"Solo Players" Help me understand...what kind of content are you truly looking for?

I haven’t done delves yet but generally speaking, yes

i think players, specifically solo players want challenging content that offers lucrative rewards, that they can progress through, solo, on their on time, at their own pace.

what they dont want, is untested, rushed garbage, that is littered with bugs and goes through a massive overhaul 3 days into release.

thats what i got from talking with people and reading the forums, anyway.

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Sounds like you’re playing Bear…

As a DK i can assure you… Don’t Delve on tank spec… you LITERALLY take 3x the damage in a delve if you tank, and do less damage.

Try Feral or Boomchicken and have Brann heal you.

Speaking of Brann… there was a change, if he’s over level 15, Brann will ONLY GAIN XP in a Bountiful Delve, not regular Delves.

Don’t feel bad, just don’t bear tank in there… i was i588 with a lvl 18 Brann and have been soloing T8 delves with no problems as a DPS with Brann healing.

If your current setup isn’t working, mix it up and try something different!

I basically wanted a PvE version of random BGs or Blitz. Something that I can queue myself at any time, and something that gives a path to good gear rewards long term.

My current biggest complaint about Delves is that they require world content to get coffer keys. To me world content is a completely different content that I don’t necessarily want to do when I want to do delves. I don’t want unlimited keys, I’m good with weekly limit, but let me do bountiful delves right away.

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I actually really like delves but I wish they had more plunderstorm mechanics, and by that I mean skillshots. Having mobs just auto hard isn’t fun or interactive, especially as non-tanks.

Usually it’s just “i want mythic gear”.

I’ve only tried bountiful delves. Currently Brann is stuck at like 100 experience from 17 and hasn’t gained anything else.

I don’t even care about the gear or the great vault. I just want to be able to play the game in the spec of my choosing.

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I liked the concept of Delves, I liked the idea of the escalating challenge and even the idea of trying different classes in the same delves to vary the experience.

I mained SPriest coming into the launch, knowing it was going to be difficult because the class tuning is non-existent. I figured the wall in delves would be lower for Spriest accordingly. I tried awakening the machine and quit at round 10 because the mechanics were poorly matched to the Spriest kit.
So I decided to swap over to my BDK tank to enjoy the ease that should bring. Awakening the machine was a snap, even before the nerfs (yes the Spriest can even do it now post nerf) .
Tier 3 delves were fine on the BDK before the start of S1 but as soon as I tried T4, it hit like a ton of bricks at ilvl 585. I was surprised it was so hard on the class that should have had the easier time.
The Spriest was doing T5s surprisingly.
Then then Sloot article came out, and honestly I am done. This scaling by spec in solo is a deliberate design choice, obfuscated by omission, and it’s petty. This isn’t at all the kind of approach I want to solo content - with a hidden f-you mechanic based on preferences.
The rest has been a spitshow since but the damage was already done. They’ve lost me.

I want solo content that isn’t a deliberate backhanded insult to the players they obviously disdain.


“Solo Players” Help me understand…what kind of content are you truly looking for?

I dont trust threads like this to be honest…feels…‘baitey’.

But I want EXACTLY what it sounds like…which is why this feels baitey…content I dont need others to be there for.
Follower dungeons and Delves are a perfect addition for that.

And myself, im loving both of the above.

I dont need more than the 556 gear Im sporting right now to play my game evidently.

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I think Delves are close to being the right thing, they just need to get the scaling right. Can Heroic/Mythic raiders clear T8 at 580 with 0 issues? Sure.

However, most WoW players struggle with normal raiding. Solo delves should have been tuned down rather than group delves tuned up.


Please go make a PB n J sandwich

As a solo people, I just want people who I encounter to not act like a guy on his first day of a jail sentence.


