"Solo Players" Help me understand...what kind of content are you truly looking for?

I don’t play exclusively for solo content, but I appreciate it’s addition into the game as something else to do.

I think Delves are a great foundation for Blizzard to build more off of. The companions, powerups, and curios could use a lot more work (and obviously the balance).

I also appreciate a lot of the world quests that have been added. The photography, climbing, and sky riding quests are great. The theatre is pretty fun (but more variety would be nice), I liked big dig and superbloom.

I’d love to have systems in the game that allow for more character expression. More emotes, gear dying, player housing, etc. Things that aren’t necessarily big content on their own but allow for players to make their own fun so to speak.

it’s growing on me…
had one shaman in a m0 acting like he was godly with the attitude of a rabid dog… all along he kept yapping insults to everyone… only to finish as last dps.

i enjoyed it ngl. weird.

Yes. Delves are interesting because they’re a mix of MoP scenarios, Torghast and dungeons. And I hope, unlike Torghast, they keep improving on it and also don’t nerf it into irrelevance (which is what yesterday’s hotfix did).

My biggest beef with Torghast was, as a BM hunter, it was an awful experience because, unlike some classes, BM got nothing interesting from Torghast powers. I’d see TC runs where a Warlock did 280M damage with a Chaos bolt with a lucky set of powers and a crit. BM? Oh you can use Tar Trap more often. Great.

I don’t need Mythic raid gear. I don’t need +20 gear. But I want something to aim for and work on at my own pace.

I play WoW to chill and progress on something I choose to work on. Other players have really killed a lot of group content for me in WoW. Dungeon groups can be so toxic. Random dungeons aren’t a great experience because you have to really meorize 32 boss mechanics before you can queue because you don’t know what dungeon you’ll get.

And raids? Don’t get me started on raids. Instant death mechanics? Getting kicked or just yelled at? Hard pass.

I like delves but it isn’t ideal. What I mostly want out of single player content is a mix of several things:

dynamic target dummys- Delves fill this niche nicely in that they are a fantastic way to practice my rotation without interference and in ways that push me to play better. Having a lose condition gives me a place to actually learn a class in a relevant way. This is my favorite part of current delves since I’ve actually pushed myself to learn a few classes i wasn’t planning to while farming bountiful delves on alts just to see if i could.

Relevant reward structure- delves having gear that is mid raid level is perfect since it makes it strong alt content which is what I want it to be. My main may eventually be decked out in m10 cache gear and crafted junk but being able to kit my alts out from leveling gear to mid heroic raid ilvl without having to push my alts into early raid bosses or m+ is a huge boon to actually trying out new classes. Learning how to leverage my undergeared alts to gear them before taking them to the grouped stuff is really good gameplay.

Challenges worth doing: So far delves haven’t quite scratched this itch, so far I’ve done up to 10 and will eventually do some 11 delves when I feel like it. I’ve done ? zekvir twice once yesterday when I realized i could go to his cave and once today because I was curious if I could beat him post hotfix. I haven’t done ?? yet since yesterday I couldn’t consistently break eggs and today I can’t consistently survive 7 seconds into the encounter because his melee hit damage tripled or something. I think delves have a strong potential in this regard and would like to see them move in a direction where minibosses are a bit more prominent then world quest + Like having several delves that are zekvir styled where its just a boss or two or even some mix of the brawler’s guild and delves would be so good. Also not to knock zekvir I like the design but the hotfixes and brann carry aspect are rough like I heard it’d be a mage tower like experience and was expecting one of the dps ones and got the one where velen throws orbs to the nether while you cry in tank spec.

Tldr I’m glad blizzard made delves, I think they need improving and hope they will be improved but the content pillar that they can be is one that I am here for.

Unfortunately, you are likely what the devs consider a solo player. You have upgraded gear, and probably upgraded skill. They then tune solo content for people like you.

My idea of a solo player is someone who does little to none group content, and is running around in WQ gear with maybe a few upgrades. For us, much of what they call solo content is sufficiently overtuned to make it no fun, and/or they offer no items, and/or no item upgrades.


I’m enjoying solo delves quite a bit. I don’t know if I’ll stick with them all season, but they’re good for now.

Kinda how heroic to M0 works, heroic is a complete faceroll and M0 feels like you skipped a difficulty level.

Delves are fine. The ones I’ve played were fun. Of course it will be more difficult now.

But as for what I want, I want to be able to play the entire story of the expansion, from beginning to end. Right now we can’t play the end, that’s reserved for the small percentage of players who do high level end game content.

Story mode raids are supposed to allow this. We’ll see how that turns out.

