotta Icecrown Citadel run too.

For me, I’m not that into delves. What I really enjoyed in Guild Wars 2 were the jumping puzzles. I don’t think our characters can do that kind of jumping. But I’d like something of that nature. But this is WoW so I guess delves are fine enough. I’ll probably grind what keys I get and leave them be. But they aren’t what I expected.

This. One and done things. Solo, no one else, no groups, no NPC butt pulling, no 25 tiers and levels, no currencies unless it’s one single currency for one single vendor.

It’s tuned to be difficult for gear you have access to, so basically it’s tuned like a Mythic raid boss of the tier. You can use consumes, buffs from players you zone in with, whatever.

It ideally would have several achievements: Complete it under this amount of time! Kill this without doing this! Do this while doing this! Stuff like that, plus different titles depending on your ilvl when you defeat it, kinda like the Algalon title.

Solo players would like to have some type of prestigious thing going on, kinda how PVPers get titles and weapon mogs and mounts and Mythic raiders get achievements and mounts and this and that.

Same reason raiders use their gear outside raids … since I detect the usual “casuals don’t need raid gear foropen world content” inference in your question I’d also say if that is your agenda then raiders don’t need raid gear for non-raid content then maybe that gear should be downscaled to that of that casuals are allowed to make it a level playing field outside raids.

You’d aggree to that I presume.

A relatively easy game with smooth, linear difficulty curve that rewards gear to make things easier and provide a sense of progression and also, perhaps, some fun seasonal cosmetic items to indicate I did content in a specific time and place.

To be blunt, if I wanted to play Dark Souls, I’d play Dark Souls. There are games that do intense difficulty just way better.

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I want more mid core content, not hard, but not easy, just enough activity to get my neurons firing without putting me to sleep but doesnt require min max BS to accomplish. sadly the delves are not scratching that itch because it seems tuned for no lifers playing dark souls blind folded.


The mission table would be nice for pet charms

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Also, you can do the content after a glass of whisky while listening to your favorite podcast.




Keep in mind this forum is roughly 1 percent of the playerbase. And Blizz literally did research for this stuff. I know, I was part of it. One of many many many they do their research with.

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Crafting probably, I’m getting tired from playing WoW the normal way.

I don’t know if you mean it but people who look down on casual players are constantly asking “why do you need gear!? You don’t do harder content!”. It doesn’t matter. Its fun to progress your character at max level and kill things faster with better gear. You don’t need to push keys or mythic raid to have fun with better gear.


I just personally don’t understand the core difference between delves versus follower dungeons. To me they’re the same thing, with a few more clickable interactions and a follower that levels with abilities. Why not just combine the two and make follower dungeons have interactable sections for solo play, plus allow you to level and customize your followers and their special abilities. At that point it doesn’t have to be it’s own thing, and can be something that’s already built out.

Yes Delves is what I wanted, a tough but fair challenge if I use my toolkit. They currently arent designed for that due to some mechanics of mobs and scaling. I think they needed more toghast like abilities to help classses round out a toolkit.

Not really my thing but I dabbled in them for a couple nights. A 7 was a joke and 8 was impossible. There seems to be some scaling weirdness for sure.

I get where this is coming from. I kinda agree, kinda don’t.

It’s weird to me that they made delves scale past about 2 players since more than 2 sounds like it should be in the Follower Dungeon thing. If delves were only focused around 1-2, it would be a slightly easier problem to balance, I think.

Here’s the thing:

Do I want to engage with ANY content, repeatedly, for months on end?

The answer is no.
One and done, Blizz.

One and done.

As such, I prefer high quality quest-based content with great storytelling. You never find that in repeatable content.

So rather than Delves, I’ll take another Suramar.

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The conditional at the end is just wrong tho…I could care less what lvl raid or m+ loot is… delves give me a meaningful way to progress solo without doing either of those types of group content and that’s all that matters to me. And I’m neither lying to myself or delusional

You couldn’t be more wrong. I’m currently one of those solo players. I started WoW in 2004, and I’ve done everything there is to do in this game. Played on a PvP server for 10 years, been a guild master, run dungeons, raids, WPvP, battlegrounds, arena, etc. I’m old; I’m tired. But, I still like the game, the world, and the content.

Like anything in life that requires knowledge and skill, you have to keep up with both to excel. I just don’t have the time nor the desire to get my skills back to the level where I’d be an acceptable participant in M+ or a raid guild. Delves, if Blizz doesn’t screw them up, provide a progression path for me that give me a goal for the season. I get to enjoy a game that I’ve enjoyed for nearly 20 years, and hopefully I won’t get bored before the mid-season patch.


I don’t think they’re a miss at all, thoroughly enjoying them personally - main thing I would change is giving us more access to Coffer keys, there’s 28 bountiful delves per week and you can only get 4 keys per week, this seems like a miss to me…