"Solo Players" Help me understand...what kind of content are you truly looking for?

Meaningful group content that doesn’t require a resume


TL;DR Yes, love them, and very happy to have a fun progression for a purely solo player that isn’t “just do world quests”

I have played since BC, did do group content until the start of Cata doing some raiding with friends for BC/Wrath, but Cata on have not step foot inside a raid other than two expansions later to farm for transmog or see related story that can still be accessed two expansions later, or normal dungeons to again see the story.

I love doing questing, always read the quest text, since that is where 90% of the lore is, that the cutscene skipper/‘I don’t read quest text’ people complain about there being no story for.

So I am since Cata on a 100% solo player, I will hop in a dungeon, and have on very occasion even a M+ to help a guildie that may need help, but otherwise don’t touch group content.

As such, follower dungeons were my favorite addition to WoW in a very long time, I could finally experience dungeons as they were designed without the mythic+ ‘go go go’ that has even infected normal dungeon runs now, completely happy those are forever going forward.

Now they are my second favorite, as Delves give me a fun enjoyable experience to play and progress my characters in a vastly more enjoyable way then just running world quests, including a good challenge to boot when on the higher tiers (completed my first tier8 Delve on this warlock two days ago, solo of course)

And am looking forward to story raids to see raid storyline before it is a couple expansions old and running it for Transmog, hoping they expand it to entire raids and not just last boss, but I disgress.

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I’m like you pretty much, as a solo and casual player. I like delves pretty well. They can get a little boring, but they’re a good length I think. I do like the tier system, so you can go as high as your skill and gear level allows.

I honestly don’t know how to progress gear -wise, so I might hit a wall at some point. But for now, it’s interesting. It reminds me of TBC heroics when you had to prepare for every pull.

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Yeah, if I have to apply on some bulletin board, I’m not doing it anymore. Retiring from that content completely. No thank you. The only grouping I’ll consider is matchmaking content.


The “Solo Players” you are referring to is not Solo player… They are of beginners, soft, inexperienced but others call them harshly as noobs.

These people want easy stuff. But the elites would faceroll any easy stuff. If the easy stuffs is modified to block elites, it affects the beginners.

Elites and noobs can never be mixed especially when we are talking about high ilevel loots. WoW is difficulty = reward. The higher the difficulty, the higher the rewards. And giving high rewards to beginners will never work as the elites would just abuse the easy content.

Yeah, I’m glad things like raider io exist for the people into that stuff but I already have a job, and I’m glad WoW is starting to believe I deserve to have fun too.


What this requires now is an NPC leader who will accept people who just barely meet the requirements to do the content, not a player who wants four overgeared people with perfect parses to carry him.

The way you progress gear wise in delves is using your keys on bountiful delves. The more/better gear you get, the higher tier delves you can do, and the higher ilvl of gear that drops from the chests in bountiful delves.

So there’s like an invisible lockout for gearing each week where you only get something like ~4 coffer keys to use on bountiful delves for the week to get your gear.

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You should be able to outplay and overcome mechanics and abilities in delves but at higher levels the mobs are damage sponges that chunk you down in a few hits.
It feels horrible not being able to overcome things, not because you aren’t good enough but because stuff hits too hard and has too much health. Make it harder with complexity, not in this way.

Definitely, yes. The scaling here was a bit crocked though on almost every level (solo vs group, tank vs dps, even dps vs dps between classes).

They tend to take a bit too long if you are a solo player too. As a pure solo player, your gear starts pretty low, so your damage output is low, so it takes longer to run them, so you have less time to go out in the world zones and do the things that get you keys that allow you to get back in the Bountiful Delves.

Sure, you can run the non-Bountiful versions, but I believe they drop gear that is below the level of world stuff, so (after leveling), they are kind of pointless.

Eventually, I am sure things will get worked out but this is a bit of a disappointment.

I group, but play solo most of the time. Delves are good. Good rewards, unique gameplay. Short and more respectable on people’s time.


I like the follow up Puppet Master story in the Underkeep I think, or maybe it was another one. Some are quite interesting to me honestly. The overall basic layout of some aren’t that great, but the fact these scale up and the mobs are hard is engaging. There’s definitely more room to make these more fun in various ways and exciting as well.

So yeah I think I’ll keep doing them and maintain interest in them as long as they keep iterating on them for us.

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Solo content and a group of five with a tank and healer and DPS is an oxymoron. Delves shouldn’t be more than duo.


Clearly not the garbage scaling that these devs are trying to pull off for sure I can imagine.

I think it boils down to personal taste when it comes to delves, I don’t like them, they feel unfinished and unpolished in so many areas. They’re functional to some degree but you can tell by the hotfix that they didn’t really test them out, which should tell you quite a bit.

When it comes to solo content mage tower comes to mind and when I did that guardian druid form(which I like quite a lot) I don’t think that was very challenging, it was just tedious and not very fun but at least I got something out of it. Then we have torghast, my biggest problem with torghast was that you got no gear for doing it. I almost forgot the visions in bfa, they were great, that was content that I actually enjoyed to solo. Doing that 5-mask solo was a very fun challenge I thought at the time.

Your description of yourself is pretty much on par with what i do, except i dip my toes into pvp instead of mythics. Delves is a bit of a bust for me. i was hoping for a progression system I would have to work at for weeks. maybe that will be the case with t9-11 since i haven’t tried them yet. but doing t8 on day one seems like a miss.

As for gear, it should be a stepping stone to higher difficulties. outside of getting t11 done by seasons end, and killing quest mobs faster, i have no need for higher (pve) gear.

Content that I can work towards completing.

I can’t mechanic my way out of 10 million damage that is unavoidable. I’ve tried interuptting it with skull bash and incapacitating roar. I’ve tried getting out of its radius. I’ve tried using obstacles between me and the damage.

Brann won’t level past 16. He was leveling fine on Tuesday. And nothing since then.

Heck, Delves were fine on Tuesday when I did a tier 4 and tier 5. Tried a tier 6 on Wednesday and couldn’t get past the first zekthir enhanced group in the tunnel. Couldn’t avoid them either. Brann did nothing to help. He just gets in the way and tosses campfires in the middle of webs or outside air bubble distance. And why do I have to DPS his devilsaur 30 yards away to get it to spawn and leave combat? Now, I can’t even complete a tier 3 for some reason. Again 10 million unavoidable damage.

Its literally an impossible task at the moment. And disheartening while everyone else seems to running around with Brann iterations that are more than twice the level.

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I love the delves as they are now post hotfix…

Its not too hard, its not too easy… rewards feel justified for my time.

I love NO TIMER… i love the fact i can get good gear alone without some “go, go, go pull everything” player in my group.

I love i can take my time with each pull, i love if i need to take a break mid delve i can

I also love the tears of the group-only, i wanted a carry and free loot people crying that delves are now impossible all over the forums, because apparently none of them are competent players on thier own solo.

There’s plenty of rewarding group content… go play that and let us Delvers have our solo content.

Frankly, the only way to make Delves better is to completely remove any option for more than one player. If you want to play in a group, dungeons and raids say “Hi”.

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I think solo players want a carrot just as much as any other player out there. But I am not demanding a super deluxe carrot with all the spices. Just a regular old carrot. I want to be able to efficiently do the content I do (which is WQs, delves, w-bosses, events). I don’t need mythic fancy pants sit-in-Dal-all-day-to-show-off-to-lowbies gear…

So as long as the content has the potential to improve my gear— no matter how long it might take— I’ll be amused.


Story, lore, mogs.

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