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Solo content I want:

  • Follower Dungeons (with low to mid ilvl rewards of regular LFG)
  • Follower Heroics (with low to mid ilvl rewards of Heroic LFG)
  • Follower LFR (with low to mid ilvl rewards of Normal Raids)
  • Follower Heroic LFR (with low to mid ilvl rewards of Heroic Raids)
  • A Catchup gear vendor for new alts who were not boosted and did not do pre-patch (Like we had in MoP)
  • A gear vendor for every season of WoW with mogs (literally cosmetic only) to buy for gold
  • Race/Class/Faction unlocks. We’ve worked with the “other side” and other races and classes long enough, there should be an epic questline tied to an achievement allowing the unlock.
  • RP Gear vendor. Someone who sells cosmetic only stuff like, farmers outfits and tools, a vendor cart (just for show), and outfits for other “standard” pets the way we have stuff for the pug.
  • A true Gilnean Mount: The Gilnean StageCoach. Just like we rode in the opening area while questing, and again with Fiona in the EPL. Could be a 4 person ground mount.
  • A Traitor’s questline that allows characters to switch factions and is long and indepth, and they are forever forced to look like another race. (Rather than paying for a race change)
  • Increased drop rate on any Dungeon/Raid mounts older than Shadowlands (Classic to BFA) allowing better chances of farming vs 15 years of failure.
  • Secondary AH for myself and others like me who want to sell at a reasonable price to be bought at a reasonable price and make the items “Warband” only for purchasers to prevent people from emptying the Blue Collar AH and posting it on the main AH at the crack pipe price.
  • A search option for quests the same way we have ones for achievements. Prevent having to go online, add my armory, inspect my quest history, and then tell me what’s missing. This way I can simply look up a quest in the adventurer’s journal. External sources are fine, but would be nice to have it all under one umbrella.
  • Cross faction mounts: I miss my Warlord’s Deathwheel, and often log into Horde and ride it on my lower level characters, but the RPer in me wants to make up a story where I killed an Orc and took it from him.

These are just off the top of my head :blue_heart:


Yes, content like delves is what I truly want.

Yes, I would enage with in for months as long as there is a sense of progression.

If you find them boring and an easy way to get gear, my advice is to stop focusing on the gear! Focus on the challenge and seeing how far you can get, especially playing solo as a solo player. Have you beaten tier 11? 12?

My honest question is why you are so obsessed with gear that you seem to have forgotten that this is a video game and the whole point is to simply play something during your free time.

Is this a Blizzard employee or subcontractor pretending to be a player who doesn’t understand how and why people they claim are just like them play the game?

I have an idea. Blizzard can stop getting advice from streamers and other content providers on how to deal with the “casual problem”. They can do their own first person research instead of relying on hearsay and wishful thinking.

More engaging leveling and world content. I hate how top-heavy WoW has gotten. The only content that matters is the “end game”.


If I could just get an island expedition V2, I would be happy.

It’s what I expected, yes, I always loved tanking, but unlike my time in FFXIV, I never managed to find a guild where I could be a main tank in WoW, to add to that, I can’t stand M+, which left me with… Nothing, really, unless I play DPS, a role I have never been a huge fan of, in neither Hero Shooters, MOBAs and especially not in MMORPGs. So Delves so far have been, well, close to perfect for me, the tuning could be better and I am sure in a few months is going to be really good, but I am enjoying them for what they are so far.

As for keeping me playing for months on end, no game can do that for me, I usually get bored of a live service game in about a month and a half, you know, once the shine wears out, then I take a massive break, and when the itch starts again I pick it up and play for another month and half or so.

Honestly, what these devs should do is go out and find a few people who never played the game and WATCH THEM.

I wonder how many of them, if any are actual solo players.

Or they can stop catering their game around sweaty players that just want to chase ratings and world firsts

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That’s really just a different way of expressing what I said. But they would need to be willing to hear the opinions of casuals and solo players, who they have never respected.


Solo player is pretty vague, there’s so many avenues solo players take. It’s like saying group players.

But to still answer the question, I do believe solo players don’t want to literally be solo.

They want to just play by themselves, sure, but still want that interaction / group play. This is why things like Solo queue for rated PvP content have been pushed by a very large portion of the PvP community.

Delves might appeal to some people, but they’re not something that’s going to gain popularity simply because of what I’ve said before, they don’t actually want to play by themselves. Delves for a solo player do nothing, as they’d might as well just be playing a single player game. Good for a Solo player’s progression but not their enjoyment.

it’s pretty simple. i want content that awards me top level gear. it should be easy for me but challenging for other people, so i can feel special and brag about it. if i fail at it, it should be nerfed because it’s obviously overtuned.

i don’t think that’s asking too much