I’d just like to be able to fight that elite quest mob by myself without somone swooping in and stealing my enjoyment. I don’t need your help taking on an elite. I am not interested in seeing you showboat because you want to flex on having the highest ilvl score. I am also not interested in carrying those 1-hit taggers that run off and maybe come back when the mob is dead. It is annoying especially when there are plenty of the same mobs in the area other players can go to. I’d love it if the Devs removed mob tagging and increased spawn rates.

Yup, Delves are perfect for me.

i’m thinking arpg style stuff.

rifts/maps , something with long lasting progression and rewards-curve.

i know it makes ppl go “go play an arpg then” but hey… that’s probably what solo enjoyers want.

bountiful delves (only ~4 a day with unlimited keys and probably less than that once you ate the keys…) isnt it.

Tbh, ive never really payed much attention to my Brann… i have no idea when he reached 18 or how fast he is/was leveling… my Brann is only 2 levels higher than yours and im doing fine.

What’s your ilvl at btw? All delves have ilvl recommendations, are you near or well below? Im now at i592 and easily soloing T8 delves.

As for your last statement… i get it, but we can’t always get what we want… you can’t tank a 5 man dungeon as a resto druid, and brother, im telling you, Delves are NOT kind to tanks… they literally take 3x damage in delves… i tried Blood DK it was a disaster.

If you INSIST on playing Delves in a spec delves hate (tanks) or if you’re severely undergeared (i have no idea if you are or not), then don’t expect an easy path to play.

If you want to clear delves, play solo, have appropriate gear and try DPS… Tanking is not going to go well, Blizzard punishes tanks harshly in delves!

I was 583 yesterday. I think I am 584 or 5 today. I am trying to do Tier 2 to Tier 4 delves. Getting hit for 10 million in Tier 2. Stupid Sporebits would respawn and explode right on top of me right as I exited the circle. Obviously, their range is wider than the indicator.

Yep. This is why I cancelled my account. I shouldn’t have to arbitrarily take 3X the damage.

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If you want to know… I would love to be able to do Mythic dungeons, and raids, with NPCs. But there isn’t a dimension where that ever happens. I used to push keys, and run Heroic even Mythic raids on occasion, and while I have the skill, I lack the scheduling ability, and, to be honest with myself… the social skills to manage that anymore. That’s on me though.

So, I will settle for a content where I can progress towards a goal. Delves were what i was hoping would match that, unfortunately I don’t love how limited they are. Let’s just assume that they were not scaling horribly into oblivion atm, and that they were at the intended levels. I should barely be able to clear tier 4, once I hit 80 with no extra gear. It should be a week or so before I can even fathom tier 5, or beyond. What I want is a dungeon to test my abilities. TO make me think about my class, to make me go “Hmmm… now if I switch this talent here, and this one here…” that I’ll be able to overcome it with some skills, and some better gear.

As it stands… it’s half there. I do sometimes have to think about my class and talents but the numbers are just wonky. And, the fact that most people were clearing 8 on day 1 means that it isn’t nearly anything like I wanted it to be in terms of progression. It doesn’t feel like a Progression it just feels like a “OK You had fun with that for a week, back to the content you don’t like if you want better gear! (Mythic+/Heroic-Mythic Raiding)”

I know, i know it’s a contradiction. I want an MMO without having to play with other people. But there is just no games out there that are really like an MMO. There is a magic there and sometimes you just wanna play a game alone, with others around you. And i just love WoW’s world. It’s lore, it’s history etc…


Is it tuning or people trying to take a massive shortcut?

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I am enjoying delves. Content that can challenge me while being able to do it solo and I can ramp up the challenge (and the rewards) as I get better. The problem with Mage Tower and Torghast was no rewards beyond cosmetics and I am not a transmog person. I also enjoy world quests, even world bosses where I can jump in for one fight and then leave.

Which bee mount from BFA ?

There is a new one in TWW. It takes 600 bee pollen obtained from that mess of Elites by the brewery.

I was trying to whittle my way through the other day and some Horde character decided to pull a couple dozen mobs into my AOE radius. I shadowmelded and left the area.