Soliciting in World of Warcraft

It’s no wonder why there are so many ‘carry’ sellers out there atm… You can pretty much get a tonne of gold for playing the game and then sell it on a website for real cash, It’s like a job and Blizzard has made it so damn easy for them to do so.

Bondulance dispatched

I believe this is a pretty good example why soliciting is bad in world of warcraft.

Currency to this degree has turned your brains into mush

I think it’s fine but the LFG tool having an option to filter these out would be nice.

No, I think it does. You don’t enjoy fixing your car, but you still want to have your car fixed, yes? Personally, I enjoy fixing my car so I’d much rather do it myself. However, I hate raiding but really like the AOTC mount, so I found myself a carry (fortunately, because I’m cheap, I won a raffle for a free one but I would have bought it eventually if I hadn’t).

I am not one to tell others how to enjoy WoW! Just for me, personally, I like raiding and progressing, so I prefer to do that myself.