SOLO PLAYER PENALTY -- Avg Gear Score Capped @ iLvl 198

When you complete your covenant campaign, you can upgrade the covenant armor all the way to 197 with anima, and fairly trifling amounts of anima too, assuming you haven’t been spending it everywhere else.

If you’re behind on renown to complete the campaign, you can just run dungeons and do callings to catch up quickly enough.

But yeah, 197 gear in all except the accessory and weapon slots is handed to everyone.

Are you saying nobody in your guild has completed the the hardest sections of Torghast? (not sure if i’m reading that correctly).

Ok, let me boil it down.

You/others in this thread:‘Gear should only be rewarded from challenging content’
Me:‘Ok, I completed one of the most currently challenging tasks last night, where’s my loot?’
You/etc:‘Well, I didn’t mean THAT content’

Raiders think gear should only be for raiders, and everyone else should wear rags. You’ve said this for years, and I’ve argued against you for years. Once people like myself hit these soft caps, we quit. Not great for the health of a game. If nobody but the 1% can ever hope to advance their characters, then the content and created gear is wasted. And before you bring it up, people like you are why I don’t raid. I’m perfectly capable of Heroic and probably mythic raiding in terms of skill, I just don’t want to deal with the rabble I’m forced to play with, and the endless guild hunt. Get it now? Or do you need more clarification?


I don’t know what level stuff you get from Conquest.

My problem with PvP is that it’s not consistent, at least with random groups. I spent a solid week working on PvP and didn’t reach one threshold – 1250 honor, any of the PvP quests, none of it. Out of all the BGs and what not I ran, I was in one successful group. All the rest failed.

When you’re not winning at PvP, it’s a BIG time sink. And there’s little a single player to can to “turn the tide” in group PvP – pretty much at the mercy of the group.

My key point on the M+, however, is simply that run one M+2, and you get a 200 item in the vault. That is a very low barrier to entry.

Yea, its RNG, yea, it’s only one piece. But it’s an easy piece to get.

Alright had a huge long response but I’m not even sure what I’m arguing against because you don’t seem that settled in your own stance. But if I could solo my way to heroic gear I wouldn’t touch raidings awful drop rate or M+'s tuning, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that.

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The higher layers of the Twisting Corridors are every bit has challenging as heroic raiding.

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Think you nailed it with that. Diablo III may be more geared toward your playstyle. Don’t Diablo my Warcraft! It’s almost the same game.

Please, Torghast is cake.

What are you calling the most challenging tasks right now?

I have never once stated this. Ever.

I get that you apparently are going to make up my entire view point, riddled in lies.

You’re a 100% right, the systems in SL are bloated and will eventually implode if not corrected but looking back at BfA, i’m sure this is going to continue until they can milk every last dollar from their playerbase.

Don’t listen to the tolls in this thread, you’re absolutely right in believing this.

Where have you been in the last 15 years ? I have IRL friends who have hit GM, FM solo, yes solo in Vanilla. I hit r11 solo. That “M” thing hasn’t worked for a while.

I don’t think anyone is saying they are wrong. Only that they are fine with it.

I am 100% fine with a pure solo player not being able to compete with people getting better upgrades through m+ and guild raiding.

Can’t play any BGs in Vanilla without a group so that’s a no.

Honestly, i only really raid and do M+ to play with my friends, it’s fun to hang out and do stuff but the gear is a nice bonus, i never really saw the point of trying keep things away from people, i don’t derive any of my self worth from this game, it’s just here for fun and i want others to have fun too :blush:


TC8 solo.

You’ve argued against this and for removing LFR since long before SL. The second I saw your name I knew exactly who you were. This isn’t our first argument on the forums.

Feel free to read the rest of the thread then. That’s why I included other people as saying that.

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We all have but comparing layer 8 of the twisting corridors comparable to doing H Sir is like comparing a apple to goat.

The skill component required for torghast is questionable at best. If you can dodge a dodge ball you can do torghast. Torghast difficulty lies in the anima powers you get. There is no skill required there for that.

Lol, you really are a self-centered jerk with blinders. No, if its available to you, that doesn’t mean its available to everyone.

People play the game under different circumstances, which affect when they play, how much, and for how long. People play different specs, know different people, have different interests that occupy their game time.

These factors affect rate of gear progress and ultimately the ceilings, but never before SL have they imposed a glass ceiling so early after release of a patch.


The Maw mount?

Not everyone. As a solo player I have alot of in-game achievement based goals that I get to start into once I cap my iLvl. It’s about more than grinding iLvl for me in this game.

Multiplayer does not mean group.
MMORPGs are designed to be persistent online worlds players can drop in and out of.
The world persists even if player A stops logging in for a week.
No part of an MMORPG implies grouping is required, even if it makes things easier for players.
Bards back in EQ used to solo things only groups could kill normally.

Lots of games also have informal group activities, including this one, where “solo” players work together to accomplish goals even if only briefly. Rares are a good example of this in WoW.

IMO, they should bring back the badge system similar to what we had in WotLK.
I could work on my alts slowly amassing badges for raid quality gear by doing LFG dungeon runs. Players who raided got more badges but at the end of the day everyone was making some progress towards better gear which is the only form of power progression in WoW.


That is not one of the most challenging tasks in WoW right now.

I have never once ever argued for removing LFR. I am 100% for LFR being a thing.

Feel free to stop making up stuff about people that disagree with you.

There are people that raiding, pvp, or m+ are literally unavailable to? That Blizzard has shut them off from participating in?

Irrelevant. Even if you don’t have time for whatever reason, the methods are still available.

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