"Solo Players" Help me understand...what kind of content are you truly looking for?

I haven’t yet really gotten into Delves, but the few I have done have been a Ton of fun.

I’m hoping soon to really get into them. :slight_smile:

I don’t have dedicated play time, I don’t want to make others wait for me, might just be a minute, might be 2 hours…?

I solo Only. Plus I don’t care for the ascerbic players that I kept getting in group content.

I am not a gogogo player. For me personally that is totally not fun.

I’m not a great player. I’m good, I’m not great. I’m happy with my abilities as I can do the content I enjoy.

Prior to Delves, dungeon type content was completely ignored. I couldn’t do it either due to time, or skill (again the gogogo must be great or be kicked.) And half the time, the queue time was my entire play time. Oh, gee I have 5 minutes to do the dungeon before I have to go…

Delves are fantastic!

I’m hoping they tune them a bit better, but I’ll manage. I don’t intend to go above T2 or maybe 3 anyway.

What am I looking for?
Content I can solo with questing gear. Go at whatever pace/speed I want to. And have fun. :slight_smile:

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Yes, assuming it’s both challenging and rewarding, I’ll continue to do them despite them being a mess right now and needing a lot of work. And the reason you want the gear is the same reason you would want loot in group content: Progression. Getting stronger. Making number go up.

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What you’re saying is “why get a Ferrari when a Toyota will get you from point A to point B just fine”.

People like loot, and want better loot, even if they don’t need it.

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I haven’t gone past 6 yet, what with work, raid and life. I’ll concede that putting an unavoidable debuff that you can only circumvent with some classes and not others could be an issue, particularly in an environment that is meant to be soloable.

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tbh I am not entirely sure. I know what I like when I get it but I don’t know that I would trust me to come up with solo content for the game.

That said: Delves seem ok. Follower dungeons seem ok too. I like being able to complete the quests even if there are not any people on who want to do the particular dungeon I need.

Can i have your stuff?

For me, yes. Delves and follower dungeons have been a step in the right direction for me. Both need tweaking, especially Delves, though.

I honestly felt similarly about Torghast. Yes, it had its problems and major headaches, but I liked having content that I could solo (with the option to do it with a group) and content that gets progressively more difficult without making me NEED a group.

Honestly I want apsects of legion/wod back. I want an order hall/garrison with a mission board and quests to check daily with something more meta to work towards. And I want a mage tower/delve type challenge mode for more prestigious awards

As busy parents and full time workers, yes this is good solo content.

Me and wife can put the kiddo down at our own pace.

No timer

No other people dependent on us being ready for them.

I can tank as fast as I want.

The concept here is a win, it just needs some numbers tuning and pace for season competition rate.

Delves are only relevant as long as they give raid-level loot.

Guarantee you if the hardest difficulty Delve only awarded LFR level loot, “Solo Players” would whine about that too.

It’s never been Delves or solo content they’ve wanted. It’s always been the same thing for 20+ years:

Easy access to raid level loot and items without the need to be social or put in the work required to raid/run Mythic+. That’s all it’s ever been about, that’s all it will ever be about. Anyone who says differently is either a liar or just deluding themselves.

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yes! I love them a lot, actually! I wanted more challenging solo content in this game that requires me to use my entire kit. I also play with 2 other friends fairly often, and we all prefer to play DPS classes. While we can play M+ and have as triple DPS, it’s a bit more annoying to find a healer and a tank while we’re all playing together. With Delves, we can now do content as a small group.

I hope they keep adding more, and maybe even longer ones. Being able to do content on my own time, with only my friends or just by myself, is nice.

I mostly play solo and I don’t like annoying content. I think I would like those delves just fine if they didn’t have the webs on the floor or the eggs on the floor or deadly purple stuff on the floor and you operate in darkness type of additions.

I want short quick content and mostly just straight kill something. I liked the world quests of legion and BFA.

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lol, you spent most of your post talking about group content.

delves are both for playing alone and with a small group. you can’t 2-man M+. It’s good for players like me who like playing alone or only with friends. I’ve done most of my hard delves solo.


Delves is what I was most excited about with TWW as someone who stopped doing actual raids and mythics and moved to be more casual, this is the one thing that got me hyped.

Second would be the follower dungeons as something to do as during leveling up/weekly dungeon quest. As I play a lot of alts now.

And finally was Story Raids but that is a bit of a joke since it doesn’t offer anything other than the final boss and a cutscene which will be on YT before I even get a chance to play the raid.

Yes I like delves. Why because options are a good thing.

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The mistake witj delves was giving the option for party runs. Make them purely solo and get the tuning right.

I agree with a lot of the people so far, lots of great takes.

I’m generally a casual solo player, though my playtime is a bit heavier since the start of TWW. Really, what keeps me happy is getting rewarded with gear upgrades, even if it would take me forever to reach raid tier gear. But delves are helping me with that, so it’s been great!

I made it to T7 on my 580 ret prior to yesterday’s changes. My Brann is at level 22 or 23, I think. Gonna definitely push his levels up, but the difficulty is… inconsistent. Still, that’s not going to stop me. I hope to have him hit 30 before the end of the weekend, assuming I don’t hit the weekly cap on bountiful delve runs for XP.

Other than the difficulties being all over the board depending on class/spec and fixing that, I’m hoping they also continue to add features. Such as more followers, a tank spec, and possibly warband stuff!

As for the OP’s original comment of not needing the strong gear because we don’t do grouped content, I disagree. It’s still lots of fun to rofl-stomp mobs when you can!

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As a solo player i want to be able to do fun stuff and still get some sorta quality gear. Doesnt have to be top tier just good enough so i can take things down at a decent rate.

Delves are ok so far. i have not done any past lvl 6 yet though. I am a bit peeved about how Brann gets his experience leveled . I take my time in game stuff so its gonna take me longer to lvl him than the more zerg type player…no offense btw!

Those npc dungeons… for me thats a win. I can go slow, i can pull extra stuff, i can miss my cc lol and no one gets mad at me. Im really not bad in groups i just always worry im going to do something wrong… which is why i dont do groups often. So yeah npc dungeon mates = less stress more fun lol

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