"Solo Players" Help me understand...what kind of content are you truly looking for?

With this kind of engagement? Reminds me of M+ launch.

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Seem like they’d want to reward you more than what they recommended for completing the previous tier.

Felt to me like a built in plateau you must exit and gear from other sources instead of a progression system to be used for solo progression

Yes, it’s pretty much exactly what I want. Between Delves and Follower dungeons I can log in, do whatever content I’m in the mood to do, and never have to worry about getting invited into a M+, waiting on a queue timer, dealing with impatient people who speedrun everything to the point where I don’t even get to play the game, etc.


I like the core character gameplay loop, exploring the world and the flavor of class fantasies

I dislike dealing with people who have the entitlement of medieval nobility and the social skills of a rabid animal

Blizzard no longer cares to police their game beyond the barest minimum and the playerbase has proven to be incapable of or unwilling to police itself

Let me be able to enjoy the game without having to be held hostage by an ill-tempered vocal minority


When TWW first came out, I enjoyed delves. That has turned to loathing with the Season 1 patch. Except for length (and one instance) I found Torghast more fun.

fun content thats fun

I love/loved the idea of delves, but I agree with others saying it should not be available for a 5 person group. Solo folks are often actually duo, because it’s a person playing with a spouse/partner/friend, and they don’t want the dynamics of a 5, 10 or 25 person group.

I was into the semi sweaty competitive group content in the early days, but the infighting it started in guilds changed the dynamic of the community, and destroyed a long time guild I had played with since before WoW released.

I still love the game for it’s origins, and I am hoping they do something positive to fix delves.

Try to solo Velo & Taro in T8 on a class where you can’t kite and don’t have a baseline poison cleanse and you tell me if it’s tuning or a skill issue.

I’m kind of a hybrid player.

When I have time I like doing group stuff.

When I don’t I like solo stuff.

What I like about delves, conceptually mind you, not necessarily in practice, is that they offer a solo progression path that can keep a toon relevant when it’s time to join a group activity.

So far im happy with delves.
Theyve kept me entertained today. Got a couple of upgrades. All going well.

Im currently at level 7 which are manageable. Not died or anything yet, but ive come close a few times. Especially on the bosses.
Ive not tried a level 8 yet as my ilvl is 588 and 8 recommends ilvl 600. Ill wait until im in the correct range before I try stepping it up.

Will i like delves in a months time?
Who knows. I hope so. But only time will tell.

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That’s exactly my point though. Why do you expect to be able, with any class, spec, gear, toolkit, or let’s be honest for a second, the player skill, to already be able to be at the tippy top of the gear ladder from delves on the very first week? It’s seasonal content for crying out loud.

it’s simple, logical progression. If you build a system which can be done both solo and in a group then that content needs to have a consistent reward/effort between the two modes otherwise it trivializes one of them. Aside from that, making content where it is clear what mistake issue led to the failure. When you design difficulty as inescapable walls of damage what motivates progression? Survival? No agency on the part of the player can help. Fromsoft games are great examples of difficulty progression that respects skill. the bosses in these games don’t get harder, people invent their own difficulty to progress once they master the default one (which was hard to begin with).


I think I’m misunderstanding you… are you saying it’s OK that some classes should have no shot at completing a Delve because it’s early in the season?

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I’ve been a solo player pretty much since day one in Vanilla.

That doesn’t mean I don’t do group content, I do. But I do it alone. No “friends”, no “guild”, no posse or crew or team.

It’s all just me showing up wherever I show up.

So, everything I do is from the view of a solo player. To me, all y’all are fancy NPCs.

I liked Torghast. I though Visions were “OK”, I’m only Tier 4 on Delves, I haven’t done that many. That said, I find puzzles annoying. I imagine in time, unless I’m absolutely required to, I will find some delves more annoying than others and simply skip them.

My tact this expansion has been VERY casual. My “agenda” for the time being is to get the 4 (4?) weekly Things done, run a wing or so of LFR, and continue questing.

I don’t really care about gear right now, I’m getting enough open world stuff.

The only dungeons I’ve done are follower dungeons. I’m so burnt out by the degenerate gameplay of Remix and the pre-patch event, I am spectacularly unmotivated to be gogogoing from sparkling thing to the next sparkling thing to get the big sparkling thing.

Running my own race right now.

The big difference between Delves and Torghast, is that for whatever reason, there was no call to drive Torghast as high as possible, as fast as possible. There was no gear at the end of Torghast, so no drive to gogogo to max level.

Of course, there’s gear in Delves, so “everyone” “has” to push it to the limit right away and get it all done until they’re choking on them.

Thus the panic and push over Delves. Which is fine by me, let others find the pointy ends of the content so they can be filed down by the time I saunter into them.

Torghast took me months. Twisting Corridors happened over 3+ months, since I could only reasonably do it once a week.

So, we’ll see. I don’t like the feel of the delves I’ve done per se, but I’m still learning them. See if they grow on me over the next few weeks.


Appropriate that this is posted by a lock. I really don’t know what you’re meant to do in these. Spriest only has it a little better in that regard, too. You can be as resilient as you want, if you can’t catch some of these elite casts it feels like you’d be SOL


Anything that can be by yourself or do for yourself or achieve by one self and not be in any group or done in a group without being in one.

Solo players wants stuff to be done by themselves and gearing up themselves without the need of others to achieve it.

Solo players wants achieve able goals that can be done by themselves without anyone else.

And this game do need to improve on its solo player experience TWW is a good first step but more has to be done.

If you’re against solo than I can’t convince you but just because it’s an mmo doesn’t mean you need to be in a group.


There are many factors involved and I’m not ready to blindly agree that only the class is at play here.

Beside, if you can’t deal with poisons, don’t do a delves that has poisons?

I don’t think you understand how Velo and Taro work.

Delves have been pretty close, but I can definitely see why some classes have problems with them. Maybe making them class specific instead of everyone having the same challenges with different toolkits would be a better design.

Possibly some more difficult boss mechanics. Trash has felt pretty good, but bosses have tend to either be incredibly easy because their mechanics are incredibly simple, or a stone wall that can’t be beaten no matter how you play with unavoidable damage on classes with low sustain.

Delves initially worked, once tweeked, all hell broke loose in the forums. How much do I need to give you, to buy a clue?

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